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Hi there,

i have problems from time to time with relogger loading the correct fightclass while
switching chars and profiles. Sometimes relogger/worobot does not load the fight class
and my feral druid fights in human form. When i close wrobot and it autoloads again with
relogger it works. This bug is happening very often.

The problem exists since last year.

This problem happens on all of my 12 bots in the past, currently i set death to 2 or 3 in
a short period that when this bug occurs and my druid dies because of human fight behaviour
i quit wrobot and relogger starts again...hopefully this time the fightclass loads correctly.

There is any other workaround for that?

Leaving the fightclass empty so wrobot uses the last fight class does also not work.

Is it possible to load the fightclass manually in a questing profile?

Any help would be great.

Thank you
Best regards

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Droidz,

not really, but my workaround is to load the fight class in each profile now:

wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.CustomClass = "Druid-Feral-3-6-Prowl.xml";
wManager.Wow.Helpers.CustomClass.LoadCustomClass();" />

This works for me :-)

Have a nice day

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