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Priest - Won't cast Shadow Word: Pain - Log and Fight Class attached

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Hi All,

I've just purchased this bot and attempted to make my own fightclass. The first thing that I wanted to do was to create a Priest that casts SW:P first, and then other spells. I have been having troubles getting the spell to go off.

Any assistance with this would be great, thanks!


13 Jun 2017 00H49.log.html

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For your "Target Buff" condition, try changing Need to True.

Also, it's better practice to use "Buff Casted By Me" instead of "Target Buff", in case another priest has cast SWP on the target.

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this is a problem with TBC 2.4.3, where on players HaveBuff doesn't work (I tried C# API too). It works on NPCs.
Or at least, in Battlegrounder mode this is bugged, but doing it normally while leveling works fine.

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On 14/06/2017 at 11:57 AM, Matenia said:


this is a problem with TBC 2.4.3, where on players HaveBuff doesn't work (I tried C# API too). It works on NPCs.
Or at least, in Battlegrounder mode this is bugged, but doing it normally while leveling works fine.

Hello, Are you sure? I cannot reproduct this problem

On 12/06/2017 at 11:55 PM, jrouten said:

For your "Target Buff" condition, try changing Need to True.

Also, it's better practice to use "Buff Casted By Me" instead of "Target Buff", in case another priest has cast SWP on the target.

Hello, "Buff Casted By Me" don't works on TBC

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Yes, it works in PvE I think, but not in PvP.

I made this Extensions to help it atm:

public static bool HaveDebuff(this WoWUnit unit, string name)
        if (unit == null)
            return false;

        var tmpFocus = ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid;
        ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid = unit.Guid;
        string luaString = @"hasDebuff = false;
        for i=1,40 do
	        local name, rank, iconTexture, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft = UnitDebuff(""focus"", i);
            if name == ""{0}"" then
                hasDebuff = true
        bool hasDebuffType = Lua.LuaDoString<bool>(string.Format(luaString, name), "hasDebuff");
        ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid = tmpFocus;
        return hasDebuffType;


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