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Posts posted by camelot10

  1. @Droidz

    1. can't see https://wrobot.eu/bugtracker/?



    2. have bug

    this quest http://www.wowhead.com/quest=45472/kraken-eggs

    required to disable mount for smooth running.

    i disable all mounts with 

    			wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.UseMount = false;
    			wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.UseFlyingMount = false;
    			wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.UseGroundMount = false;

    but bot still mount swimming mounts while in water

  2. 1 hour ago, Droidz said:

    Hello, do you have try to use 

    wManager.Wow.Helpers.ClickOnTerrain.Pulse(new Vector3(1, 2, 3));


    nope. code below dont even rotate turret

    	public static void Aim(WoWUnit unit, float precistion = 0.5f)
    		Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency * 2);
    		ClickToMove.CGPlayer_C__ClickToMove(unit.Position.X, unit.Position.Y, unit.Position.Z, unit.Guid, (int)wManager.Wow.Enums.ClickToMoveType.Move, precistion);
    		Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency * 2);

    only one thing can move turret verticaly



    but i cannot find how i can calculcate vertical rotation to target unit according to turret aim

    this quest: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=39801/the-splintered-fleet


  3. got major problem with vertical aiming with cannon


    ClickToMove.CGPlayer_C__ClickToMove(unit.Position.X, unit.Position.Y, unit.Position.Z, unit.Guid, (int)wManager.Wow.Enums.ClickToMoveType.Move, precistion);

    not working. only horizontal. tryed all ClickToMoveType

    is there anything i can do to aim mob in vertical ?


  4. 10 hours ago, kazurengan said:

    Farming gold is so dead at least for me

    Been running 4 bots all week and only got 300k

    1 bot 3 weeks (~8-10 hours per day). world quests with follower with all +gold per world quest item (+15 +25 +50) got me around 200k. need multiple characters coz all world quests completed after 5-6 hours if you run it on one characters.

    this including selling on ah everything once per week: mats, boe and other. dont bother with disenchant or transmog: sell greens to vendor. and i dont cout order hall resources. coz i flush it once per month ~100k

  5. 3 hours ago, Floood0 said:

    Hello, I read somewhere on the forum that robots won't work if wow minimized to tray, but on my computer it seems like it works. Minimized wow have lower CPU usage, this is important for me because I try to run wow on the notebook and his CPU is overheating (Avg 80 C, but maximal about 88-93 C, that is not so nice). So I just want to know how to teach Wrobot minimize wow, because without I can't keep my bot working for a long time.

    warden ban you if wow minimized but get input from keyboard/mouse. thats why wrobot wont allow you minimize wow

  6. 6 hours ago, Loosemoose said:

    Extremely weird, i just opened the bot with "nakhxHTp.exe" 


    Tried the actual launcher, didnt work.

    went back to "nakhxHTp" and it worked.


    So anyone with compilator error on windows 10 perhaps try the "nakhxHTp.exe"

    wrobot change .exe name to random string. every installation of wrobot have different name. this to avoid warden detect bots by name from processes list on windows.

  7. im pretty sure you can do anything possible as normal player with wrobot. but not common tasks require c# knowledge and alot of time for testing. you can make plugin that can ignore fighting before X mobs attacked you, or you can add 
    "c# spell" in fightclass that put mob.guid in blacklist for 10 seconds if mobs attacked you < X

    or something like that

  8. 1 minute ago, Moonpie said:

    Thank god you are open minded and respect other opinions. As hard as it is for me, i guess i have to admit it. My IQ is too low to understand it. Noone knows me better than you do - Mate, to whom i talked twice in my life. Let me assure you that i will never question your opinion again, High Profile Master. I will remain remain humble and silent watching you make the world a better place.

    Kidding aside, thats actually a valid point. I did post my profiles in custom profiles because I used the Create Content Button on the Mainpage and there is only Custom Profiles to choose from. Yet, due to your post i found out how to do it correctly and i will relocate the files right after this post.

    I really hope we can bring this argument to a constructive level and put our personal diffrences aside since it became really exhausting and annoying to respond to those comments.

    and again. noone care why u posted wrong profile in wrong section. we talk about order, rules and consequences.

    we talking about that peoples like you flooded download section with useless/non-informative crap. At this moment i can read/decompile any profile and plugin from this forum and make use of it.

    BUT 95% of others users cant understand or use whats peoples submit on last time.

    Why? Every "Moonpie" has own reason, and we need to do something with this, thanks my thoughts. At this moment we have small and solid community. 

    I can submit 200+ profiles per day, every day for all good spots for farming/gathering. but i understand that this will ruin community and profiles sections.

    Everyone who understand how to farm, knows where and how to do it.

    Others wrobot amateurs/newbies can use available farm profiles to start use and learn. No need for 200 gathering profiles for Azsuna, 300 gathering profiles for Val'sharah, and 100 skinning profiles for Nagrand. Do you understand?


  9. Just now, Zan said:

    @camelot10 I know you're passionate about the issue, I do agree with most of what you say, but you need to learn to be a little more tactful and keep the conversation constructive. Believe it or not, you will receive a better response from people when you do.

    i tryed to explain him, he dont understand it. now he come here and dont even read what im posted, again started this "valuable 1 spot profiles 50k/d". this guy dont understand that some peoples hard to start grinder profile, and for some peoples its realy hard to understand difference between profiles types and products, where this profiles must be placed to run with respective wrobot product, what general settings, where product settings and many more wrobot details.

    sometimes i have to make few screenshots to guide peoples how to send logs or change setting.

    anyway, sorry if i was rude, just got enraged somehow. maybe i should stop playing with fury warrior.


  10. 15 hours ago, Moonpie said:

    As one of those people who uploaded "simple profiles" lately i disagree with you entirely. I don't think the value of a profile is determined by how many Waypoints or MobID's it has. I bought gathering profiles with 100+ Waypoints which got me stucked or killed over and over. If a grinding Profile at a Hotspot with 1 Waypoint and 1 MobID gets you the best amount of outcome i consider it a good profile. I personally use 6-7 profiles i created in less then 10 minutes but they still make between 20.000 Gold and 50.000 Gold per Day. I don't know why people should not upload them just because they are simple. You might say "But everyone can create them on its own" and I agree with you, yet there are a lot of User who can't/don't want/don't have the time or are not aware of the farming spot to create their own profiles. As a User who is doing complex profiles with 15+ Quest I understand that you smile at those profiles. I still think that there are quite some User who are grateful to use the profiles.

    and you again

     you dont have enought IQ to understand what im talking about.

    you posted grinder profile in "custom profiles" section.

    1. peoples who dont understand nothing in profiles/programming can't use your profile becouse you posted it in wrong section. "custom profiles" its a "C#" class, similar to plugins

    2. peoples who understand a little bit in profiles making can make profile with one hotspot+mob id without your help.

    if you feel like im wrong after reading this, read it again. if you feel same after 3 times - there is no hope, todays pharmaceuticals research dont have anything to help with your problems

  11. Just now, Bogdan079 said:

    Бот ппц куча ненужных настроет которые не пойми как работают, и что бесит нельзя отредактировать уже существующий файткласс или профаил, надо каждый раз создавать новый зае... уже

    иди на хб. там всё гладко

  12. 1 hour ago, Bogdan079 said:
      Hide contents


    Как настроить шамана что бы он себя хилил во время кача ? то есть что бы юзал хилки на себя в зависимости от % здоровья

    если во время боя то fightclass, если после боя то в настройках еды поставь спелл и имя спелла

  13. @Droidz

    downloads section is out of control: full of strange files

    - profiles with one hotspot and one mob id

    - peoples put it title some wierd text

    - peoples dont give a f#$%ck in what category they post files.

    - peoples dont want to make simple description, even few words what version\what for this plugin/profile, anyone else should be telepaths or reverse engeneering to understand what for this profile/plugin

    - peoples dont use english or some kind of mix with english like "Krugerfugher Legion 100% AFK"


    can you please adjust rules for posting in downloads section ?


    rule #1: if title is not clear enough/wrong - your post removed

    rule #2: if your description is wrong/lazy/stupid/not clear - your post removed

    rule #3: if your post in not in english - your post removed (use your native lang on respective subforums)

    rule #4: if your profile/plugin is simple, (one spot/quest profile) - your post removed

    rule #5: if you cant spent few minutes on screenshot/image - your post removed

    rule #6: if you cant spent few seconds to add tags and wow version for your profile/plugin - your post removed. add "fightclass" for fightclasses, "vanila/tbc/wotk", "quester/grinder/gatherer/etc" for profiles, "plugin" for plugins

    rule #7: if you cant spent few seconds to check in what category you post your file - your post removed


    or not removed, maybe moved to "crap/spam/trash subforum/subcategory"

    atm downloads become real mess. 90% of last posts look lazy and stupid. i dont know, maybe they usefull for someone, but not for me. maybe im wrong about that. just my thoughts

  14. 22 hours ago, CocoChanel said:

    Hey, I just came from the Vanillabotter community, and wanted to check out this bot. I have already bought some quest profiles for trial version, and it seems really good!

    How good is the bot and community? 



    small and solid. be ready to spent money or time, but you can do everything with wrobot

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