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bot going full retard on nodes in the water.


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i'm using seu's 0.9 and everytime bot sees something in the water it lands tries to farm and afterwards it tries to jump in the water swims a little bit and then tries to jump off of the water - fails then repeat.


btw my char is a druid.

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You can try blacklisting the areas that have the water nodes? My main is a druid and i typically don't have problems with the water nodes.


EDIT: or you can just try using a mount instead of flight form. Since you can't use flight form in water but you can mount. That might solve the problem.

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yeah using a mount could be useful but wouldnt a druid using a flying mount instead of flight form draw attention ?


and i tried to blacklist both nodes and area but blacklisting never seemed to work for me ..


EDIT : using another flying mount made it even worse it got stuck on branches flight form never did before.. so back to flight form for better or worse.

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General Settings > Enter Advanced Settings > Tab Looting and farming options > Check Detect nodes stuck


it was alraeady checked. but node is not stuck its idiot druid trying jump out of water and try to switch to flight form at the same time before actually walking / swimming out of the water.

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