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this is driving me crazy lol...party mode target

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hey @Droidz can u plz add @party1 , @party2  , @party3 , @party4 , and @raid1-40 heal conditions like u have it for target and self...

im not a coder and i just dont know how to add all the code snippets ppl are posting

i just want it to not target whoever im healing 

if this is not possible its ok


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Hello, if you use spell option "For friends (party)" you don't need to use "party..."

When you use option "For friends (party)", all conditions with "...Target..." are are replaced automatically by party members. You need also to use condition "Target Distance" to check manually spell range.

If you want to use party1, party2... use lua.

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57 minutes ago, Droidz said:

When you use option "For friends (party)", all conditions with "...Target..." are are replaced automatically by party members. You need also to use condition "Target Distance" to check manually spell range.

yes i get this but the bot still targets that player...

im attacking creeper mob ....bot makes me target tank to heal him

i just wanta keep my target and still heal tank

57 minutes ago, Droidz said:

you want to use party1, party2... use lua.

no clue how to add this sry....

i give up lol...guess this bots for ppl who code and stuff lol not for ppl like me 

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