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Bot side or server side(not detecting respawns)


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Hi I am using the bot on TBC/Vanilla servers and I have noticed on the server I am playing now (that has increased respawn rate) the bot is not detecting the respawns.


I clear all the mobs on the path it tracks back and ignores them when they respawn after a few minutes it starts detecting them again but until then it just runs through them like they are not there.


I would like to know is this a server side problem or my bot settings, I have had this issue on this p server with multiple profiles.


ps - Is there any reason why I can't use vanilla profiles on Wotlk for example if I just customize it to add the new abilities from tbc/wotlk

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It's a bit of bot. Private servers re-use GUIDs of NPCs, so after the bot temporarily blacklists them (because they're dead) and the server respawns them with the exact same ID, it won't "see" them anymore.

You can clear your session blacklist. There is already another topic with the C# code for it (you can also click on it in the Tools section).

And vanilla to wrath profiles should mostly work across expansions. Same as any Outlands or Northrend profile should work on any private server, because those things haven't changed on retail.

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