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About MoTeC

  • Birthday 11/26/1985

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  1. @Crazy0 I´ll check ur "Logo´s Album" and some of them are very nice mate :) The Last Logo does not match whit the "WRobot Community" but which is only not my taste and its doesnt matter what i think^^ But i luv to create "Wallpapers,banners, Headders, Logos, Photomontage" and so on and the last project, that u have posted here, the design and the creative work, that i see in your work is Amazing. Maybe u can give the bubbles (Dots) some softly and smothly shadow to give them more spatiality :) 3 Question mate... Where are u from? U are using Photoshop? Rigth? And for the W u are doing it via a Brush-Set or free Hand and put a simply letter over there? Hehe, i am sure that we can create one of the best Logo if we are work together :)
  2. Hey Mate :) First of all... It´s realy hurts if i see someone they created some awesome stuff and no one leave a "small Comment" or press the "like this" - button for that great works. Thanks u so much for sharing :) I have tested a while and now i have some questions. Every function works great, i use them while Gathering some Ores and maybe i use them wrong... They detected an other player near me, i stop moving (flying), Wave to the player... but, the other player farming and levling his Batlle Pets, so im stay at the same postion a long time (i stop the Bot and fly away by hand). I know whats happen, the other ppl stay all the time in my "behavior Range". Can u gave us a function to Set up a "max. Chilling Time" in other players Area? Next problem is very simple - After a Gathering Session, the Bags are full and my char Teleport Back to Town, to get some free bag Slots for example, they need a function "Auto. Disable in Town" ore something like that :) My Char Wave every player in Stormwind at the Auction House and they are allot pll. I hope u understand my problems and we found a way to fix them :) Feel free to Send me a Pm or replay my comment
  3. Thank u so much dude :) Thank u very much :)
  4. Hey Guysm hey Droidz... Let me show u my creation and i hope u will enjoy : First of all, Droidz say "I want a simple logo" but what does it mean? Style, the Front, Color or the effects on?!? I´m not 100% sure but i hope my logo is what he mean. I post one Logo in Png. (whittout Background), the problem is some effects and th style looks very Sh!tty whitout the Orignal background and Image Size, so i post an example of each Logo - "How it will looks on WRobot page" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First One - WRobot White --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Secound --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dont like the color or something like that? So, let me know :)
  5. Version v. 1.0


    eXpt. [Mine] Un'Goro Crater - Thorium Ore Hey Guys ;) I have testing this profile many hours, editing the Waypoints to make them more efficent for a higher Income. I use "Gathermate2" and "Route" - Wow Addons, that help me to make the route much better and faster. I wanna Share this "Gathering Profile" whit the WRobot Community and i hope u enjoy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Income - After 1h 340x Thorium Ore 397x Dense Stone 14x Arcane Crystal 5x Star Ruby 8x Azerothian Diamond 6x Large Opal 3x Huge Emerald 5x Blue Sapphire ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Income Total - Not Availble Check the AuctionHouse on your Server! For example, on my Server 1x Arcan Crystal ~ 300g. You need them to create an Arcanite Bar, and this is s reagent for Smelt Enchanted Elementium. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have Some problem whit that profile? Feel free to send me a Information and let me know if u found some Bug / Error / Stucking Sh!t and so on. Happy Botting
  6. Hey Guy´s... Maybe i have the same problem like FisherBob. I have Create a Gather Profile and whant to share (upload) it. I can upload the Profile and a screenshot and so on. If i whant to post them, they logged me off and say "Welcome Guest is this your first visit? Register today". Next try, i Sign in and retry it and i get the same Message again. Whats happen? EDIT: Ok, i found the problem.... If i wanna Sign Inn, i have set a hook at the "Remember Me" option. Now i have dissable it and now it works for me
  7. Ahh, nice mate^^ Thx for the information :) How dit u lvling your Bot accounts? Are u Grinding the to max lvl?
  8. Thx mate, for this nice guide... But i have a question. You find many "Bann Report" Threat´s and many Botters have 2. account. The first one is the main account, the sec. is for botting and the never use a bot on the first account, but the get a ban on both account. The problem is, u send everything from 2. Acc -> 1. Acc., Gold, items and matts... your 2. account get busted und blizz check u aktivits and see "This Bot send everything to this account", the check u main account and see "The IP" -> Both get bannend. what do u thing about that?
  9. @Nightstalker Ich habe leider erst viel später gesehen das der beitrag schon ein wenig Veraltet ist :P Ich habe nämlich nach einem, erst kürzlichem Perm Bann, im netz Recherchiert und mich allg. mit dem thema befasst. Vorweg, ich habe bzw. hatte ziemlich wenig "wissen" was das thema Gesetzte, Eula, AGB´s ect. betrifft. Ich habe sehr viel gelesen und recherchiet und gebe shark in allen punkten recht. Ich habe ein langes tickte an den support geschrieben, ihne die sach lage klar gemacht, meinen standpunkt mit "Rechtsgültigen" Argumenten wiederlegt - in form von Paragrafen, klauseln und dessen Rechtlichen Konsequenzen sollten sie gegen diese richtlinen weiterhin Arrgieren und Handeln. Ich bekam genau die selbe antwort wie du sie bekommen hast. Ich wendete mich erneut an den support und erwähnte den Verbraucherschutz, gegen die sie nämlich ebenfals verstoßen und den verbraucherschutz einzuschalten und den sachverhalt prüfen zu lassen kosten mal sogut wie nix, im verhaltniss zum Anwalt^^ Dann bekam ich die slebe antwort, mit einem zusätzlichen absatz -> Wir haben den sachverhalt ncohmals überprüft und festgestellt das das die endscheidung vollkoemmn richtig war, blablabla.... Dann bat ich um eine genauer schilderung über den sachverhalt, WAS HAB ICH GETAN? - die antwort, Genau die antowort wie zuvor! Ich wendete mich wieder an den support und erklrärte ihnen das es schön und gut sei das sie nochmal nachgeschaut haben ob es stimmt das ich was getan hätte was zum bann geführt habe, dies wollte ich jedoch garnicht wissen sondern sage zum 100 mal - Nenne sie mir den direkten Tatbestand. ...selbe antwort wie die male zuvor :) Alles, aber wirklich jedes kleinste wörtchen von blizzzard ist dermaßen Fail das es schon weh tut! - >> Sie sind Verhafte! Aber weswegen? Sind sind halt verhaftet! <<-- Blizzard ist verplichtet mir den grund für die kündigung zu nennen! Wenn ic mir ein anwalt nehmen würde, würde ich zu 100% diese sache Gewinen! Leider habe ich dazu nicht die mittel^^
  10. Hmmm.... Okey mate, i understand that. My little problem is -> I´ll testing 4 diffrent wow Bot in the last 3 years and all theres Bots have a Auction bot too, but for me it doesnt realy do what i´m looking for. Thats why i´m not realy sure to buy "another one", to get disappointed again. :) But ok, Maybe i buy them today EDIT -> Done! I´m a New customer now :P It´s possible to ask for some updates or new features about the "Auction" bot? I have create a small test "Buy & Sell" List and now i have the first problem whit the Auction Bot. Everything is nice and works great but i missing some special "option" for the selling operation - "Max. Stack´s or Max. Auction per Item" - For example... ...in my Shopping list i have "Sorcerous Earth", set the stack size to x5 - he create 100 x5 auction now. Thats to much o.0 Is there a way for an update?
  11. Hmmm... I have the same problem^^ Starting the Bot, Use "Trail" Key and a new Window Open with all the Bot freat. and functions... choose "Auction" but if i Hit "Start", get an Error -> "You Cannot Use the Auction Bot whit Trial Version".
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