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[fighting class]how do i use trinkets and life spirits?


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how do i use my pvp trinket in my fighting class? id like to use it to get out of fears so i dont pull more shit.

and i'd like to use life spirits in combat to heal me additionaly for more survivability with shitty gear.


any idea?

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If you have racial spell its easy setup but trinkets would need lua script i believe since its not a spell.

Ohren or droidz will help you with that.

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The LUA to use trinkets is


UseInventoryItem( 13 ); 
UseInventoryItem( 14 );

13 being top when looking at your character sheet.

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Below is a BASIC example of using trinkets.


You simply enter the LUA you want to execute INSTEAD OF the spell, head to the top right box, scroll down to the WAYYYY bottom, and you'll find "Not spell, is lua script", that needs to be TRUE. Then just add your conditions like any other spell.


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You can also use this lua code:
RunMacroText("/use item:52306")
(replace 52306 by your item id, this code is compatible with all wow client langage and you don't need to know bag slot), in condition add http://www.wowwiki.com/API_GetItemCount
count = GetItemCount(52306) if count > 0 then ret = "true" else ret = "false" end
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

This works great for all sorts of things!  Thanks!  One thing I'm using it for is to a fire "Master Healing Potion" when needed:


Add Spell Name:  RunMacroText("/use item:76097")


Add Condition: Health Percent (set to your preference -- I've got mine at 20%)


Add LUA Script: 

     LUA Script:  count = GetItemCount(76097) ; if count > 0 then vRet = 1 else vRet = 0 end 

     Return Value Research: 1

     Return Value var:  vRet

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  • 3 weeks later...

This works great for all sorts of things!  Thanks!  One thing I'm using it for is to a fire "Master Healing Potion" when needed:


Add Spell Name:  RunMacroText("/use item:76097")


Add Condition: Health Percent (set to your preference -- I've got mine at 20%)


Add LUA Script: 

     LUA Script:  count = GetItemCount(76097) ; if count > 0 then vRet = 1 else vRet = 0 end 

     Return Value Research: 1

     Return Value var:  vRet

i have a macro that is from dk to self heal:#showtooltip Lichborne


/cast !Lichborne;
/cast [target=player] Death Coil

how do i make this to work when i am low on health? Cos it has 2 lines of macro..add them all into one spell name or make 2 spell name with same condition?

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i have a macro that is from dk to self heal:#showtooltip Lichborne


/cast !Lichborne;
/cast [target=player] Death Coil

how do i make this to work when i am low on health? Cos it has 2 lines of macro..add them all into one spell name or make 2 spell name with same condition?


Can try it:

RunMacroText("/cast !Lichborne; \n /cast [target=player] Death Coil")

or it:

RunMacroText("/cast !Lichborne;") RunMacroText("/cast [target=player] Death Coil")

Not tested


(if fightclass is only for you, you can look this function: http://www.wowwiki.com/API_RunMacro for launch directly your wow macro)

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  • 2 months later...

there is alot of great macros here. but were do I find a place to break it down simple like for me to learn this stiff and not have to ask. Plus what is the maximum charactor limit to the LUA script drop window, and the add a spell box. Im going to try and build a macro / LuA script to make the DK drop Death and Decay with one click. This is my goal for learning LUA and the Macro Scripting.

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The LUA to use trinkets is

UseInventoryItem( 13 ); 
UseInventoryItem( 14 );

13 being top when looking at your character sheet.

Would it be like this?


RunMacroText("/UseInventoryItem( 13 )")

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