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Bug Report Comments posted by Droidz

  1. Hi.

    Don't use enum "LuaEventsId" it is obsolete, use string like that:

    EventsLua.AttachEventLua("LFG_PROPOSAL_SHOW", m => Lua.LuaDoString("AcceptProposal();"));

    You can dump all events and check event called when you get this popup, run this code one time when product is started:

                wManager.Wow.Helpers.EventsLuaWithArgs.OnEventsLuaStringWithArgs += (eventid, args) =>
                    Logging.WriteDebug("[EVENT] " + eventid);


  2. I can only solve the problem if you have this problem with WRobot without plugin, profile (test several) and fightclass (test several). Otherwise you have to find the plugin / profile / fightclass that causing the problem and see with the creator, if the creator tells me that the problem comes from WRobot because it occurs when it uses X method in this case I could solve.

  3. If the problem always occurs in the same zone, blacklisted this zone (some zones can be badly supported by the bot). It is possible that your profile is badly or not adapted to your server/game version, in this case try with another.
    If you have this problem with all profiles it is probably installation or configuration problem.
    I close this request (these useless to continue this discussion), if you cannot solve your problem open a new request with your logs files, a better description of your problem with screenshots / video .

  4. it's a bit mixed, on some image/video you seem to be taking to the wrong NPC because he has the wrong flags (in this case, blacklist the npc with the wrong flag), on other the pathfinder does not appear find a usable path (you should see the logs of the path generated and see if all the destination flightmaster has a correct position in the DB), and other times the bot seems not to find the NPC.

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