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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, I'll look it but it is delicate to found a solution. You can try to blacklist the position if NPC don't move when you cannot attack it (blacklist a small zone).
  2. Do you have try another fightclass? What is your character level?
  3. Hello, I haven't acces at this item. If you can give me the name and entry id of mailbox created with this item (and tell me if when you open mailbox you have an menu or not). To get entry id use "Dev.... tools" in tab "Tools". Thanks.
  4. Hello, I'll add it in the fightclass conditions during next updates.
  5. You can read distance of object in page dump. Move your character near object before extracting game informations.
  6. WRobot is not written to manage multi-target, he has not cleanly method currently to manage it. I'll look to adding option to manage multi-target.
  7. It is not normal. Do you have program similar at TeamViewer launched on your computer? Do you have try to disable your antivirus and close no used program for try if this resolving problem?
  8. Hello, Do you have Repair/vendor/mailbox in your profile or in NPC DB (tab "Tools")?
  9. Hello, What fightclass do you use?
  10. You can also use "Dump All" (in tab "Tools"> "Dev ... tools») (this extract all game objects near your character).
  11. http://www.wowhead.com/quest=27014 is only for Priest (in "Base settings" of the quest, in "Wow class" you can select "Priest"). For http://wowhead.com/quest=754/winterhoof-cleansing in quest type use "FullCSharpCode" and put this code (sorry, no easy way for the moment): public sealed class WinterhoofCleansing : QuestUseItemOnClass { public WinterhoofCleansing() { Name = "Winterhoof Cleansing"; QuestId.AddRange(new[] { 24440 }); Step = new List<int> { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; StepAutoDetect = new[] { false, false, false, false }; PickUpQuestOnItem = false; PickUpQuestOnItemID = 0; GossipOptionItem = 1; WoWClass = wManager.Wow.Enums.WoWClass.None; MinLevel = 0; MaxLevel = 95; RequiredQuest = 0; EntryIdTarget.Add(2913); HotSpots.Add(new Vector3(-2544.259 , -706.0765 , -8.947113 , "None")); ItemId = 5411; Range = 8f; } public override bool IsComplete() // Override iscomplete { if (IsCompleted()) // If quest already turnin return true; if (!HasQuest()) // If character not have this quest return false; return wManager.Wow.Helpers.ItemsManager.GetItemCountById(5411) <= 0; // Quest complete if no item in the bag (if item used) } } More info about C# code You can get pregenerated code in "WRobot\Profiles\Quester\" (when you use profile an ".cs" file is generated).
  12. Droidz


    Hello, In product settings disable the option "Manage ...".
  13. Can you look in "Logs" folder if you have log please.
  14. Do you have this problem only when http://www.wowhead.com/npc=71543/immerseus has more than 200 000 000 hp? And you have try to go near Immerseus (spell range can cause problems also).
  15. Hello, What profile do you use? Do you have try another profile?
  16. Non ça ne fait pas longtemps, a peux prêt une semaine. N'hésitez pas à me dire si vous avez des bugs avec cette option.
  17. You need to use wow window mode. You cannot minimize wow in taskbar but you can resize wow window at minimum and put in the background and use your computer normally.
  18. De rien. Je suis également français, si tu as d'autres questions n'hésite pas à les poser en Français dans ce forum.
  19. Hello, Yes it is good idea. Me I'll continue my profile for Alliance (16 to 60 for the moment).
  20. Can you try to remove folder "WRobot\Meshes\" and share me your log, I haven't this problem.
  21. Hello, Can you target this NPC and go to tab "Tools" > "Development Tools" > "Memory informations" and post here output result. If you can also test with another fightclass (and wow class, just to test if problem is the fightclass (or one conditions)). Thanks.
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