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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, Sorry but I cannot know exactly what you farm for check if stack is full.
  2. Hello, Clean your npc database (in tab "Tools" button NpcDB)
  3. D'accord, dite moi si vous avez besoin d'aide pour créer votre classe de combat.
  4. Hello, No, WRobot works only with the last wow version (version used by official server).
  5. Hello, Your problem is strange, if you use wow addon try to disable all.
  6. Hello, The best way is to edit manually the profile, use notepad (or notepad++) to edit xml file. You can get player position with "dev tools" (in Tools tab).
  7. Hello, I think the problem is the name (wow using the ) replace "Devastate" by "Sunder Armor". But your solution also works.
  8. Hello, The only solution is to add caves zones in blacklists where he have (or avoid this zone when you create profile). (blacklist editor is in "Tools" tab, you can look map to view what zones are blacklisted). I'll try to solve this problem but it will not immediately.
  9. In your log "Harvest Herbs" is desactivated, you need to activate it in general settings (if you have problem try to reinstall wrobot in a empty folder). Tell me if your problem is solved.
  10. Bonjour, Avez-vous bien choisi une fightclass dans "General settings" (paramètre général)? Pouvez vous partager vos logs (journal)? Merci
  11. Guide et Foire aux questions disponible ici: Guide: http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/guides/WRobot%20guide%20FR.pdf http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/guides/WRobot%20guide%20FR.docx FAQ: http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/guides/WRobot%20FAQ%20FR.pdf http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/guides/WRobot%20FAQ%20FR.docx (ce guide est en cours d'écriture, il n'est pas encore terminé)
  12. Your fight class spam Морозный доспех (Frost Armor). You can: Use another fight class Contact creator and explain your problem Try to fix probleme yourself (with fightclass editor). Don't hesitate to contact me if you need help to edit the fight class.
  13. Hello, Try this attached profile. Don't forget to remove npc already in your list (in main wrobot window, go to tab "Tools" > "Npc DB" > select your npc and press key "Del" to remove it from the list (restart wrobot)). 300-350 winterspring leopard EDITED BY DROIDZ.xml
  14. Droidz

    Profile create

    Hello, Can you share your log please.
  15. Try to use an VPN when you use both, your internet connection change frequently your ip (the trial version don't use IP address).
  16. Hello, Can you share your log file please?
  17. Hello, You need to use an fightclass (you can download it on the website and configure it in tab General settings (in wrobot)).
  18. Download works fine, what software do you use to extract zipped file? Try to use winrar or 7zip (and extract downloaded file in WRobot\Profiles\Gatherer).
  19. Droidz

    cant start

    Hello, Can your try to install SlimDX (.net 4.0 X86 (32 bit)): http://slimdx.org/download.php
  20. For the start zone he has one quest by class and by race.
  21. Can you share your profile please, I'll look.
  22. Oui il équipe automatiquement, dans les configurations de Zygor: "Zygor settings" > "Extra features" > décoche "Confirm gear suggestions" et active "Equip gear automatically".
  23. Do you use proxy? Your ip changing frequently, this can cause this error (if you ip changing when the bot is launched).
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