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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Changed Status to Fixed
  2. I recently added https://wrobot.eu/articles/news/mobiyo-allopass-payment-gateway-has-been-added-r133/
  3. Hello, At the end of your subscription, we will send you an invoice with renewal link to remind you to renew your subscription. We will not automatically renew your subscription.
  4. Hello, in product "settings tab" you need to disable option "Manage character movement"
  5. Hello, There is no other solution than events, a bot session can contain several FSMs.
  6. Droidz


    Are you enabled https://wrobot.eu/byme/doc/html/P-wManager.wManagerSetting.RestingMana.htm ?
  7. Droidz


    You are sure that no one of your plugins/figthclass/profile change these settings ? Check value of option (with dev tools) when bot is running
  8. Droidz


    Hi, try to disable option "TryToUseBestBagFoodDrink"
  9. Hello, you need to install SlimDX (4.0 X86)
  10. Hello, If you get stuck often it is probably your profile. But movement behavior can't be changed with default WRobot feature.
  11. Hello, you can use lua https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/API_Quit but, no easy way to use it with relogger. And I found it better to not save settings, some profiles/plugins/fightclass modify wow settings.
  12. Hello, your profile is for Wotlk ? Profile path are good (not positions underground or in water)? When you activate Radar3D where bot try to go ? Do you have tried to disable your wow addons and wrobot plugins? DO you have log file of bugged session?
  13. Hello, wait next updaet
  14. Changed Status to Added Changed Version to All
  15. Try to activate radar3d (tab "Map") to see where the bot is trying to go. Try also to use option "Use lua to move" (in advanved general settings)
  16. Hello, To start, try to disable all Wow addons. Try to increment your min/max latency (in advanced general settings)
  17. Hello, try to reset your Wow shortcut (and restart bot). In advanced general settings tab "Looting..." option "Skip nodes in water"
  18. Hello, probably because NPC is dead. You need to interact with him with quest type "InteractWith" (donc forget to enable quest option "accept dead npc".
  19. Hello, To start, disable all Wow addons. If your problem is not resolved try to disable (one per one, to found if one of them is the problem) all wrobot plugins and change/disable fightclass/profile.
  20. Hello, in the quest option (base settings) you can use "WhenSelectStep" and "WhenLeaveStep". Or in quests profile steps you can add RunCode steps before and after to pulse your quest
  21. Hello, you have forget the "return" : return wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Level < 10;
  22. Yes : https://wrobot.eu/byme/doc/html/AllMembers.T-wManager.wManagerSetting.htm https://wrobot.eu/byme/doc/html/AllMembers.T-wManager.wManagerGlobalSetting.htm https://wrobot.eu/byme/doc/html/AllMembers.T-robotManager.robotManagerGlobalSetting.htm
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