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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. 348 downloads

    Spires of Arak (Ground)(Mine, Herb, Timber)
  2. 878 downloads

    Shadownmoon Valley (Ground)(Mine, Herb, Timber)
  3. 702 downloads

    Nagrand (Ground)(Mine, Herb, Timber)
  4. 463 downloads

    Gorgrond (Ground)(Mine, Herb, Timber)
  5. 610 downloads

    Frosfire Ridge (Ground)(Mine, Herb, Timber)
  6. Hello, you can add objects to harvest directly in the profile (in profile creator tab "Others"). Ps: You can also use this plugin to change quickly your wrobot settings:
  7. Hello, no specific settings. You are Horde or Alliance? What is your garrison level and mines level? (I updated the horde profile there are few hours, if you have download this profile before, you can get problems)
  8. I have tested with rogue, Stealth activated, your fightclass, WRotation with this settings , in game I select target with left click and all is good, auto attack is not enabled. Check in your wow settings if you have option to automatically auto attack.
  9. Bonjour, Non vous ne pouvez pas utiliser du code C# dans un profil du bot Gatherer, vous pouvez utiliser du code C# dans les Fightclasses, les profils de quêtes, les custom profiles et les plug-ins (je pense que le mieux dans votre cas serait un plug-in ou d’utiliser un profil de quête. Vous si vous utiliser le code sans le "if (...)" le bot va réparer/vendre. Non il n'est pas possible de vider les sacs dans le coffre (vous pouvez soit le vendre aux enchères, soit à un vendeur, soit l'envoyer par lettre a un autre personnage). Il existe des addons wow pour détruire automatiquement les objets looté inutiles. Toutes les options de ventes/courrier sont disponibles dans les paramètres avancés de WRobot. Pourquoi vous voulez forcer le bot à aller à la ville, pourquoi ne pas utiliser l'option pour aller à la ville quand les sacs sont pleins, ou l'option timer (pour y aller toutes les X minutes)?
  10. Droidz

    Movement Issue

    Hello, Disable in game "Click to move" option (esc>infterface>mouse>click to move) or use this macro:
  11. Version 1.0.1


    Garrison (Farm mines/herbs) Copy download file to folder "WRobot\Profiles\Quester\" (use this profile with "Quester" product). ps: To add objects at farm, edit profile with "Easy quest profile editor", load profile, click on menu "Tools > Quests order editor" (edit first step). You can also add positions at the profiles on menu "Tools > Quests editor". This profile work with horde/alliance garrison level 2/3.
  12. If you can update wrobot, remove TaxiNodes.xml and try again. Thank you
  13. A lot of positions are completely wrong, do you use wow addon? try to remove file WRobot\Settings\TaxiNodes.xml
  14. Hello, Try again, normally problem is resolved (when you change subscription send me private message to tell me to add multi ip support).
  15. Hello, Disable WRotation option "Manage movement..."
  16. Hello, You can now custom pet battle reaction: sample:
  17. Hello, You can now custom pet battle reaction: sample:
  18. Version 1


    Hello, This is the default Pet Battle Fight Class. You need to move download file to folder "WRobot\FightClass\Pet Battle\". You can edit this with Visual Studio (create new library project add in references "wManager.dll" and "robotManager.dll".
  19. Hello, You can with WRobot API: wManager.Wow.Helpers.Keybindings.DownKeybindings(Keybindings.MOVEBACKWARD); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); wManager.Wow.Helpers.Keybindings.UpKeybindings(Keybindings.MOVEBACKWARD); or lua http://wow.gamepedia.com/World_of_Warcraft_API#Movement_Functions But it is not easy to set up.
  20. Hello, I have reply by private message Instead ContinentID, you can check AreaId: wManager.Wow.Helpers.Usefuls.AreaId
  21. Do you have try to disable WRotation option "Launch rotation when combat started". In your fightclass you can add 'RunMacroText("/stopattack")' with "Timer" (300 ms), "not spell is lua" to "True" and "in combat only" to "False". You can also look this profile:
  22. Hello, I just tried it and it works correctly. Your equipment have less than 95% of durability? Have you enabled the repair option? Share your log file please.
  23. Bonjour, Je viens d'ajouter le support des profils (profils créés avec le bot "Grinder"), pouvez-vous re télécharger et essayer de nouveau (je n'ai pas essayé les modifications, merci de me signaler si vous rencontrez des bugs/problèmes). Vous pouvez télécharger la nouvelle version ici: (sélectionner le profil "Pickpocketing With Grinder profile support.cs" plutot que Pickpocketing.cs"). ps: Pour voler les PNJ plus proche ou plus loin (par rapport au profil), vous pouvez changer les réglages de l'option "Search radius" dans les paramètres avancés du bot.
  24. Hello, I cannot help you I haven't high level monk. But to get name/info of player/target buff you can go to tab "Tools" > "Development Tools" > "Memory info" (in the textbox you can get all informations, go to "target info" to get current target buffs.
  25. Bonjour, Faite un turnin manuellement (avec l'id des deux pnj), plus d'explication ici:
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