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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, Do you have installed http://slimdx.googlecode.com/files/SlimDX%20Runtime%20.NET%204.0%20x86%20%28January%202012%29.msi on your computer? Try also to change directx version in game.
  2. Hello, WRobot for World of Warcraft Cataclysm private server is available. Download WRobot for Wow Cata ( : Click here (don't forget to select good product during install: ) If you get problem to install WRobot go here.
  3. Hello, WRobot for World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria private server is available. Download WRobot for Wow MoP ( : Click here Download WRobot for Wow MoP ( : Click here (don't forget to select good product during install: ) If you get problem to install WRobot go here.
  4. Hello, Try to activate option "Use Lua to Move" in advanced general settings.
  5. Hello, Can you make new post with your log file (http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/) please. I have check your license key usage and your license key seem works initially, have change you something on your computer? Checked that you use the good license key (try to reinstall wrobot).
  6. Hello, WRobot is ready for Wow 6.2.3 build 20726. Just accept WRobot update at the launch. If you play on european server, don't update WRobot today, wait tommorow (you can downgrade WRobot to Wow 6.2.2 here). You can reports bug here. More info about Wow 6.2.3 here. Best regards, Droidz. View full article
  7. Hello, WRobot is ready for Wow 6.2.3 build 20726. Just accept WRobot update at the launch. If you play on european server, don't update WRobot today, wait tommorow (you can downgrade WRobot to Wow 6.2.2 here). You can reports bug here. More info about Wow 6.2.3 here. Best regards, Droidz.
  8. Hello, I have just released WRobot for Wow 6.2.3 PTR server. You can download it here: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/2471-download-wrobot-for-wow-wod-623-ptr-server/
  9. Hello, I have just released WRobot for Wow 6.2.3 PTR server. You can download it here: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/2471-download-wrobot-for-wow-wod-623-ptr-server/ View full article
  10. You can also use lua code: SendChatMessage("Your message here", "CHANNEL", nil, 2); Replace text Your message here and put this code in "Dev tools" textbox (tab "tools"), and click on boutton "Lua code...".
  11. Hello, You cannot send message on "Trade" channel from tab chat, but you can use this custom profile: http://wrobot.eu/files/file/459-send-messages-bot/
  12. Hello, In pet battle profile creator you can add several zones, and change zone by pets levels. In visual studio, create library project and add in references "wManager.dll" and "robotManager.dll". Open downloaded file with notepad (Default.cs) and copy/past the text in visual studio.
  13. Hello, Where do you want use this? You need to use http://wow.gamepedia.com/API_UnitCastingInfo or http://wow.gamepedia.com/API_UnitChannelInfo to get value of "startTime" and "endTime".
  14. Bonjour, D'après le journal que j'ai de l'utilisation de votre clé, tout semble fonctionner. Vous avez encore ce problème? Si oui vous l'avez depuis quand sur ce PC? Essayez d'installer http://slimdx.googlecode.com/files/SlimDX%20Runtime%20.NET%204.0%20x86%20%28January%202012%29.msi sur votre PC. Vérifier également que vous utilisez bien la bonne clé (sans espace en trop).
  15. Salut, Ca y est depuis pas mal de temps, c'est la vitesse a lequel ce déplace l'unit, mais c'est peut utile (ce n'est pas utilisé dans le bot). Pareil, ça y est depuis le début, c'est juste la rotation de l'unit (en radian, la rotation quand le perso tourne sur lui-même sur le gauche ou la droite) Retourne true si c'est un PNJ qui vend aux enchères (PNJ de l'HV) Ca retourne true si le sort qui est lancé par l'unit peut être arrêter par un sort comme http://fr.wowhead.com/spell=1766/coup-de-pied Distance de combat au corps à corps (ce qui revient à peu près à la taille du cercle qu'il y a sous le PNJ quand il est sélectionné, plus le PNJ est grand, plus la distance est élevé (généralement)). Je ne l'utilise pas dans le bot, mais ça retourne probablement "true" quand certains PNJ essayent de s’enfuir (quand ils ont plus beaucoup de vie) Un ratio c'est "Ratio = ValeurActuel/MaxValeur", pour la vie ca va de 0 à 1 (donc par exemple si le PNJ à 50 pv sur 100 cette fonction retourne 0.5) ( https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ratio ) Retourne (basé sur http://wow.gamepedia.com/API_UnitClassification ): public enum UnitClassification { normal, elite, rareelite, worldboss, rare, trivial, minus, } Si tu connais les sorts, tu peux utiliser "unit.CastingSpellId" ou "unit.CastingSpell". Sinon tu peux utiliser lua: http://wow.gamepedia.com/API_UnitCastingInfo et http://wow.gamepedia.com/API_UnitChannelInfo
  16. Hello When do you want to disable the loot? In what product?
  17. Hello, Wow is closed because: 17:36:39 - Bag is full You can disable this option in advanced general settings tab security.
  18. Hello, Can you try to (re)install SlimDX
  19. Hello, I cannot test your profile, but your steps are good, I have reproduced it and it works fine (1.xml) To load fightclass add step type "RunCode" with code: wManager.Wow.Helpers.CustomClass.DisposeCustomClass(); wManager.Wow.Helpers.CustomClass.LoadCustomClass(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + @"\FightClass\" + wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.CustomClass);
  20. Hello, Current WRobot version has the framelock, but not the old version (WRobot for wow 5.4.8). I work on WRobot for private server (this version contain last WRobot features (framelock...) with the support of wow 5.4.8). But I cannot give release date for the moment.
  21. Since when do you have this problem?
  22. Thank you for the crash files. I don't think than problem was caused directly by WRobot (but I could be wrong). Do you get this problem all the time (if you can give me frequency)? If you can, try to switch directx version in wow (directx 9 to 11). Try to disable all wow addon. Try also to relauch wow from time to time (some wow process was run for more than 48 h). If you can also watch if the memory used by wow process (compare the RAM used when just launched and after 10 hours) (if I am not mistaken, you launch several wow, and I could see that your ram memory was use 90%, this is much). If you see commons points between the crashes (the same used fightclass, the same profile...)
  23. Hello, World of Warcraft Legion presale available and will be released on or before 09/21/2016 You can access to BlizzCon 2015 live stream here: http://eu.battle.net/blizzcon/en/live-stream/
  24. Hello, World of Warcraft Legion presale available and will be released on or before 09/21/2016 You can access to BlizzCon 2015 live stream here: http://eu.battle.net/blizzcon/en/live-stream/ View full article
  25. Hello, Can you send me crash reports (in folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\Errors\" (the txt file). Send me if by private message (don't put it in public). Thank you.
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