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Executing Lua code only once after I die


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Is there any way in my fight class to execute Lua code, whenever I die, once?
I want it to call ReloadUI() to prevent the combat rotation from stopping randomly on a MoP client.


I tried some custom scripts, but the bot never executed them (and there is that issue of only doing it ONCE too).

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in the fightclass editor, in "Additionnal C# code" (top left) put this code:

    static Main()
        bool lastState = false;

        while (Conditions.ProductIsStarted)
            if (Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndProductStartedNotInPause &&
                if (lastState && !ObjectManager.Me.IsDeadMe)
                    Logging.WriteDebug("Retrieve corpse, ReloadUI");
                lastState = ObjectManager.Me.IsDeadMe;


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That bugs it entirely, so the bot only keeps working if I turn it on/off (for one fight, but it doesn't run unless I turn it on, and doesn't fight unless I turn it off).
Probably a multithreading issue.

But it's okay, I'll use this to write a custom plugin instead.

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