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Everything posted by Fabolous1

  1. Any news on how we can use "Ice Ward" for frost mages (or any mage maybe)
  2. I'm doing this with the mage talent "Ice Ward" and it isn't working at all. Trying everything...
  3. Not using vampiric embrace for me for some reason. The class looks alright though
  4. Doesn't use mindbender and I can't fix it. And you also mispelled Hymn of Hope
  5. I'm trying to do it in a plugin I am working on I was messing with a lot of things but none of em worked to find players debuffs, I have foreach(WoWPlayer Player in ObjectManager.ObjectList) { // Friendly, InLineOfSight, HasDebuff if (Player.Reaction == Reaction.Friendly) { Logging.Write("[MyPlugin] Player Name: " + Player.Name); //LuaEventsId.UNIT_AURA } } to interate through characters, haven't fully tested it yet if WoWPlayer is all players near character or if its only localplayer and if it is I will change that to wowunit. How would I run a whole lua function or use the libraries to return all of the debuffs a player has
  6. How can I check if a player has a specific debuff, for example I am interating through wowplayers that are friendly and want to check if user has "Curse of Weakness" for example, how would I do that?
  7. This would be a good way to powerlevel characters without any chance of detection. I'd like to also PvP battle pets and autoqueue, how could we do this so it autoqueues for pet pvp?
  8. Wow I've been out of the loop for a while and glad I came across this post :)
  9. Can you make the prospecting product convert the Sparkling Shard's to Serpent's Eye (every 10 sparkling shards converts to a serpents eye so they don't fill up bags)
  10. Can we get this working please
  11. Going to try this out, we should add more spells to it :)
  12. You can change the .xml classes to C# but not backwards, how do you do it?
  13. Oh nvm I believe you can just convert the C# file to a fighterclass
  14. Which condition would we use for healing targets/ Health Percent or Target Health? I feel like target health would be a mob im tryin to kill. I want it to rejuv if a party member drops below 85% (as if im a 90 and im killing level 30 mobs)
  15. How can we prevent it from trying to mine things in water or getting stuck in water in general?
  16. I'm at 75/75 skill, and it is not training and it is also combining fragments and researching or whatever you call it. I would like for it to only combine fragments and research if 600 skill or not maxed (ie 75/75, 150/150) for potential skillups. How can I achieve this EDIT: I have "Train New Skills" checked in Advanced General Settings
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