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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, Try to disalble your firewall/antivirus and re download/reinstall wrobot in new folder.
  2. Hi, I don't understand, I have looked in the code and no errors. When you restart wrobot option is yet selected?
  3. Je viens de créer cette classe de combat et ça fonctionne chez moi (ça gère les deux armes (si tu en a deux, sinon cette classe fonctionne également avec une arme)). Fait une copie dans ta fightclass (fait bien attention de bien copier les spell settings également). Flametongue Weapon.xml
  4. Hello, Try to change directx version in wow (Game menu > System > Advanced > Graphics API). If last step don't works try to install this librairy: http://slimdx.googlecode.com/files/SlimDX%20Runtime%20.NET%204.0%20x86%20%28January%202012%29.msi (don't forget to restart wow and wrobot after all step).
  5. Droidz

    Mining problem

    Hello, WRobot can ignore a mine if has another player near, or if wrobot determine than the mine is unattainable (detection is not perfect, you can disable this option in general settings but I don't recommande to disable it) (all is written in your log). Can you share your log please.
  6. Hello, If you want fight with mob when you farming desactivate option "Ignore fight during farm if druid form" in "General Settings" tab > "Looting...". If you want ignore fight, activate option "Ignore fight during farm if druid form" and "Ignore Fight if in Ground Mount" (in mount tab) (). What fightclass do you use? Some fightclass seem cause bug ().
  7. Je te dit ça en début de semaine prochaine. Mais avec le timer ta fightclass devrait fonctionner.
  8. I'll see if I add this option or not
  9. Droidz

    WRobot 1.0.11

    WRobot version 1.0.11 now available, changelog here. New system to create quest profiles added, a lot of improvement (more info in changelog).
  10. Droidz

    WRobot 1.0.11

    WRobot version 1.0.11 now available, changelog here. New system to create quest profiles added, a lot of improvement (more info in changelog).
  11. Droidz

    Have a few

    Hi, Thanks for report. 1. I am not sure to understand correctly, but normally if target seem blocked (or immune) wrobot blacklist it and go to next objective. 2. I crypt license key (and your wow account information if you use relogger) for avoid problem of hack, I'll don't change it. 3/4. I'll give thought to add possibility to speak, but the bot can be dangerous for your account if the speech is bad. 5/6: I'll add it.
  12. Hello, I have fixed problem, wait next update and activate options "Capture pet I don't have" and " Capture all Rare, ..." and wrobot capture only rare if is not in your pet journal (currently, "Capture all rare..." skip the option "pets i don't have").
  13. Do you have the name of this artifact (put mouse over artifact for get name)? Do you have this problem all time? The file "WRobot\Data\archaeologyFind.txt" contains this lines (entry id of artifacts): 203071 207188 204282 206836 203078 207187 207190 202655 207189 211163 211174 218950 ?
  14. I have tried to fix problem for melee spell, wait next update.
  15. Hi, Thanks. For the loot I recommand to use Loot Filter or a similary wow addon. I don't think add this feature in wrobot because he has a lot of wow addon for this.
  16. Hi, No for the moment, but I'll add this possibility.
  17. Yes I'll add easy possibility to accep popup quest and easy way to equip item after loot.
  18. C'est bizarre le script lua semble bon. Sinon tu peux supprimer toute les conditions et utiliser le Timer (dans Spell Settings), met 3600000 (= 1heure). Je vais jeter un coup d’œil quand je peux voir pourquoi le code lua ne fonctionne pas.
  19. Hi, Not for the moment but you can test profile for alliance (a lot of profile for alliance works fine with orde). Or you can try to create your profile, it is very easy and quickly, you need only to record loop path of the zone when you want leveling (if your profile works fine, don't hesitate to share it).
  20. You have activate good option? (you need to setting fight range smaller than 6 in your fightclass, this option works only for melee wow class). For me this works. Option desactivated: Option activated: Someone else has tried this option?
  21. Salut regarde (édite) cette fightclass: Pour l'Arme Langue de feu (Flametongue Weapon) il utilise une condition lua: hasMainHandEnchant, mainHandExpiration, mainHandCharges, hasOffHandEnchant, offHandExpiration, offHandCharges, hasThrownEnchant, thrownExpiration, thrownCharges = GetWeaponEnchantInfo() if (hasMainHandEnchant) then retV = "1" else retV = "0" end Pour bouclier de foudre (Lightning Shield) il utilise une condition buff.
  22. Custom profile recommended works fine, put your character in zone where you want farm and wrobot make work similarly at your video.
  23. Hello, Look this profile: Pandaren Mage Test LVL1.xml (first step in quest order, change only questid by your quest id)
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