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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Bonjour, je suis désolé mais le site français n'a pas était mise à jour. La version d'essai n'existe plus sur WRobot pour serveur officiel de Wow (mais elle est diponible sur WRobot pour serveur privée). ps: http://wrobot.eu/articles/news/some-changes-r99
  2. Sorry, I have fixed my first post: http://wrobot.eu/bugtracker/possibly-bug-auctioner-not-deleting-sale-pending-messages-from-mailbox-r386/?do=findComment&comment=2794
  3. You get message in your log about teamviewer (check if you have process named "TeamViewer.exe" or "TeamViewer_Service.exe")
  4. Are you sure that this problem is not caused by your antivirus?You have try to kill all teamviewer process and service?
  5. Hello, in you spell activate option "For friends (party)". When you use "For friends (party)", you need to use spell condition "Target..." (replace condition "Buff" by "Target Buff"), and check manually target distance (put spell range) with conditon "Target Distance". This option works only on product "WRotation" and "Party".
  6. Hello, sorry I'll not add possibility to edit settings when WRobot running (to avoid bug). Regards.
  7. I have tested I comfirm than "no dx" option disable "auto shoot". I'll fix it (I comeback here when is done).
  8. Hello, do you get error on your log?
  9. Hello, http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/2566-agreed-click-to-move/?do=findComment&comment=11708
  10. Hello, thank you if you can wait next update.
  11. Hello, wait next update and tell me if problem is resolved.
  12. I am sorry but I cannot add code to remove mail (I cannot test if user want keep or not mail). To remove quickly mails, you can run this lua code in tab "Tools" > "Development Tools" > paste code and click on button "Lua (return value in 'ret')": for i = 1, GetInboxNumItems() do local packageIcon, stationeryIcon, sender, subject, money, CODAmount, daysLeft, hasItem, wasRead, wasReturned, textCreated, canReply, isGM = GetInboxHeaderInfo(i); if hasItem == nil or hasItem == 0 or not hasItem then if money == 0 or not money then DeleteInboxItem(i); end end end (this code remove all mails without money/item)
  13. Le produit "Automaton" restera dans la même zone (vous devez changement de zone manuellement). Avec le produit "Grinder", il est possible que le profil contienne plusieurs zone (WRobot change de zone quand le niveau de la zone actuelle est dépassé). Il est possible de vendre/réparer automatiquement avec les deux produits, il vous suffit d'ajouter le vendeur/réparateur a votre profil (ou dans la "NPC DB" onglet "Tools") et de configurer la vente/réparation dans les paramètre avancé (Advanced general settings).
  14. Hello, can you share your log file (after get this problem). Do you have activate option "start fighting with elite" and increment "max unit near" (in advanced general settings)?
  15. Droidz


    Hello, sorry but I don't will release WRobot for TBC.
  16. Bonjour, Oui les profils des autres extensions peuvent fonctionner (le mieu et de tester). Vous avez également le produit "Grinder" et "Automaton" pour monter de niveau.
  17. Hello, you can buy license key here: http://wrobot.eu/store/category/2-wrobot/
  18. Hello, I don't think add this in wrobot API, but you can use lua condition: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1118-snippets-of-lua-codes-for-fightclass/?do=findComment&comment=13302
  19. Get type of buff/debuff LuaScript: local name = GetSpellInfo(53817); local name, rank, icon, count, debuffAuraType = UnitAura("player", name); - you can replace player by UnitId - Replace 53817 by your spell id. Research: Magic or Disease or Poison or Curse Var: debuffAuraType ps: to get buff/aura spell id you can use this script: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1689-useful-scripts/?do=findComment%3Fcomment%3D8832
  20. Use two time SpellStopCasting() seem works also: SpellStopCasting() SpellStopCasting() ps: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/3q9dff/how_do_i_cancel_aim_shotsteady_shot_with_kill_shot/cwd7534
  21. Try to use this lua code: RunMacroText('/stopcasting') RunMacroText('/stopcasting')
  22. Can you try to remove folder "WRobot\Data\Meshes\Draenor\" (stop WRobot before remove). Can you give me profiles and fightclass used please.
  23. Do you have added the name of cut gems in "Force sell list" (in advanced settings)?
  24. WRobot can run protected lua command, you can try to move your character if SpellStopCasting() don't works ( http://wowprogramming.com/docs/api/MoveForwardStart and http://wowprogramming.com/docs/api/MoveForwardStop )
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