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Everything posted by camelot10

  1. https://wrobot.eu/forums/forum/29-security-ban-reports/
  2. camelot10

    Aquatic mount

    RunCode wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.AquaticMountName = SpellManager.GetAquaticMountName();
  3. camelot10

    Aquatic mount

    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.AquaticMountName = "<INSERT FUNNY MOUNT NAME HERE>"; u r welcome
  4. this bug is not fixed this code var skyfire = ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByEntry(241630).FirstOrDefault(); var fires = ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByEntry(243244); wManager.Wow.Forms.UserControlMiniMap.LandmarksMiniMap.Remove("volatileflare"); foreach (var f in fires) { var g = new Vector3(f.Matrix.M41, f.Matrix.M42, f.Matrix.M43); // Good position Logging.Write(" FIRE: " + f.Name + " matrix=" + f.Matrix + " local=" + f.Position + " global=" + g + " dist=" + ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo(g) + " distZ=" + ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceZ(g)); wManager.Wow.Forms.UserControlMiniMap.LandmarksMiniMap.Add(g, "volatileflare", System.Drawing.Color.Chartreuse, 10, "", true); } gives me this: local and global equal 16:06:00 - FIRE: Разместить нестабильную взрывчатую смесь matrix=[[M11:0,6712118 M12:-0,1986823 M13:0 M14:0] [M21:0,1986823 M22:0,6712118 M23:0 M24:0] [M31:0 M32:0 M33:0,7 M34:0] [M41:4525,228 M42:2701,043 M43:138,49 M44:1]] local=4525,228 ; 2701,043 ; 138,49 ; "None" global=4525,228 ; 2701,043 ; 138,49 ; "None" dist=99,09966 distZ=3,25267 16:06:00 - FIRE: Разместить нестабильную взрывчатую смесь matrix=[[M11:0,6882423 M12:-0,1277594 M13:0 M14:0] [M21:0,1277594 M22:0,6882423 M23:0 M24:0] [M31:0 M32:0 M33:0,7 M34:0] [M41:4560,454 M42:2650,772 M43:153,4484 M44:1]] local=4560,454 ; 2650,772 ; 153,4484 ; "None" global=4560,454 ; 2650,772 ; 153,4484 ; "None" dist=59,36924 distZ=11,7058 16:06:00 - FIRE: Разместить нестабильную взрывчатую смесь matrix=[[M11:0,6882423 M12:-0,1277594 M13:0 M14:0] [M21:0,1277594 M22:0,6882423 M23:0 M24:0] [M31:0 M32:0 M33:0,7 M34:0] [M41:4570,929 M42:2649,099 M43:138,5538 M44:1]] local=4570,929 ; 2649,099 ; 138,5538 ; "None" global=4570,929 ; 2649,099 ; 138,5538 ; "None" dist=48,65962 distZ=3,188889 16:06:00 - FIRE: Разместить нестабильную взрывчатую смесь matrix=[[M11:0,6882423 M12:-0,1277594 M13:0 M14:0] [M21:0,1277594 M22:0,6882423 M23:0 M24:0] [M31:0 M32:0 M33:0,7 M34:0] [M41:4591,146 M42:2655,142 M43:153,3958 M44:1]] local=4591,146 ; 2655,142 ; 153,3958 ; "None" global=4591,146 ; 2655,142 ; 153,3958 ; "None" dist=29,83467 distZ=11,65315 16:06:00 - FIRE: Разместить нестабильную взрывчатую смесь matrix=[[M11:0,6882423 M12:-0,1277594 M13:0 M14:0] [M21:0,1277594 M22:0,6882423 M23:0 M24:0] [M31:0 M32:0 M33:0,7 M34:0] [M41:4529,449 M42:2654,214 M43:138,5478 M44:1]] local=4529,449 ; 2654,214 ; 138,5478 ; "None" global=4529,449 ; 2654,214 ; 138,5478 ; "None" dist=88,27817 distZ=3,194855 16:06:00 - FIRE: Разместить нестабильную взрывчатую смесь matrix=[[M11:0,6882423 M12:-0,1277594 M13:0 M14:0] [M21:0,1277594 M22:0,6882423 M23:0 M24:0] [M31:0 M32:0 M33:0,7 M34:0] [M41:4556,77 M42:2701,153 M43:138,5298 M44:1]] local=4556,77 ; 2701,153 ; 138,5298 ; "None" global=4556,77 ; 2701,153 ; 138,5298 ; "None" dist=70,90005 distZ=3,21286 16:06:00 - FIRE: Разместить нестабильную взрывчатую смесь matrix=[[M11:0,6882423 M12:-0,1277594 M13:0 M14:0] [M21:0,1277594 M22:0,6882423 M23:0 M24:0] [M31:0 M32:0 M33:0,7 M34:0] [M41:4578,338 M42:2693,135 M43:138,5925 M44:1]] local=4578,338 ; 2693,135 ; 138,5925 ; "None" global=4578,338 ; 2693,135 ; 138,5925 ; "None" dist=48,56092 distZ=3,150101 16:06:00 - FIRE: Разместить нестабильную взрывчатую смесь matrix=[[M11:0,6882423 M12:-0,1277594 M13:0 M14:0] [M21:0,1277594 M22:0,6882423 M23:0 M24:0] [M31:0 M32:0 M33:0,7 M34:0] [M41:4570,932 M42:2693,564 M43:153,4673 M44:1]] local=4570,932 ; 2693,564 ; 153,4673 ; "None" global=4570,932 ; 2693,564 ; 153,4673 ; "None" dist=56,0366 distZ=11,72467 16:06:00 - FIRE: Разместить нестабильную взрывчатую смесь matrix=[[M11:0,6882423 M12:-0,1277594 M13:0 M14:0] [M21:0,1277594 M22:0,6882423 M23:0 M24:0] [M31:0 M32:0 M33:0,7 M34:0] [M41:4595,781 M42:2681,406 M43:153,3945 M44:1]] local=4595,781 ; 2681,406 ; 153,3945 ; "None" global=4595,781 ; 2681,406 ; 153,3945 ; "None" dist=29,85526 distZ=11,65186 16:06:00 - FIRE: Разместить нестабильную взрывчатую смесь matrix=[[M11:0,6882423 M12:-0,1277594 M13:0 M14:0] [M21:0,1277594 M22:0,6882423 M23:0 M24:0] [M31:0 M32:0 M33:0,7 M34:0] [M41:4608,097 M42:2676,282 M43:153,0585 M44:1]] local=4608,097 ; 2676,282 ; 153,0585 ; "None" global=4608,097 ; 2676,282 ; 153,0585 ; "None" dist=18,93164 distZ=11,31589 16:06:00 - FIRE: Разместить нестабильную взрывчатую смесь matrix=[[M11:0,6882423 M12:-0,1277594 M13:0 M14:0] [M21:0,1277594 M22:0,6882423 M23:0 M24:0] [M31:0 M32:0 M33:0,7 M34:0] [M41:4607,095 M42:2653,056 M43:153,0133 M44:1]] local=4607,095 ; 2653,056 ; 153,0133 ; "None" global=4607,095 ; 2653,056 ; 153,0133 ; "None" dist=18,67868 distZ=11,27065 radar: green circles not even close to yellow jars ALSO, fight is bugged 2017-11-14_16-12-07.mp4 is there anything i can fix or script this ?
  5. @Droidz hi attached xml and cs encrypted, put both in Profiles\Quester\ Testing.xml have custom script Testing.cs run Testing.xml. when i run i got errors: [E] 17:46:53 - Compilator Error : c:\Users\ssrazor\AppData\Local\Temp\shwennwk.0.cs(13,1) : error CS0116: Пространство имен не может напрямую включать в себя такие члены, как поля или методы [E] 17:47:01 - Compilator Error : warning CS1685: Заранее определенный тип "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute" определен в нескольких сборках в глобальном псевдониме; используется определение из "c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\mscorlib.dll" c:\Users\ssrazor\AppData\Local\Temp\krmb4xas.0.cs(16,7) : error CS0246: Не удалось найти имя типа или пространства имен "EciegidOuNyBtBwYiftjnvCVwpPUNPtxfeGOGXje" (пропущена директива using или ссылка на сборку?) wrobot doesnt support "custom script" encryption? tryed both variants: shorten (serverside) and not shorted (client side) or im doing something wrong? p.s. if cs is not ecrypted, then encrypted xml loads and run successfully Testing.cs Testing.xml
  6. i dont whant more discussion with you. i just post last answer here to you, in english. i have tons of work with profiles, i offered you my service, price and conditions. you start accausing me in reselling or scamming, im even not started do anything. i dont have time for any excuses or paranoids. buy tinfoil hat. you posted private messages. and after that, you call me schoolboy and hysterical? i maded few private plugins/fightclasses/profiles for others peoples before. first time such moron. you just showed your iq level. i think honorbuddy idiots start arriving. p.s. dont bother to reply. you are ignored. i wish you good luck with your plugin. p.s.s this topic is realy cursed. i think i unfollow this
  7. i can, but i refused. coz @wlhr occused me in scam. ask him
  8. im hear. near Hope's Landing Teleporter Map name MPQ: Argus 1 My Position: -2931.751, 8803.34, -232.1103, "None" My Position Vector: new Vector3(-2931.751, 8803.34, -232.1103, "None") My Position XML: <Vector3 X="-2931.751" Y="8803.34" Z="-232.1103" Type="None" /> My Rotation: 4,698609 run this code in dev tools wManager.wManagerSetting.ClearBlacklistOfCurrentProductSession(); var mobID = 125407; var all = ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitByEntry(mobID); var n = ObjectManager.GetNearestWoWUnit(ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitByEntry(mobID)); Logging.Write("SEARCH ID=" + mobID + " closest_name=" + n.Name + " valid=" + n.IsValid + " dist=" + n.GetDistance ); foreach (var a in all) { Logging.Write("SEARCH ID=" + mobID + " foreach -> name=" + a.Name + " valid=" + a.IsValid + " dist=" + a.GetDistance); } get this 20:15:12 - SEARCH ID=125407 closest_name= valid=False dist=9281,586 20:15:12 - SEARCH ID=125407 foreach -> name=Маяк озаренных valid=True dist=5,780092 whats wrong? me or wrobot ?
  9. Debug each part of if condition for character with problem, after that you will know whats wrong
  10. its worked. BUT what i noticed, let me explain. we have position A and position B. case1: pathfinder find path from A to B without offmesh connections, then pathfinder dont even check offmesh connections. case2: pathfinder didnt find path from A to B withoutoffmesh connection, then pathfinder try to search path with offmesh connections. in this case, in isle of thunder, server pathfinder successfully find path from A to B without offmesh (according to my log posted above) and dont even check offmesh connections. and that path lead thru wall but i can check it directly if you want
  11. i dont know if you changed logic of offmesh connections. but as far i know how it work before: offmeshes checked only if path not finded. according to log server find path (thru walls) and didnt use any offmesh connections. correct me if i wrong
  12. try to disable/enable server pathfinding in general settings > advanced
  13. here (or near that spot) Map name MPQ: MoguIslandDailyArea My Position: 6975.315, 5187.96, 66.03867, "None" My Position Vector: new Vector3(6975.315, 5187.96, 66.03867, "None") My Position XML: <Vector3 X="6975.315" Y="5187.96" Z="66.03867" Type="None" /> My Rotation: 5,898219 if i enable server side pathfinding then wrobot tryed to walk thru wall if i disable server pathfinding, everything works fine no offmesh connections in profile for this continent stuck log [N] 05:18:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 6975,315 ; 5187,96 ; 66,03867 ; "None" to 7073,398 ; 5179,925 ; 66,0382 ; "None" (MoguIslandDailyArea) [N] 05:18:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (103,5525y) [N] 05:18:39 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck [N] 05:18:39 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
  14. ObjectManager.Me.IsFalling ObjectManager.Me.IsFallingFar
  15. updated. test how it works
  16. а если денег нет, не проще ли сделать посредника кто будет натурой брать? а если рук нет? не проще котика с лапками завести? а если серьёзно, к каждому киви прикреплена виртуальная карта, закинь на киви денег и пользуйся этой картой
  17. ObjectManager.Me.BuffStack(12345) >= 5
  18. never scammed anyone. he ask, i reply. i dont know what wrong: he cant use search, he doesnt like your or droidz plugin. next time try answer not in rude way. mkay?
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