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How to handle a quest accept on interact?


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Hello guys,

i want to get startet in creating my own Questing profile.
I just started a simple profile. (Quest pickup -> pulse -> turnin)

My problem:
I get the quest with the onclick-event on the npc.
When I use "Action type: PulseAllInOne" then the bot is in the PickUp State forever because it does not recognize the accepted quest.
In the "Quests order editor", when i select Action-type "IfHasQuest" what should i write in the Action parameter textbox? Lua Code, C# Code or just the Questname from the selectionbox when i select Action type "Pulse" ?

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12 minutes ago, Degix said:

When I use "Action type: PulseAllInOne" then the bot is in the PickUp State forever because it does not recognize the accepted quest.

That sounds like you have the incorrect quest ID-  how did you obtain that?  if you open the quest editor and go Tools > helper tools > 'current quests memory info' is the quest in the profile identical to the one identified by wrobot editor?


Also  a bit of background into the quest you are attempting- and if possible the profile itself so we can see how it works.

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22 minutes ago, eeny said:

That sounds like you have the incorrect quest ID-  how did you obtain that?  if you open the quest editor and go Tools > helper tools > 'current quests memory info' is the quest in the profile identical to the one identified by wrobot editor?


Also  a bit of background into the quest you are attempting- and if possible the profile itself so we can see how it works.

 obtained the quest ID via. Target NPC  Info. Then copied the nr in EntryTarget.Add and pasted it in NPC Quest giver info. Figured out that  'current quests memory info' has another quest id value than i got with my method.

Will try that. Thanks :)


Okay now he skips the step automatically. Thanks!

I have chosen Quest type: "Interact with NPC" now. He goes to the NPC and interact with him, but still is in "pulse" State and not in "turn in". (yes i have added the 2nd npc and gave him the new quest id :D)
Should i choose an other Quest Type if it's just a running Quest, like run from a to b?

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