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  1. Hi everyone, some of you just use WRobot for herb farming / skinning or just battleground for leveling honor. WRrobot is very great for farming yep ! But how make a decent amount of gold from farming ? 1) Get a crafting profession + enchanting toon Enchanting, Leatherworking, Jewelcrafter or Alchemist, doesn't matter, best profit at the moment is Leatherworking for me. 2) Do your quest line profession It's boring, I agree, take ~ 3 hours to complete everything, but when you complete your profession quest, you get this recipe (leatherworker example : http://www.wowhead.com/spell=194711 (785 wrist for only 9 stonehide leather) => better to craft this with rank 3 recipe because it cost less mats. 3) Craft your blue gear (recipe rank 3 for less mats) Leatherworking: http://www.wowhead.com/spell=194711 Inscription: http://www.wowhead.com/spell=192856/prophecy-tarot Jewelcrafting: http://www.wowhead.com/spell=195928/azsunite-pendant Blacksmithing: http://www.wowhead.com/spell=182970 4) Shuffle or disenchant All epics procs get from rank 3 recipe can be disenchant for chaos crystal All blues procs get from rank 3 can be disenchant or be shuffle on obliterum forge (~ 2 ashs per items, it's a little bit longer for get 100, I will link a macro for shuffle) Macro: /run for bag=0,4,1 do for slot=1,GetContainerNumSlots(bag),1 do local name=GetContainerItemLink(bag,slot) if name and string.find(name,"YOURITEMNAME") then UseContainerItem(bag,slot) end end end 5) Profit ! Sell your chaos crystal and your obliterium ore ! Chaos crystal median price atm: https://theunderminejournal.com/#eu/archimonde/item/124442 Obliterum mediam price atm: https://theunderminejournal.com/#eu/archimonde/item/124125 Make around 200K / day
  2. Hi, since last update, bot use Traveler's Tundra Mammoth for repair but instant depop the mount (usually sell all grey items for me) Sincelery.
  3. J'ai déja tenté la première solution, je vais tenter la deuxième en rentrant ce soir. Je te remercie Droidz pour ta réactivité ;) Edit: supprimer le fichier "wow-64.exe" marche parfaitement ! merci
  4. Salut à tous, depuis hier, quand je lance le client wow depuis la fenêtre de démarrage de wRobot, le client est en 64 bits, j'ai essayé de configurer le launcher battle net pour forcer le démarrage en 32 bits, idem il se lance uniquement en 64 bits. Une idée, ya t'il eu une maj des clients wow ? Comment forcer le démarrage en 32 bits ? Cordialement
  5. What do you mean by "old world items" ? Xmog farm ? Old ore / plants ?
  6. You don't have to. But every patch, you will see a new update for wRobot, so you have to install it. :)
  7. Benix

    bug grinder

    Le profil fonctionne parfaitement chez moi. Donc si tu pouvais nous envoyer ton log ça serait parfait. Pour le profil paladin, tu peux regarder dans l'éditeur de profil si l'éclair lumineux est utilisé dedans. Au cas où mettre une condition (si -70% de ta vie, tu te heal)
  8. Benix

    bug grinder

    Salut, quel profil utilises-tu ? Peux-tu nous mettre ton fichier de log ? (http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/) Benix
  9. Salut, Tu peux nous faire une capture d'écran de ton interface wrobot ? Tu as une erreur au lancement ? Tu as des fichiers présents dans ton dossier fightclass ? Cdlt
  10. Hi, you can add Battle Standard in macro and use macro in fight class. For mobile guild banking I don't know GL
  11. The lasts with "W" letter need to be more "curve" I think. What do you think Droidz ?
  12. The last logo that you posted don't match with spirit of "wRobot" but omg ! It's beautiful ! :)
  13. Made 500K GOLD in two weeks (250K gold / week), it's by far, the best grinder profile.
  14. Hello, remote was disabled on my configuration .. my bad. Sorry
  15. Hi, since patch 6.2.2 and the new update of wrobot, I can't see my character information in "Remote" Tab on the website ? Do it work for you ? Thanks you, Benix
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