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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Version 1


    Open Egg This plugin open http://www.wowhead.com/item=45072/brightly-colored-egg thancontains your bag. How to use: - Move downloaded file to folder "WRobot\Plugins\". - Launch WRobot and go to tab "Plugins". - Activate "Open Egg.cs". ps: To harvest eggs, go to tab "General Settings" > "Enter advanced settings..." > tab "Looting and Farming options" and add in textbox "Harvest object (one id by line):": 194054 113768 113770 113771 and use Automaton or Gatherer bot.
  2. Hello, Can you share your profile please.
  3. Hello, When you use spell option "For friends (party)", you need to add spell range (use the condition "Target Distance" for it). You have a lot of spells with option "Not spell, is lua script" at "True", please put "False" (except for lua code "--HealTarget--"). You can also put "False" at the spell option "Combat only". Do not hesitate to activate "Debug mode" on the spell to show in your log why the spell is not launched.
  4. Hello, Yes, you can found a few dungeon profiles here: http://wrobot.eu/files/category/53-dungeons/
  5. Hello, Do you have try this pack: ?
  6. Hello, I have added free days of subscription at your account, you can found your license key here: http://wrobot.eu/index.php?app=nexus&module=clients&section=purchases
  7. WRobot is ready for Wow ninja patch 6.1.2 (19831)
  8. WRobot is ready for Wow ninja patch 6.1.2 (19831)
  9. Hello, If you can try again this file: to clear your blacklist if this don't works).
  10. Hello, Try to install/reinstall Redistributable Visual C + + 2010 (X86) and SlimDX (4.0 X86).
  11. Hello, Look in your log, WRobot write the reason when he skip node. If you don't found, please send me
  12. Hello, Position of target in list don't have impact on the priority. WRobot go to nearest mob (he search all mobs of the target list, ignore mobs blacklisted... and attack nearest mob).
  13. Hello, (before starting to create a profile for the garrison reading this topic: ) In new WRobot update I have added quest type "Follow Path", I have create sample profile (for garrison level 3 cave level 1): GarrisonTest2.xml (it is a quest profile, edit this to understand how it works)
  14. Hello, What do you want say by "it misses lots of mob"? WRobot skip mobs at kills? Forget to loot mobs? In the log it is written "Loot" or "Kill" ?
  15. Hello, Can you please. Can you try to reinstall WRobot in another folder please.
  16. Hello, Wait the next update, I have added support of interact distance depending on target (you need to activate in advanced general settings "Calculate interact/combat distance by target size"). I have also added option "Range" in quest type "Interact With" (if you don't edit option, (keep 4.5) range is automatically calculated). For pathfinder problems you can try to edit this settings (1.5 and 1.0 are default values): wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.PathFinderPostionOffset = 1.7f; wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.WallDistancePathFinder = 1.0f; Tell me if you get problems with the new features.
  17. Hello, WRobot supports now World of Warcraft 6.1.2 (build 19802). You need to accept update when you launch WRobot. If you play in europeen servers, wait tomorrow (to downgrade to WRobot for wow 6.1.0 download this file). What is new in Wow 6.1.2: Click here, What do you think about WoW Token? WRobot 1.4.1 ChangeLog: here
  18. Hello, WRobot supports now World of Warcraft 6.1.2 (build 19802). You need to accept update when you launch WRobot. If you play in europeen servers, wait tomorrow (to downgrade to WRobot for wow 6.1.0 download this file). What is new in Wow 6.1.2: Click here, What do you think about WoW Token? WRobot 1.4.1 ChangeLog: here
  19. Droidz

    programm freezes

    Your characters have only special chars in their names, if yes if you can send me by private message the name of bugged characters? All settings is saved in folder "WRobot\Settings\" with the file name: "ProductName-CharacterNameWithoutSpecialCharsServerName.xml"
  20. Hello, Wait next update, I have added "CombatReach" support at "Spell.IsDistanceGood" (check if option "Calculation combat range by target size" is activated in advanced general settings).
  21. Hello, Look this topic: ps: You can also use lua code like this: Select first raid member tank in spell range with health lower than 50%: local SpellName = GetSpellInfo(109259) local usable, nomana = IsUsableSpell(SpellName); if (not nomana and usable) then for i = 1, 40, 1 do local UnitIdString = "raid" .. i .. "target" if UnitExists(UnitIdString) then local role = UnitGroupRolesAssigned(UnitIdString); if role == "TANK" and IsSpellInRange(SpellName, UnitIdString) then if UnitHealth(UnitIdString)/UnitHealthMax(UnitIdString)*100 < 50 then CastSpellByName(SpellName, UnitIdString) return end end end end end
  22. Bonjour, La vidéo et ce tuto est fait pour comprendre le principe et le fonctionnement, après éditer des profils qui existe déjà est le meilleur moyen de comprendre quoi faire selon la situation, si vous avez des questions n'hésitez pas.
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