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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Ok, thank you. Can you try again with new WRobot update and tell me if problem is resolved.
  2. The number of NPC's.
  3. Hello, Can you share your log file please: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/ Do you get this problem without fightclass?
  4. Bonjour, Pouvez vous partager votre fichier journal: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/ Avez vous installé les logiciels requis (Visual C + + 2010 (X86) et SlimDX (4.0 X86))? Avez vous essayé de changer la version utiliser de DirectX par wow (dans les configurations de Wow)?
  5. Hello, I am sorry but I cannot help you, he have a lot of change since WRobot for MoP. You can look this: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1118-snippets-of-lua-codes-for-fightclass/?do=findComment&comment=6551 , but the best way is to create fightclass in C# (more possibility). I'll soon get out versions of WRobot for private servers (is versions will have the last additions of WRobot),and then I could help you properly.
  6. Hello, Do you get this problem only with travel form? When your character cast http://www.wowhead.com/skill=356/fishing you keep travel form (you fish with travel form?)?
  7. Hello, Do you put name like is appear in game? (with upper and lower case), if you game is in english, you need to put: Worm Supreme
  8. Sample Use item: local name = GetItemInfo(6256); RunMacroText("/use " .. name); Use spell: local name = GetSpellInfo(109259); RunMacroText("/cast " .. name);
  9. Hello, Reply here: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/2452-get-off-trail-and-on-to-my-account/?do=findComment&comment=11316 and you can found your license key here: http://wrobot.eu/clients/purchases/
  10. The easy way is to use Grinder or Gatherer product to make dungeon profile (tuto and sample here: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1925-sample-dungeon-profile/?do=findComment&comment=9355 ) To check position you can use c# code (IsCompleteCondition): return wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D(new robotManager.Helpful.Vector3(-313.3, -120.6, 0)) < 2;
  11. Que veut tu dire par provoquer un loot? Il y a déjà un option pour loot les mobs proche dans WRotation.
  12. Salut, Pour savoir si le produit utiliser et le bot de pêche, tu peux utiliser: robotManager.Products.Products.ProductName == "Fisherbot" Pour voir si le personnage pêche tu peux utiliser: ObjectManager.Me.CastingSpellId == 131476 ou: ObjectManager.Me.CastingSpell.Name == "Fishing" ( http://www.wowhead.com/spell=131476/fishing ) ps: Tu peux aussi essayer: wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.FishingTask.IsLaunched
  13. Yes, replace // Wait during bot in pause while (_isLaunched && Products.InPause && Products.IsStarted) { Thread.Sleep(10); } By: // Wait during bot in pause var pauseTime = new Timer(1000 * 5); // 5 sec = 5000 ms while (!pauseTime.IsReady && _isLaunched && Products.InPause && Products.IsStarted) { Thread.Sleep(10); } Products.InPause = false;
  14. Essaye avec ObjectManager.Me.InCombatFlagOnly
  15. "Fight.InFight" retourne "true" quand WRobot est lui-même en combat (qu'il a fait Fight.StartFight(...)), rien à voir avec ce qui ce passe dans wow, WRobot peut être InFight alors que le combat n'a pas encore commencé (il est InFight dès qu'il a choisi la cible (par exemple dans le bot "Grinder", par en étape par étape ca donne: Recherche de la cible > On utilise la fonction Fight.StartFight(...) (InFight = true) > On va vers la cible > Sélection de la cible (ciblage, on clique dessus) > Lance le premier sort des que le joueur est à portée > combat > cible morte > sort de la fonction StartFight(...) (InFight = false)). InCombat, lui vérifie plusieurs éléments: Que le joueur n’est pas mort. Que le portrait du joueur clignote rouge (Me.InCombatFlagOnly). Recherche dans la liste des objets les units qui ont pour cible le joueur, ou le pet du joueur, ou un membre du groupe. UnitCanAttack est limité comme tu le dis, car il faut que le joueur ait pour cible l'unit, c'est à faire en dernier, avant de lancer la rotation, pour vérifier si la cible est bien attaquable.
  16. Try it: using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; using robotManager.Helpful; using robotManager.Products; using wManager.Plugin; using wManager.Wow.Helpers; using Timer = robotManager.Helpful.Timer; public class Main : IPlugin { private List<string> Names = new List<string> { "Frozen Fury", "Warsong Initiate", "", }; private bool _isLaunched; public void Initialize() { _isLaunched = true; var timer = new Timer(1500); timer.ForceReady(); Logging.Write("[Search Objects] Loaded."); while (_isLaunched && Products.IsStarted) { try { if (timer.IsReady && Conditions.ProductIsStartedNotInPause) { foreach (var o in wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit()) { try { if (o.IsValid && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.Name) && Names.Contains(o.Name)) { Logging.Write("NPC found: " + o.Name); ObjectFound(); } } catch { } } foreach (var o in wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWGameObject()) { try { if (o.IsValid && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.Name) && Names.Contains(o.Name)) { Logging.Write("Object found: " + o.Name); ObjectFound(); } } catch { } } timer.Reset(); } } catch { } Thread.Sleep(300); } } public void ObjectFound() { // Pause bot: Products.InPause = true; Fight.StopFight(); MovementManager.StopMove(); LongMove.StopLongMove(); // Play sound In Game //Lua.RunMacroText("/console Sound_EnableSFX 1"); Lua.LuaDoString(@"PlaySoundFile('Sound\\Creature\\Rotface\\IC_Rotface_Aggro01.ogg')"); // Play sound from WRobot var myPlayer = new System.Media.SoundPlayer(wResources.Resource.NewWhisper); var tPlay = new Timer(1000 * 5); // 5 sec = 5000 ms while (!tPlay.IsReady) { myPlayer.PlaySync(); } myPlayer.Stop(); // Wait during bot in pause while (_isLaunched && Products.InPause && Products.IsStarted) { Thread.Sleep(10); } } public void Dispose() { _isLaunched = false; Logging.Write("[Search Objects] Disposed."); } public void Settings() { MessageBox.Show("[Search Objects] No settings for this plugin."); } } (Sound is played in method(function) ObjectFound())
  17. Hello, Normally priority order is respected, you can try to activate in "Spell Settings" the "Debug mode" option and look in log the raison. Do not hesitate to share your log file/fightclass if you want more help.
  18. Hello, thank you. If you can wait next update and tell me if bugged mob detection works better. Try to blacklist zone (tab "Tools") when you found bugged mob.
  19. Merci et de rien, pour les transport aérien utilise ObjectManager.Me.IsOnTaxi
  20. Je viens de tester, et il est vrai que Eclipse renvoi un résultat incorrect. Tu peux utiliser ce code pour remplacer "ObjectManager.Me.Eclipse": var eclipse = Lua.LuaDoString<int>("return UnitPower('player',8)"); (le résultat est en -100 et 100: http://wow.gamepedia.com/PowerType ) Normalement InTransfort devrait fonctionner, tu as aussi IsOnTaxi pour détecter si le joueur utilise un taxi, sinon il reste lua: http://wow.gamepedia.com/API_UnitUsingVehicle (tu veux dire quoi par transport ?) EDIT: Je viens de corriger le code, j'ai oublier de mettre le "return" devant "UnitPower"
  21. Wow seem play game sound only when window is on foreground. If you want use default wrobot alarm sound use: var myPlayer = new System.Media.SoundPlayer(wResources.Resource.NewWhisper); var tPlay = new robotManager.Helpful.Timer(1000 * 5); // 5 sec = 5000 ms while (!tPlay.IsReady) { myPlayer.PlaySync(); } myPlayer.Stop();
  22. Hello, Can you share your log file (where you get problem) please: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/
  23. Hello, Reply here: http://wrobot.eu/bugtracker/quest-editor-r318/
  24. Droidz

    Quest editor

    Hello, Sorry no, quest editor use a lot the wow memory to get informations to create profiles, work without wow can cause a lot of errors. If currently you haven't wow account , you can create wow trial account and use it to launch WRobot.
  25. Hello, In "grinder" bot, WRobot go to next profile zone only when level change, not if continent change. Record the path in same grinder zone.
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