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Vanilla leveling profiles ?

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I am atm quest goes to 1- 20 Human, but what's public goes 1- 17 and merge on my 13 -40 ginder from wotlk is going well It just needs to be polished more for vanilla.

I feel like an idiot though few mistakes i had correct 1- 13, but should be no issue at 5 trying to do Imp quest if not lock and finally got Void-walker quest done 100%. I really just need someone to test it again since my efforts are split right now testing 3.3.5a tweaking the 13 -40 for vanilla and running 2 quest bots one at 13 and other is reaching 20+. By all means you can use anything I already made just give credit where credit is due.

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Random to add on to this, but merged the 1 - 13 and 13 -17 so just one file also improved ignoring paths for void walker after you hit 11. I'm look into forced training from my 3.3.5a grinder main thing need is to sort out a profile that changes as it levels. Edit: Oh yeah it'd be neat if Butler only worked Vanilla, but there is no support for it from how 1.12.1 bot works :(

Edit: forgot to check npcs, so won't be afk tell you check the 13 - 17 and compare npc quest giver information, but I'll upload it later just out of time for the day.

Link 1: Warlock spell swapping (not working atm) http://www.fast-files.com/getfile.aspx?file=131630

Link 2: 1- 17 merge test

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Started the project today (for horde this time though)


1-5 Troll/orc


In progress:

15-20 Troll/orc


This will follow the VanillaGuide as close as possible (so far 100 %)

Takes pretty long as i have to level with the profile while i create it

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