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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, WRobot support now Wow Legion patch If you play on european server, wait tomorrow to update WRobot (if you have updated WRobot, you can download old version of WRobot here). More info about this wow version: Click here View full article
  2. Hello, WRobot support now Wow Legion patch If you play on european server, wait tomorrow to update WRobot (if you have updated WRobot, you can download old version of WRobot here). More info about this wow version: Click here
  3. Hello, try to activate "Use lua to move" in advanced general settings, you can also try to increment min/max latency in advance general settings tab others
  4. Hello, Can you share your log file please ( http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/ ). Can you try to activate option "Use lua to move" in advanced general settings
  5. Hello, in c# use: wManager.Wow.Helpers.Quest.HasQuest(1234) (replace 1234 by quest id, and add ! before if you want test if character not have quest). If you use quest editor and you want check it in "quests order", add step type "IfHasQuest" or "IfHasNotQuest" with in param the quest id (don't forget to add step type "EndIf").
  6. You can replace PressKey... by wManager.Wow.Helpers.MovementManager.MoveTo(1, 2, 3);
  7. Hello, do you have try to contact fightclass owner. You can watch this tuto to edit yourself fightclass: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/3560-fight-class-tutorial-video/
  8. Hello, I have upgraded your subscription, you can now use your key with this version. Kind regards
  9. Hello, http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/4704-herbalism-elwyn-forest/?do=findComment&comment=21848 like here activate radar 3d to find bad position (and remove it from your profile)
  10. Droidz

    Legion 7.0.3

    Hello, I have upgraded your license key, you can now use your key with this wrobot version.
  11. Hello, use plugin like HearthstoneToGoToTown.cs (not tested): using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; using robotManager.Events; using robotManager.FiniteStateMachine; using robotManager.Helpful; using wManager.Wow.Helpers; using wManager.Wow.ObjectManager; public class Main : wManager.Plugin.IPlugin { public void Initialize() { FiniteStateMachineEvents.OnRunState += FiniteStateMachineEventsOnOnRunState; Logging.Write("[HearthstoneToGoToTown] Loadded."); } public void Dispose() { Logging.Write("[HearthstoneToGoToTown] Disposed."); } public void Settings() { MessageBox.Show("[HearthstoneToGoToTown] No settings for this plugin."); } private void FiniteStateMachineEventsOnOnRunState(Engine engine, State state, CancelEventArgs cancelable) { try { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(state.DisplayName) || state.DisplayName != "To Town") return; Logging.WriteDebug("[HearthstoneToGoToTown] Use Hearthstone."); var o = wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.CloseIfPlayerTeleported; wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.CloseIfPlayerTeleported = false; MovementManager.StopMove(); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency + 150); Lua.LuaDoString("local itemName, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ = GetItemInfo(6948); RunMacroText('/use ' .. itemName);"); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency + 500); if (ObjectManager.Me.IsCast) { Usefuls.WaitIsCasting(); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency + 10000); // wait load screen } wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.CloseIfPlayerTeleported = o; } catch (Exception e) { Logging.WriteError("[HearthstoneToGoToTown] " + e); } } }
  12. Bonjour, essayé de désactiver votre antivirus http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/4709-low-fps-after-bot-start/?do=findComment&comment=21828
  13. Check if you don't use flying profile
  14. Hello, use this c# code: if (wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(new robotManager.Helpful.Vector3(1, 2, 3), 12345)) // replace 1, 2, 3 by position, and 12345 by npc entry id { wManager.Wow.Helpers.Usefuls.SelectGossipOption(wManager.Wow.Enums.GossipOptionsType.trainer); wManager.Wow.Helpers.Trainer.TrainingSpell(); }
  15. Hello, are you sure that your profile is not outdated?
  16. Hello, you cannot run multi quests objectives at same time (without C# code), but you can: Pickuup QuestA Pickup QuestB Pulse QuestB Pulse QuestA TurnIn QuestA TurnIn QuestB
  17. Do you have try to use another profile? Can you try to activate radar 3d (tab Map) to see where WRobot try to go.
  18. Droidz

    Legion 7.0.3

    Hello, http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/2018-wrobot-old-versions/
  19. You have put "False" at the option "Repeatable quest", put true (in profile "Quete réput sporeggar zangar test +.xml")
  20. Hello, use quest type "InteractWithNPC" and add quest giver en drake entry id
  21. Hello, I get same problem and this is caused by Kaspersky. You can disable protection when you bot, or disable option "System Watcher" from Kaspersky settings.
  22. Hello, yes but you need to send me private message (because I need to upgrade your subscription to normal wrobot subscription, for the moment legion you private servers use old normal WRobot versions).
  23. Only food and drink items (you can found option in advanced general settings)
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