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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, I have replied by private message. But you have try fightclass shared by community?
  2. Hello, You can found this option in advanced general settings. Teamviewer can cause problem to access at the keyboard, kill all teamviewer process, and teamviewer service process.
  3. Hello, You can found more profiles here but he has already a lot of profiles delivred with the bot.
  4. Droidz

    Profil rotation

    Bonjour, Vous pouvez supprimer le sort avec l'éditeur de fightclass, regardez le guide d'utilisation de WRobot (à la fin).
  5. Hello, You use spells in your fightclass with less than 5 combo points (your spell Crimson Tempest required 5 combo points), your character has 5 combo points during combat?
  6. Hello, The function IsFacing return true or false (boolean) all calcul is in function.
  7. Hello, You can try it: ret=1; if (UnitPower("player" ,SPELL_POWER_ENERGY) <= 74) then ret = 0; return; end local nameSpell = GetSpellInfo(51713); if (not nameSpell) then return; end local name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellId = UnitBuff("player", nameSpell); if (not expirationTime) then return; end local expireTimeLeft = expirationTime-GetTime(); if expireTimeLeft > 6 then ret = 0 end I have added line: if (UnitPower("player" ,SPELL_POWER_ENERGY) <= 74) then ret = 0; return; end or you can use condition "Energy".
  8. Hello, If you have an snippet of lua code for Fight Classes you can share it on this thread. Please share only code that works, not ask here.
  9. Try it (for Duid level 1): MultiTargetDruidLvl1.xml
  10. Droidz

    Profil rotation

    Bonjour, Vous devez désactiver l'option "Manage rotation..." dans les "Product Settings".
  11. Hello, You can use script lua similar at (with option no spell is lua code): local nameSpell = GetSpellInfo(44614); if (not nameSpell) then return; end TargetNearestEnemy(); CastSpellByName(nameSpell); Replace 44614 by your spell id (this script works with mage level 1). You can add condition unit "Unit attack Player near" to limit number of targets.
  12. Hi. Try this: SUB TEST 4 FIXED.xml (I haven't test it tell me if this works)
  13. Can you send me your log and your mammoth mount name please.
  14. You can test your lua script with "Development Tools" in tab "Tools".
  15. You need to use UnitDebuff: ret = 0; local nameSpell = GetSpellInfo(1943); if (not nameSpell) then return; end local name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellId = UnitDebuff("target", nameSpell); if (not expirationTime) then return; end local expireTimeLeft = expirationTime-GetTime(); if expireTimeLeft <= 2 then ret = 1 end ps: I have also added codes to avoid lua error ("if (not nameSpell) then return; end" and "if (not expirationTime) then return; end") this var can be nil.
  16. Try it: local nameSpell = GetSpellInfo(5171); local name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellId = UnitBuff("player", nameSpell); local expireTimeLeft = expirationTime-GetTime(); ret = 0; if expireTimeLeft <= 3 then ret = 1 end (replace 5171 by your spell id) Others sample http://wrobot.eu/page/bug_tracker.html/_/buffspell-reuse-after-r156.
  17. The first c# code checking if you rotation is similar at target rotation. The second c# code checking if your character see (facing) target. If you have similar rotation and the target is in facing you are behind the target.
  18. Hello, 'Use lua to move' is in General settings advanced (activate this option).
  19. Thank for video, but use wow trial account (for avoid ban) (or hide character name).
  20. Droidz

    UnitBuff Problem

    Ok np Ohren. Thank you for help and time given at WRobot.
  21. You can get NPC information directly in window "NPC quest giver editor" (select target ingame en click on button "This NPC is my target" of http://wrobot.eu/uploads/monthly_02_2014/post-1-0-70745300-1391508842.png). I have fixed your profile (NPC quests givers positions), the profile works fine: Bloodelf 1-5 FIXED.xml
  22. 0.35 radian is equal at 20 degree (left or right, therefore 40 degree). for 180 degree (90 degree left and 90 degree right) try to use 1.57 radian. (System.Math.Abs(ObjectManager.Me.Rotation - ObjectManager.Target.Rotation) < 1.57f) The problem, this checking only if your character rotation is similary at target rotation (if you are before the target with similar rotation this works also). You can try to add this C# code condtion for solve problem: wManager.Wow.Helpers.MovementManager.IsFacing(ObjectManager.Me.Position, ObjectManager.Me.Rotation, ObjectManager.Target.Position, 1.57f) testRotation2.xml
  23. Do you use last update of WRobot (I have fixed an problem with HL target he has not long time). And look this sample fightclass (this fightclass write in the chat if you are back or not): testRotation.xml
  24. Hello, First problem is with quest "Frost Nova" you haven't added hotspot/target entry. And the real problem of your profile is the NPC quest giver position: ps: When you click on the button "This npc is my target" do you have in position a "." or ","?
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