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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Sorry but I'll not add categories yet, i'll add categories only if the number of files becomes important. Try to use good title like "[Wotlk] [Grinder] Alliance 1-80".
  2. http://wrobot.eu/forums/forum/75-wrobot-users-file-sharing-forum/
  3. Profiles and fightclasses for WRobot for officiel Wow servers (Wow legion at this time) can be download only by WRobot users (need active subscription). Profiles and fightclasses for WRobot for Wow private servers can be download by normal members (I cannot block access because users need fightclasses and profiles to test if WRobot works on his wow server).
  4. It is Visual studio 2015 project (you need to add in project references "robotManager.dll" and "wManager.dll", you can found in in folder "WRobot\Bin\") (base product file is "Main.cs"). Grinder.zip
  5. Hello, Launch Wow in 32 bit. Launch "\WRobot\WRobot.exe". Click on button "Launch Bot". An window appear, if textbox is empty, you need to put text "TRIAL". Click on "Login" bouton.
  6. It is the more easy way to respect French laws of my company. In this tuto, I have put link to paypal, but you can redirect to external site (you can use wordpress with a plugin like https://wp-ecommerce.net/wordpress-isell-easily-sell-digital-downloads-from-your-wordpress-site-1916 , php file like http://www.evoluted.net/thinktank/web-development/paypal-php-integration). I have found https://sellfy.com/ and https://selly.gg/, easy to use, he seem very good.
  7. http://wrobot.eu/bugtracker/rota-bug-r470/?do=findComment&comment=3146
  8. Droidz

    Rota Bug

    Hello, seem works 2016-07-25_18-01-34.mp4 What is your latency ingame?
  9. Hello, what is continent name where is your character? (in you log, can you look if wrobot loading all time same mesh file before crash).
  10. Hello, Required: WRobot subscription active. Buy "Premium Seller" status (before buy this subscription, wait than your file is approved) (it is for 3 months, at the end, if you don't renew your subscription you will no longer be allowed to sell your files). You need be active on the forum or/and share for free files with community (I'll refuse your file if you want sell file without free file shared, or if you have 10 paid files and only 1 free file). You must offer elaborate files created by you (I don't accept files if we can found for free similar or that we can create the same in 2 minutes. If it is simple file (like gatherer profile) I accept if it is pack with several files for low price). Paypal account (you can also use site like https://sellfy.com, https://selly.gg/ or https://gumroad.com/). How to: Contact me by private message and send me the file (not obfuscated and not encrypted, for dll send me source code). that you want to sell, the description and the price, I will approve (or not) (if you post paid file without my approval or you try to scam WRobot team or users, I'll remove you files, ban you and suspend your WRobot subscription). If your file is approved: If you haven't active "Premium Seller" status buy this. optional - You can encrypt your file. Submit a demo version of your file in download section. In "File Name" option put "[PAID]" before the file name. In "About This File", add file description, delivery time, your method of delivery, the link to buy your file and write than you are not associated with WRobot company: You get result like: You can "Preview" your text with editor button Result: If you use Paypal, you can:s Remark: If you are inactive for a long time (more than 1 year)), the WRobot team reserves the right to share your files. Mainly files that members have paid for and which are no longer accessible due to your inactivity (offline authentication server, download link that no longer works...). You can found old paid files here : https://github.com/droidzfr/WRobot_Packages/tree/master/Old paid files
  11. Hello, step 12 ( http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1381-repairinstall-wrobot/#comment-966 ):
  12. Hello, It is hard with xml fightclass, but you can try if you have knowbase with custom c#/lua condition and with "Not Spell is Lua/C# script".
  13. If you use settings in "Product Settings" > "Follow by player name" you get same problem? In game, when your character is in party, can you target you main character and go to wrobot tab "Tools" > "Dev... tools" > click on button "Memory info" (can you send me generated text by private message).
  14. Hello, http://www.wowhead.com/quest=28784/join-the-battle is a very basic quest, you just need to use "pickup" and "turnin" step. For the translation, check with the 'tranlate tools' (tab "Tools") if all texts are translated. If yes, can you share your log and translate file please.
  15. Hello, keep Windows updated, install SlimDX and change the version of DirectX that wow uses (do not forget to restart Wow). You can also launch WRobot with shortcut "WRobot no dx". If you problem is not resovled please share your log file.
  16. Hello, I don't understand, fishing works on your computer or not? If you get problem please read this: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1381-repairinstall-wrobot/#comment-966 and share your log file.
  17. Hello, add "Repair" in your NPC DB (tab 'tools').
  18. Hello, Use "csharp" conditon ObjectManager.Me.InsanityPercentage >= 10 (replace 10 by insanity required) In the next WRobot update, use conditon "Insanity" (for the moment this conditon is bugged).
  19. Droidz

    Fight Class

    Bonjour, il faut déplacer les fightclasses télécharger dans le dossier "WRobot\FightClass\".
  20. In CastSpellByNameOn you need to put Lua Unit ID (http://wow.gamepedia.com/UnitId ) SpellManager.CastSpellByNameOn(spellName, luaUnitId)
  21. Hello, Try to run wow, apply your settings and exit wow by normal way (game menu > exit game). Normally now wow settings is saved when you relaunch wow. ("reloger" kill wow process, and wow seem save settings when you click on game menu > exit game)
  22. Other same (not tested): public enum GroupRoles { NONE, TANK, HEALER, DAMAGER } public static List<WoWPlayer> GetMembersByRoles(GroupRoles role) { var r = new List<WoWPlayer>(); var lua = @"local retMembers = ''; for groupindex = 1,GetNumGroupMembers() do if IsInRaid() then local role = UnitGroupRolesAssigned('raid' .. groupindex); if role == '"+ role + @"' then local guid = UnitGUID('raid' .. groupindex); retMembers = retMembers .. guid .. ';'; end elseif IsInGroup() then local role = UnitGroupRolesAssigned('party' .. groupindex) if role == '" + role + @"' then local guid = UnitGUID('party' .. groupindex); retMembers = retMembers .. guid .. ';'; end end end return retMembers; "; var val = Lua.LuaDoString<string>(lua); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(val)) return r; // no tank var membersGUID = val.Split(new[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (membersGUID.Length <= 0) return r; foreach (var p in Party.GetPartyHomeAndInstance()) { if (!p.IsValid) continue; foreach (var guid in membersGUID) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(guid)) continue; if (p.Guid128.ToString().ToLower() == guid.Trim().ToLower()) r.Add(new WoWPlayer(p.GetBaseAddress)); } } return r; }
  23. I have added WowUnit.Guid128 , you can compare it with http://wow.gamepedia.com/API_UnitGUID. Sample (not tested) (work in wrobot for wod and legion): public static List<WoWPlayer> GetTanks() { var r = new List<WoWPlayer>(); var lua = @"local partyTanks = ''; for groupindex = 1,GetNumGroupMembers() do if IsInRaid() then local role = UnitGroupRolesAssigned('raid' .. groupindex); if role == 'TANK' then local guid = UnitGUID('raid' .. groupindex); partyTanks = partyTanks .. guid .. ';'; end elseif IsInGroup() then local role = UnitGroupRolesAssigned('party' .. groupindex) if role == 'TANK' then local guid = UnitGUID('party' .. groupindex); partyTanks = partyTanks .. guid .. ';'; end end end return partyTanks; "; var val = Lua.LuaDoString<string>(lua); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(val)) return r; // no tank var tanksGUID = val.Split(new[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (tanksGUID.Length <= 0) return r; foreach (var p in Party.GetPartyHomeAndInstance()) { if (!p.IsValid) continue; foreach (var guid in tanksGUID) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(guid)) continue; if (p.Guid128.ToString().ToLower() == guid.Trim().ToLower()) r.Add(new WoWPlayer(p.GetBaseAddress)); } } return r; }
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