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Everything posted by Runaro

  1. Not gonna happen, he was just talking bu**it.. a 1-60 questing profile in just two weeks. Such a profile takes months to create and then about 1-2 weeks for testing it and optimizing everything.
  2. Here's the x86 Wow.exe for the Farahlon 6.2.4 server. Wow.exe https://virustotal.com/en/file/2d410804e0f6476ca9649ca531bdc532313ac89c51183db2a3afda465be3a0e1/analysis/1466627104/
  3. Please calm done.. you have a "edit" button. Ain't gonna happen, that the bot just gets released for 32 & 64 bit, cuz it needs a lot of rewrite to make it 32 & 64 bit compatible. Can't find a solution for this kind of problem, since i don't have the launcher from Farahlon. ( not going to download it, sry ) Only way would be, i gonna take a look over the Farahlon launcher via teamviewer, but i can't promise that is going to work after it, but worth a try.
  4. I have no idea about this "Farahlon launcher"... Are you maybe able to remove the Wow-64.exe out of the World of Warcraft folder? So the launcher can only start the Wow.exe ( 32 bit ).
  5. The bug tracker is for reporting bugs and not for support.. Simply disable "Harvest Herbs" and "Harvest Minerals".
  6. Just msg me with your teamviewer details, i can take a look over it if you want.
  7. Okay, since you write down really specific what you want to do, i gonna help you. If you want, i can send you my skype details via pm.
  8. Just take a look at the download section for 3.3.5 http://wrobot.eu/files/category/116-wrobot-for-wow-wrath-of-the-lich-king/
  9. Shhh, there's a battleground profile editor in the bot. You don't have this from me.
  10. Ähm, diese FightClass kann nicht funktionieren... Um in Battlegrounds ( Raids ) mit dem Bot heilen zu können, musst du eine complexe FightClass in C# schreiben. Xml reicht für sowas einfach nicht aus, aber für 5 Personen Gruppen kannst du auch eine xml FightClass nutzen. Hier ist ein Beispiel für eine complexe C# Healer FightClass: http://wrobot.eu/files/file/611-druid-healer-aio/ Und hier ist noch eine simple xml FightClass für wod: http://wrobot.eu/files/file/569-holy-paladin/
  11. I rate warmane scripting 9/11
  12. I hope your talking about the Death Knight spell "Path of Frost", simply add this into your FightClass: <FightClassSpell> <FightClassConditions> <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>Buff</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionStringBool"> <Name>Path of Frost</Name> </Param> </FightClassCondition> </FightClassConditions> <SpellName>Path of Frost</SpellName> <Priority>30</Priority> <IsBuff>true</IsBuff> <CombatOnly>false</CombatOnly> <LockFrame>false</LockFrame> </FightClassSpell>
  13. Not like you want it.. gonna take a lot of time to make it work properly.
  14. WRobot works on every above listed wow versions, but if you use a modified client it won't work.
  15. 2.4.3 ( tbc ) 3.3.5a ( wotlk) 4.3.4 ( cata ) 5.4.8 ( mop )
  16. The FIrestorm launcher modifies files of wow, so the bot won't recognize the wow version. Just download the original files & client.. and modify the realmlist by yourself, instead of using the FIrestorm launcher...
  17. There's your problem, you use a modified version from Firestrom. Just download the original version and only modify the realmlist.
  18. http://wrobot.eu/bugtracker/attacked-before-attacking-bug-r364/
  19. It never got fixed. Here's the Bug Tracker entry: http://wrobot.eu/bugtracker/attacked-before-attacking-bug-r364/
  20. You have to add every single hostile faction to the profile.
  21. Instead of hotspots, record paths for a dungeon.
  22. I don't think, someone is going to create for you the code. dida1990 provided you the information, simply start working with it... trial and error.
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