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Everything posted by camelot10

  1. dont do that. whe DK port in akerus then it will try to gather other DK gates and can stuck forever if your akerus have tons of dk
  2. Version 12.14


    rotation based on http://www.wowhead.com/enhancement-shaman-guide all spells, talents, artifact, racials Maybe its required a bit of tuning. I will post update after some testing My profiles
  3. also any ship in world quest (broken isles) and invasion scenario at world quests
  4. stormheim first quest scenario (hord and alliance) last two steps. ship in icecrown citadel.
  5. @Droidz hard task and you dont want to bother with navigation inside vehicles? or i need to wait until you add support for that?
  6. [E] 18:08:48 - QuesterState > TestCondition(string csharpCode): System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Не удалось загрузить файл или сборку "0j13gw5q, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" либо одну из их зависимостей. Не удается найти указанный файл. Имя файла: '0j13gw5q, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' в Main.Pulse2() в Quester.Bot.Haovagaqiu.Baevi(String ijonocebeoha, Boolean omueqoifidei) Предупреждение: регистрация привязки сборок выключена. Чтобы включить регистрацию ошибок привязки сборок, установите значение параметра реестра [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) в 1. Примечание. Регистрация ошибок привязки сборок может привести к некоторому снижению производительности. Чтобы отключить эту функцию, удалите параметр реестра [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog].
  7. here result also fight not working inside vehicle. 02:54:05 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Пехотинец "Небесного огня" (lvl 110) [D] 02:54:06 - [Fight] BlackList Пехотинец "Небесного огня" during 30 sec 02:54:09 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Пехотинец "Небесного огня" (lvl 110) [D] 02:54:10 - [Fight] BlackList Пехотинец "Небесного огня" during 30 sec attacked by mob. and do nothing. i think becouse of pathfinding. is there any possibility to add offmesh for dynamic object?
  8. what you need exactly ? it can be done with questing i think
  9. no problem with interact. problem with navigation inside vehicle. local coords converted to global coords > get shifted in about 5-10 meters/yards. something wrong with converting local to global.
  10. its working but not precise. here video explained: green circles > fire places WoWGameObject drawed at runtime > GetWorldPosition(fire.position) green lines > i saved path on ship, converted in local positions and also draw it > GetWorldPosition(pathPoint.position) converting local position to global position is not good, can vary up to ~10-15 meters (yards) ingame
  11. 12:14:40 - [FightClass] No Fight Class selected try to select fightclass
  12. Version 12.14


    Base on http://www.wowhead.com/beast-mastery-hunter-rotation-guide Tryed to cover all spells/talents/artifact powers. Maybe its required a bit of tuning. I will post update after some testing My profiles
  13. also forget: this flying vehicle always in different positions. dont know patern, but tryed on different characters and its always in different spots
  14. im encountered major problem quest: http://wowhead.com/quest=39801 its a stormheim first scenario. you need to do few stages on different ships. last ship its a flying vehicle. while on this ship character marked as ObjectManager.Me.PlayerUsingVehicle = true and main problem here that all WoWGameObjects on this ship have some kine of local coordinates, but all WoWUnit have global coordinates i found main root object its a http://www.wowhead.com/object=241630/the-skyfire but all local coordinates rotated according to root object. ObjectManager.GetNearestWoWGameObject(ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByEntry return very wierd object. i made custom search for http://www.wowhead.com/object=243244/place-volatile-flare WoWGameObject Fire() { var skyfire = Skyfire(); if (skyfire == null) return null; var fires = ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByEntry(243244); var i = 0; foreach (var f in fires) { var l = f.Position; var g = SkyfirePosition(l); Logging.Write(" FIRE: " + f.Name + " local=" + l + " global=" + g + " dist=" + ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo(g) + " distZ=" + ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceZ(g)); i += 1; } Thread.Sleep(60 * 1000); return null; var fire = fires.OrderBy(f => (skyfire.Position + f.Position).DistanceTo(ObjectManager.Me.Position)).FirstOrDefault(); if (fire != null && fire.IsValid) // && fire.GetDistance < 10) { return fire; } return null; } WoWGameObject Skyfire() { var skyfire = Questing.FindObject(241630); if (skyfire != null && skyfire.IsValid) { return skyfire; } return null; } Vector3 SkyfirePosition(Vector3 position) { var skyfire = Skyfire(); if (skyfire == null) return position; return skyfire.Position + position; } this show me in log this: 02:31:04 - FIRE: Разместить нестабильную взрывчатую смесь local=-42,00801 ; 20,33346 ; -5,301661 ; "None" global=5029,452 ; 3161,753 ; 341,6329 ; "None" dist=65,96511 distZ=0,1261902 02:31:04 - FIRE: Разместить нестабильную взрывчатую смесь local=4,292825 ; 21,32118 ; 9,675672 ; "None" global=5075,753 ; 3162,741 ; 356,6102 ; "None" dist=26,25074 distZ=14,85114 02:31:04 - FIRE: Разместить нестабильную взрывчатую смесь local=11,65337 ; 22,25098 ; -5,199101 ; "None" global=5083,113 ; 3163,671 ; 341,7355 ; "None" dist=16,22754 distZ=0,02362061 02:31:04 - FIRE: Разместить нестабильную взрывчатую смесь local=30,94354 ; 13,90275 ; 9,602867 ; "None" global=5102,403 ; 3155,323 ; 356,5374 ; "None" dist=16,90774 distZ=14,77835 02:31:04 - FIRE: Разместить нестабильную взрывчатую смесь local=-11,01605 ; 26,19757 ; -5,261852 ; "None" global=5060,444 ; 3167,617 ; 341,6727 ; "None" dist=37,54287 distZ=0,08636475 02:31:04 - FIRE: Разместить нестабильную взрывчатую смесь local=43,98859 ; 11,11288 ; 9,266898 ; "None" global=5115,449 ; 3152,533 ; 356,2015 ; "None" dist=25,24469 distZ=14,44238 02:31:04 - FIRE: Разместить нестабильную взрывчатую смесь local=31,18011 ; -12,76628 ; 9,604154 ; "None" global=5102,64 ; 3128,654 ; 356,5387 ; "None" dist=29,02637 distZ=14,77963 02:31:04 - FIRE: Разместить нестабильную взрывчатую смесь local=1,801268 ; -22,6643 ; 9,656803 ; "None" global=5073,261 ; 3118,756 ; 356,5914 ; "None" dist=42,54895 distZ=14,83228 02:31:04 - FIRE: Разместить нестабильную взрывчатую смесь local=12,40635 ; -22,39768 ; -5,23788 ; "None" global=5083,866 ; 3119,022 ; 341,6967 ; "None" dist=35,06266 distZ=0,06240845 02:31:04 - FIRE: Разместить нестабильную взрывчатую смесь local=47,24242 ; -11,90643 ; 9,221651 ; "None" global=5118,702 ; 3129,513 ; 356,1562 ; "None" dist=36,09694 distZ=14,39713 02:31:04 - FIRE: Разместить нестабильную взрывчатую смесь local=-29,31074 ; -24,93864 ; -5,243851 ; "None" global=5042,149 ; 3116,481 ; 341,6907 ; "None" dist=63,66412 distZ=0,06838989 but i stay right on needed gameobject http://www.wowhead.com/object=243244/place-volatile-flare distance for one of http://www.wowhead.com/object=243244/place-volatile-flare must be < 5 i assume there is some kind parent rotation applied to local gameobjects positions i think wrobot should add support for converting local position to global position according to parent rotation something like Vector3 WoWGameObject.PositionGlobal {get;} // if no parent return Position ps. i have no idea how i can find global position. maybe i can calculate somehow ?
  15. omagad, you queted me to rules. im crying like baby :)
  16. try new wrobot installation
  17. delete everything in WRobot\Data\Meshes\
  18. delete everything in WRobot\Data\Meshes\
  19. delete everything in WRobot\Data\Meshes\ restart wrobot
  20. correction: i do almost all quest what i can
  21. dunno whats wrong with Quest.GetQuestCompleted(questID) i put in quest Complete condition "return Quest.GetQuestCompleted(12345);" this cause bot lag every second for 0.5-0.7s changed to return Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("return IsQuestFlaggedCompleted("+ questID + ")") and lag disappear. this is maybe my character completed alot of quests? i dont almost everything what i can
  22. @Droidz 1. can't see https://wrobot.eu/bugtracker/? 2. have bug this quest http://www.wowhead.com/quest=45472/kraken-eggs required to disable mount for smooth running. i disable all mounts with wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.UseMount = false; wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.UseFlyingMount = false; wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.UseGroundMount = false; but bot still mount swimming mounts while in water
  23. nope. code below dont even rotate turret public static void Aim(WoWUnit unit, float precistion = 0.5f) { Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency * 2); ClickOnTerrain.Pulse(unit.Position); /* ClickToMove.CGPlayer_C__ClickToMove(unit.Position.X, unit.Position.Y, unit.Position.Z, unit.Guid, (int)wManager.Wow.Enums.ClickToMoveType.Move, precistion); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency * 2); wManager.Wow.Helpers.Keybindings.PressKeybindings(wManager.Wow.Enums.Keybindings.PITCHUP); //*/ } only one thing can move turret verticaly wManager.Wow.Helpers.Keybindings.PressKeybindings(wManager.Wow.Enums.Keybindings.PITCHUP); wManager.Wow.Helpers.Keybindings.PressKeybindings(wManager.Wow.Enums.Keybindings.PITCHDOWN); but i cannot find how i can calculcate vertical rotation to target unit according to turret aim this quest: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=39801/the-splintered-fleet
  24. got major problem with vertical aiming with cannon MomementManger.Face ClickToMove.CGPlayer_C__ClickToMove(unit.Position.X, unit.Position.Y, unit.Position.Z, unit.Guid, (int)wManager.Wow.Enums.ClickToMoveType.Move, precistion); not working. only horizontal. tryed all ClickToMoveType is there anything i can do to aim mob in vertical ? @Droidz
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