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Prioritize Low HP targets


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Like the title says...

I'm working on a BM hunter fightclass. I'd like to find a way to make it prioritize low hp enemies when there are multiple aggro'd... I have no idea where to start though.


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14 hours ago, Lockem said:

Like the title says...

I'm working on a BM hunter fightclass. I'd like to find a way to make it prioritize low hp enemies when there are multiple aggro'd... I have no idea where to start though.


You need an OnFightLoop fight event.

I'm not sure whether this is the correct way to handle events but it's the way I could come up with, since my knowledge of Csharp is very limited still... BUT, what I do is put the OnFightLoop event in a method and call it during initialization. Once it is called the events "are recognized" and will fire everytime you are in a fight loop.

Disclaimer: this is not tested, put this together just now...

public void TargetSwitcher() // needs to be called just once, ie during Initialize
	FightEvents.OnFightLoop += (unit, cancelable) => { // this code will loop everytime you are fighting
		List<WoWUnit> attackers = ObjectManager.GetUnitAttackPlayer(); // gets all units attacking you
		if (attackers.Count > 1) // if you are attacked by more than one mob
			Logging.WriteDebug("More than 1 attackers detected.");
			//WoWUnit highestHP = attackers.OrderBy(uo => uo.HealthPercent).LastOrDefault(); // sort the list based on HP from lowest to highest, pick highest
			WoWUnit lowestHP = attackers.OrderBy(ou => ou.HealthPercent).FirstOrDefault(); // sort the list based on HP from lowest to highest, pick lowest
			if (lowestHP != null && lowestHP.IsValid && lowestHP.IsAlive && !lowestHP.IsMyTarget) // if the lowest hp mob is valid, alive and NOT your current target
				cancelable.Cancel = true; // not TOO sure about this one haha
				Interact.InteractGameObject(lowestHP.GetBaseAddress); // switch to it
				Fight.StartFight(lowestHP.GetBaseAddress); // start fighting it
				Logging.WriteDebug("Switched to lowestHP target.");


As a bonus, check this post by Droidz. Might be usefull too.


Let me know how it worked out for ya...

Edited by Seminko
corrected unitToAttack --> lowestHP
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I do believe Seminko did not define unitToAttack.

Simply replace

if (lowestHP != null && unitToAttack.IsValid && unitToAttack.IsAlive && !lowestHP.IsMyTarget) // if the lowest hp mob is valid, alive and NOT your current target


if (lowestHP != null && lowestHP.IsValid && lowestHP.IsAlive && !lowestHP.IsMyTarget) // if the lowest hp mob is valid, alive and NOT your current target


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3 minutes ago, Apexx said:

I do believe Seminko did not define unitToAttack.

Simply replace

if (lowestHP != null && unitToAttack.IsValid && unitToAttack.IsAlive && !lowestHP.IsMyTarget) // if the lowest hp mob is valid, alive and NOT your current target


if (lowestHP != null && lowestHP.IsValid && lowestHP.IsAlive && !lowestHP.IsMyTarget) // if the lowest hp mob is valid, alive and NOT your current target


Yea, that is my bad. Was copying stuff from my other FCs :) Let me update the original reply. Thx for correcting me.

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@Seminko Actually found your post about multi target rotations:


internal void MultiTargetRotation()
        var unitsAffectingMyCombat = ObjectManager.GetUnitAttackPlayer();

        if (unitsAffectingMyCombat.Count <= 0)

        var unitsAttackMe = unitsAffectingMyCombat.Where(u => u != null && u.IsValid && u.IsTargetingMe).ToList();

        if (unitsAttackMe.Count >= 1)
            var unitToAttack = unitsAttackMe.FirstOrDefault(u => u != null && u.IsValid && !u.IsMyPetTarget);
            if (unitToAttack != null && unitToAttack.IsValid && unitToAttack.IsAlive)
                if (!unitToAttack.IsMyTarget)
                    Interact.InteractGameObject(unitToAttack.GetBaseAddress, !ObjectManager.Me.GetMove);
                if (unitToAttack.IsMyTarget)
                Logging.Write("PET ATTACKING: " + unitToAttack);
			var unitsAttackPet = unitsAffectingMyCombat.Where(u => u != null && u.IsValid && u.IsTargetingMyPet && (!u.HaveBuff("Corruption") || !u.HaveBuff("Curse of Agony"))).FirstOrDefault();
            if (unitsAttackPet != null && unitsAttackPet.IsValid && unitsAttackPet.IsAlive && !unitsAttackPet.IsMyPetTarget)
                if (!unitsAttackPet.IsMyTarget)
					if (!unitsAttackPet.HaveBuff("Corruption") && Corruption.IsSpellUsable)
						Interact.InteractGameObject(unitsAttackPet.GetBaseAddress, !ObjectManager.Me.GetMove);
					if (!unitsAttackPet.HaveBuff("Curse of Agony") && CurseOfAgony.IsSpellUsable)
						Interact.InteractGameObject(unitsAttackPet.GetBaseAddress, !ObjectManager.Me.GetMove);
						SpellManager.CastSpellByNameLUA("Curse of Agony");
                if (unitsAttackPet.IsMyTarget)
					if (!unitsAttackPet.HaveBuff("Corruption") && Corruption.IsSpellUsable)
					if (!unitsAttackPet.HaveBuff("Curse of Agony") && CurseOfAgony.IsSpellUsable)
						SpellManager.CastSpellByNameLUA("Curse of Agony");


This is exactly what I'm trying to do with my hunter FC... Just updating it a bit based on the function you linked above. Hope that's ok!

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2 minutes ago, Lockem said:

@Seminko Actually found your post about multi target rotations:

This is exactly what I'm trying to do with my hunter FC... Just updating it a bit based on the function you linked above. Hope that's ok!

Sure thing, but that's an old code. ;) Now I would not "hardcode" abilities into an OnFightLoop since it might mess with your FC.

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