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Downgrade and merge of Old Wotlk Grind files

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Okay so as the title says would you guys like it if I took my old 1- 40 grind files and tweaked em for 1.12.1? I.E changing FP to be usable in vanilla, and adding more grind swap because it kills things that are way to high for vanilla mechanics.

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40 minutes ago, colderpotato said:

Okay so as the title says would you guys like it if I took my old 1- 40 grind files and tweaked em for 1.12.1? I.E changing FP to be usable in vanilla, and adding more grind swap because it kills things that are way to high for vanilla mechanics.

Yes absolutely. How long would this take if you started today?

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when did you say this was available? :p

This is not extremely relevant, but I've noticed there isn't much in the fightclass section either for vanilla. Ive got some OK ones started for warlock and druid but need some major refining.

I can't get shapeshift to work on druid for anything. Getting out of shapeshift is simple w/ an out of combat macro on the bot but the fightclass does not recognize the form spell names as I have them, anyone here have a solution?



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Really maybe no time at all just the risk of ban is higher even with it swapping every level to different areas. I'll start working on it, but that might take some time from the questing files I'm doing.

The bot can't do forms in the same way as tbc+ due to needing have it on the bars. Check out my Warlock File it's getting more decent with time for leveling with a Void-Walker.

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3 minutes ago, colderpotato said:

Okay, so to be lazy i tried just copying the bits of code for quest order in and quest content. The only issue atm is file is now 291kb and won't let me check it in editing with quest creator tool http://www.fast-files.com/getfile.aspx?file=131594

Dunno if messed up or not, because it was a metric crap ton to copy to try make it a single file due to all the follow paths in it.

That site is aids- cant just link directly?

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awesome thanks! it looks perfect based on description, not sure how I didn't see that one earlier.
I figured the form thing out, it works fine in fightclass with the skill on the actionbar, still doesnt explain why my macro doesn't work but it doesn't matter anymore

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1 hour ago, colderpotato said:

I'll have it up this weekend all that's left is to smooth out grind from 13 to 40 with more spots and add in flight path changes in STV from wotlk.

As in tomorrow Friday? (:

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