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    dpz0427 reacted to Seminko in How to open "Big-mouth Clam" while fishing?   
    I do use it in a plugin.
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    dpz0427 reacted to Droidz in Auto open clam when fishing   
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    dpz0427 reacted to Droidz in Download profiles and fight classes for Vanilla   
    Download profiles and fight classes for Vanilla
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    dpz0427 reacted to Matenia in C# Framework for wRobot 1.12.1 Fightclasses   
    Hey guys,
    I recently ported some of my fightclass framework to vanilla. I'm happy with where it currently is but will probably push updates.
    You can find a working version (and any future update) in my repository on GitHub. This framework is intended for all the developers on the wRobot Discord channel who keep working on the same issues over and over again. Hopefully this will encourage people to make pull requests and contribute to an overall community effort. 
    Also, hopefully it will help with some of the more regular Discord users not having to answer a lot of questions over and over.
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