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The only problem I have with feeding my pet is that BOT does not WAIT for "Feed Pet" buff to fade. Bot will engage in combat Constantly, which makes my pet lose the "Feed buff" then it doesn't feed...


Any way I can make the bot WAIT for PET to feed before starting combat?

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Its getting frustrating. Some areas there are a lot of mobs so the bot doesn't take break "as a hunter with viper." But my problem is that sometimes my pet gets unhappy because the bot is constantly going into combat!


I need the bot to wait while "Pet Feed Effect" is active.

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I think it's finally time you convert your fightclass to C# or buy Jasabi's. 

What you'll have to do is cancel all events in the fight loop, while your pet (and begin fight, I believe), while your pet has the feeding buff. 

You can find how to do that on the forums, but you can't easily make that part of an XML fightclass. 

wManager.Events.FightEvents.OnFightLoop += (WoWUnit unit, CancelEventArgs args) =>
                while(ObjectManager.Pet.HaveBuff("Feed Pet")

Haven't tested this. You might have to use OnFightStart instead of OnFightLoop.

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On 7/20/2017 at 0:48 AM, Matenia said:

I think it's finally time you convert your fightclass to C# or buy Jasabi's. 

What you'll have to do is cancel all events in the fight loop, while your pet (and begin fight, I believe), while your pet has the feeding buff. 

You can find how to do that on the forums, but you can't easily make that part of an XML fightclass. 

wManager.Events.FightEvents.OnFightLoop += (WoWUnit unit, CancelEventArgs args) =>
                while(ObjectManager.Pet.HaveBuff("Feed Pet")

Haven't tested this. You might have to use OnFightStart instead of OnFightLoop.

thank you for sharing my friend. Tho I am clueless about C# and all these things. All I know is how to use the fight class creator so I really dont know how to use this.


My hunter consumes all pet food fast because everytime it feed the pet, it starts a combat.

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