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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Yes I have found several reports on blitz forum about this problem. But if manually this works fine and not with the bot tell me, I'll look it.
  2. You have two problems: WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF. To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) to 1. Note: There is some performance penalty associated with assembly bind failure logging. To turn this feature off, remove the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog]. (https://www.google.com/search?q=WRN%3A+Assembly+binding+logging+is+turned+OFF) and System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'fasmdll_managed' Do you have the file "WRobot\Bin\fasmdll_managed.dll" ? Do you use a administrator Windows session? Do you have reinstalled Framework 4.0, DirectX 9, DirectX 11, Redistributable Visual C + + 2010 (X86) and SlimDX (4.0 X86)? (reinstall/repair all, it is important) Do you have redownload and reinstall WRobot? (try to disable your antivirus during installation)
  3. Resolved: Delete file Wow-64TMP.exe in your wow folder.
  4. Hello, Thank you for suggestion. I have added "Temporary bait" option, I cannot test this now, if you can tell me if this works.
  5. Hello, Sorry for bug, if you can post again your blurb. Not important informations in the log files (if you speak about wrobot logs) (and if you found a line with dangerous informations tell me, I'll remove it of the logging system) (and when I request log file you can send me it by private message). What do you want tell about "server transfer"?
  6. Vous entrez le nom comme il apparait en jeu (avec les accents/majuscules/minuscules)? Si oui pouvez-vous me donner le nom de l'appât que j'essaye ?
  7. Hello, You can already gathering timbers (and any wow objects), read this: If you want objects id ,give me the name (or wowhead link) of the objects at gather (you can get object name when mouse is over object in game) (give me world object name, no item name). When is done, use grinder, gatherer (if you can fly) or automaton (if you haven't profile) bot.
  8. Droidz

    question bg

    Réinstallez Framework 4.0, DirectX 9, DirectX 11, Redistributable Visual C + + 2010 (X86) et SlimDX (4.0 X86) pour résoudre ton problème.
  9. Hello, I don't think than this problem is caused by WRobot. Do you have try manually if you get this error?
  10. Thank you for the log file. Try to delete file Wow-64TMP.exe in your wow folder. But set up wow launcher to run wow directly in 32bit will resolve your problem.
  11. Droidz

    question bg

    Bonjour, Pouvez vous m'envoyer le fichier journal d'une session buggé (vous pouvez trouver ce fichier dans le dossier "Logs"). Essayez également de réinstaller tout les logiciels requis (framework, vc++, slimdx):
  12. Hello, Can you send me your log of bugged WRobot session please (you can found it in "Logs" folder). You can also try to reinstall all required file (framework, vc++,...):
  13. Hello, Please go here: tell me if your problem is resolved (if not, send your log file please).
  14. Hello, To launch manually wow in 32 bit: https://eu.battle.net/support/en/article/how-to-toggle-32bit-mode-world-of-warcraft Can you send me your log please (you can found it in "Logs" folder). You can also try to reinstall all required file (framework, vc++,...):
  15. Hello, @DanalD: I work on a quests profile for the WoD starting zone. @connorrey: The profile make approximately 100 000 xp/hr, it takes 7 hours per level.
  16. Version 1


    93-95 Gorgrond (Alliance) (~100 000 XP/HR) ps: I recommand to use potion http://www.wowhead.com/item=120182
  17. Version 1


    90-93 Shadowmoon Valley (Alliance) (~100 000 XP/HR) ps: I recommand to use potion http://www.wowhead.com/item=120182
  18. Bonjour, Normalement quand le bot pêche est lancé le jeu reste connecté (c'est derniers jours pas mal de problèmes sur les serveurs wow, peut êtres la cause). Si le problème ne vient pas des serveurs wow, (ré)installé les logiciel cité sur cette page: ps: Ce problème peut également être causé par TeamViewer.
  19. Hello, If problem is not resolved after reinstallation, launch WRobotRepairTools.exe (you can found it in WRobot folder) and make all steps.
  20. Hello, Do you have this problem all time? If you can try to change Wow directx version (use directx9 instead directx11, don't forget to restart wow. if problem persiste try to reinstall framework, slimdx and vc++ (launch "WRobotRepairTools.exe" for it)). Tell me if your problem is resolved.
  21. Hello, Warlords of Draenor is there, I hope you like this newest version (but seem good, wow servers are overloaded). For WRobot yet no many profiles for WoD (they will arrive). Do not hesitate at share your creations, if the contents is good I can give free subscriptions. If you get problems to create profiles do not hesitate at request help on the forum (but it is easy with the 3d radar to create your own profile). Good game everyone. Best regards, MMORobot team.
  22. Droidz

    Warlords of Draenor

    Hello, Warlords of Draenor is there, I hope you like this newest version (but seem good, wow servers are overloaded). For WRobot yet no many profiles for WoD (they will arrive). Do not hesitate at share your creations, if the contents is good I can give free subscriptions. If you get problems to create profiles do not hesitate at request help on the forum (but it is easy with the 3d radar to create your own profile). Good game everyone. Best regards, MMORobot team.
  23. Hello, As said therabbi98, "Automaton" combine bot Grinder/Gatherer/Pet Battles. Go to the zone, in product settings select if you want kills mobs, gatherer, pet battles, use flying mount and the work distance and clique on Start, WRobot create random path in start zone and kills/farms. It is a good alternative at grinder/gatherer bot if you want farm an zone shortly time. Currently for leveling I use WRotation bot for help me during quests, and when I make pause, I launch "Automaton" (avoid quests zone with automaton for not disturb others players).
  24. Please create new post with more details, I cannot help you correctly otherwise (you can try to change directx version in Wow).
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