TheSmokie 242 Posted April 5, 2020 Share Posted April 5, 2020 Hello, I am in need of a little help with a quest complete condition, for the dk quest, “the gift that keeps on giving” the player throws thing item on the ground to make ghouls, (friendly units.) I need a condition that detects the ones that player makes, == 5 bio33 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Droidz 2752 Posted April 5, 2020 Share Posted April 5, 2020 Hey, try to use wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.PetNumber >= 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Droidz 2752 Posted April 5, 2020 Share Posted April 5, 2020 (check in dev tools the value of "PetNumber" ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheSmokie 242 Posted April 6, 2020 Author Share Posted April 6, 2020 @Droidz The code didnt work, it is a pet from what the dev tools say but everything i tried didnt work, item : dev tools info on unit : Name: Scarlet Ghoul (Entry: 28845 ) GetDynamicFlags = 0 GetUnitDynamicFlags = None WowClass = Warrior IsLocalPlayer = False IsBlacklisted = False Position = 2418.741 ; -5938.905 ; 96.63226 ; "None" PositionWithoutType = 2418.741 ; -5938.905 ; 96.63226 ; "None" PositionRelativeWithoutType = 2418.741 ; -5938.905 ; 96.63226 ; "None" Health = 2450 MaxHealth = 2450 MyCharacterInFrontHim = False HealthPercent = 100 HealthRatio = 1 IsGoodInteractDistance = True InteractDistance = 4.3 CombatReach = 0.9 IsSwimming = False IsFlying = False IsStunned = False AggroDistance = 0 Rotation = 1.775268 Pitch = 0 CreatureTypeTarget = Humanoid FactionTemplate = wManager.Wow.Helpers.WoWFactionTemplate Mana = 0 MaxMana = 0 ManaPercentage = 100 Rage = 0 MaxRage = 100 RagePercentage = 0 Focus = 0 MaxFocus = 0 FocusPercentage = 0 Energy = 0 MaxEnergy = 100 EnergyPercentage = 0 Chi = 0 MaxChi = 0 ChiPercentage = 0 Runes = 0 MaxRunes = 6 RunesPercentage = 0 RunicPower = 0 MaxRunicPower = 100 RunicPowerPercentage = 0 SoulShards = 2450 MaxSoulShards = 0 SoulShardsPercentage = 0 Eclipse = 0 MaxEclipse = 0 EclipsePercentage = 0 UnitClassification = normal IsElite = False IsWorldBoss = False HolyPower = 1000 MaxHolyPower = 0 HolyPowerPercentage = 0 Alternate = 0 MaxAlternate = 0 AlternatePercentage = 0 DarkForce = 100 MaxDarkForce = 0 DarkForcePercentage = 0 LightForce = 0 MaxLightForce = 0 LightForcePercentage = 0 ShadowOrbs = 0 MaxShadowOrbs = 0 ShadowOrbsPercentage = 0 BurningEmbers = 1000 MaxBurningEmbers = 0 BurningEmbersPercentage = 0 DemonicFury = 0 MaxDemonicFury = 0 DemonicFuryPercentage = 0 ArcaneCharges = 0 MaxArcaneCharges = 0 ArcaneChargesPercentage = 0 Faction = 2 DisplayId = 25000 GetMove = False SpeedMoving = 0 GetDistance = 3.402057 GeHitBoxtDistance = 1.002057 GetDistance2D = 3.400037 GetDistanceZ = 0.1172256 IsAlive = True IsDead = False IsLootable = False IsTaggedByOther = False TaggedByMe = False IsTapDenied = False IsMyPet = True HasTarget = False IsTargetingMe = False IsTargetingMyPet = False IsTargetingPartyMember = False IsTargetingMeOrMyPet = False IsTargetingMeOrMyPetOrPartyMember = False IsMyTarget = True IsMyPetTarget = False IsPartyMemberTarget = False IsMeOrMyPetTarget = True IsMeOrMyPetOrPartyMemberTarget = True Target = 0 TargetObject = (Object) : 0 : 0x00000000 : 0 : 0 Level = 56 IsBoss = False PetNumber = 0 Name = Scarlet Ghoul DBCacheRow = 429415616 UnitFlags = PlayerControlled UnitNPCFlags = None Skinnable = False IsNpcSpiritHealer = False IsNpcRepair = False IsNpcVendor = False IsFlightMaster = False IsNpcInnkeeper = False IsNpcVendorFood = False IsAuctioneer = False IsNpcTrainer = False IsNpcWildPets = False Summon = 0 CreatedBy = 32 CreatedBySpell = 52490 SummonedBy = 32 IsPet = True PetOwnerGuid = 32 InCombat = False InCombatFlagOnly = False InCombatWithMe = False CastingSpellId = 0 CastingSpell = (Id found: 0, Name found: , NameInGame found: , Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False) CastingTimeLeft = 0 IsCast = False CanInterruptCasting = False IsMounted = False MountDisplayId = 0 TransportGuid = 0 InTransport = False Reaction = Friendly IsTracked = False IsOnTaxi = False NotSelectable = False IsAttackable = False PlayerControlled = True Silenced = False Rooted = False Influenced = False Confused = False Pacified = False Fleeing = False Possessed = False NpcMarkerId = 0 NpcFlightMastrerIsDiscover = True NpcMarker = None IsOutdoors = False IsIndoors = True IsPartyMember = False IsPartyLeader = False GetBaseAddress = 492847576 IsValid = True GetDescriptorStartAddress = 492851680 Guid = 17379391445961550717 Type = Unit Entry = 28845 Scale = 1 MinInteractDistance = 4.3 MaxInteractDistance = 50 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pudge 24 Posted April 6, 2020 Share Posted April 6, 2020 hi, you can try this method ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit().Count(u => u.IsMyPet && u.Name == "Scarlet Ghoul") == 5 TheSmokie 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheSmokie 242 Posted April 6, 2020 Author Share Posted April 6, 2020 12 hours ago, pudge said: hi, you can try this method ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit().Count(u => u.IsMyPet && u.Name == "Scarlet Ghoul") == 5 Thanks mate! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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