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WRobot user
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Posts posted by Runaro

  1. 2 hours ago, Bimmel said:

    Eine Frage hätte ich noch, unter Quest verstehe ich das er Quest annimmt und wieder abgibt, aber der Bot läuft killt munter Mobs also ähnlich wie grinden. Quest werden gar nicht gestartet oder abgegeben ?

    Das ausgewählte Profile ist nur einer Grinding Profile, welches aber als Quest Profile erstellt wurde.

  2. 4 hours ago, colderpotato said:

    also dealing with newegg, and debt card anti fraud alerts on my gpu and psu tried to order learned just use paypal if have one saves so much time. Only thing kinda of good atm is 5gb from full client 7.0.3 ^^

    I've learned that lesson some years ago...

    Ordered hardware worth 1300€ and then the company signed insolvent and i got nothing...

    No hardware and no money back.

    That's why i recommend, always use paypal for buying stuff online. ( you can chargeback money for 90 days )

  3. 2 minutes ago, LunaAlfie said:


    Thanks, but i was hoping for a bit more well you know what i mean - i want others to do the work for me :wub:  That`s why i have decided to Bot in the first place! I haven`t got the energy to learn a new Language just for this one purpose...

    "Just for this one purpose"?

    If you really want to do some stuff with this bot, you need basic knowledge in lua and C#.

    Don't think anyone is going to do your stuff for free, just cuz ur lazy and... nvm. this is not going to end well.

    I'm out of this topic, good luck.

  4. 11 minutes ago, bulseeye said:

    i would like to test it 2 before i buy it 

    There's only a "trial" license, for the Private Server version.

    If you want to try out the bot for retail, then simply buy a license for 2.99€.


  5. 12 minutes ago, kokobloko said:

    hello im trying to connect with trial version on the Feenix Archangel 2.4.3 tbc server but i get : #### - Game version incorrect (#### = process id)


    WRobot version 1.5.8 (22338) for wow 2.4.3 (~8606)

    What version of the WoW Client you're using?

    Because it sounds like, that you're simply using the wrong WoW Client version, since you need the "2.4.3 (8606)" WoW Client for WRobot TBC.

  6. 1 hour ago, eeny said:

    With the price of my staples : leather / herbs / feblight falling to almost vendor prices.. Tanaan isnt the best place to send my bots atm.


    What are you guys doing to fill the gap before legion drops?  anything we should be farming to prep us for legion?

    Transmog Gear.

  7. 3 minutes ago, gsg said:



    Im having a pretty big problem, making the bot almost unusable.


    Running Grinder with a mage. Pretty basic settings, everything seems to work as it should except the thing below.


    It runs up to attack a mob, casts a spell. But before the spell lands/enters combat, it blacklists the mob cause it took to long. By this stage the spell lands, pulling the mob, while the bot runs to a new target, pulls that one, and dies. 

    Tried diffrent settings with ranges/spells etc. But cant seem to get it to work decent.  

    21:13:43 - [Grinder] Select zone: The Barrens
    21:13:44 - [Grinder] Started
    21:13:44 - [Fight] Player Attack Greater Plainstrider (lvl 11)
    [F] 21:13:51 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Fireball (Fireball)
    21:13:54 - [Fight] Can't reach Greater Plainstrider, blacklisting it.
    21:13:54 - [Fight] Player Attack Savannah Huntress (lvl 11)
    [F] 21:13:55 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Frostbolt (Frostbolt)


    This happens about ~50% of the time.


    So i was wondering if there is a way to change the blacklisting timer, or is there some other good trick to fix this? 


    Best regards

    The best bug is, where the Bot thinks he's stuck while casting. :biggrin:

    Only a bug for caster classes..

    [N] XX:XX:XX - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
    [N] XX:XX:XX - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on

  8. 4 hours ago, johnspatten said:

    ни как не могу выбрать боевой класс,его нету даже в списке 


    You need ofc a FightClass in your "FightClass" folder.

  9. 8 hours ago, eeny said:

    Hah- they are so formal as you will see.


    just had a few people msg me how to make profiles so i figured t was easier to do this... also need practice in recording

    It gonna help a lot of new users on here, good job.

    Ps. Maybe OBS is interesting for you, it gonna record everything in a much better quality, more fps and you can add layers etc.. ( depends on your settings and hardware )

  10. 25 minutes ago, Tboy said:

    Hello again!

    Can't stress enough how happy I am with this bot :) I've used alot of wotlk profiles and they work great!


    But I cant seem to get my druid's flightform to work, the log keeps saying "no mount named flight form" and goes full retard, (around i circles etc) 

    Does anyone have some profiles with flight form? or any tbc routes they wanna share? :D 

    Thanks, and cya!



  11. 55 minutes ago, Freestylechirurg said:

    Dear all, 

    First of all, thanks for this helpful bot and my apologize for my poor  english. 

    I try to explain my issues as  best as possible. 

    I created my own Fight class for a Level 20 Frost mage. 

    Casts I want to use: Frost bolt, Frost nova, arcane brillianz,  Frost armor, Mana shield, fire blast. 

    I cannot bring Frost nova to work well. I Set it up to cast with condition :target distance smaller 12/8/20(tried all values),  but everytime it casts Frost bolt very often and the target is already in melee Position when it casts Frost nova. 


    I know i should send log files but I am on the road ATM. 


    Thanks for your help 


    You need to set the priority of "Frost Nova" higher then "Frost bolt" etc..

    Distance at SmallerOrEqual: 12

  12. 20 hours ago, Chybo said:

    Hi I purchased the short subscription and I think the site needs to find some staffing for coding scripts because there were almost none for leveling 1-60 in questing on alliance I didn't check the horde ones.Lastly the website itself could use some upgrading visually which I would be more then willing to help out with as I am a Web Developer and Graphic designer and have a degree in the fields. I think this site has potential but it needs a better more experience staff to get it to where it should be.




    Really, you're a Web Developer?

    Interesting, cuz i've checked out your site and Portfolio..

    Your personal site, is just a DVI theme and from your customers the sites are Thefox, Lush etc. themes, nothing from you?

    Changing graphics and adding a slider doesn't mean you've created the whole code / design.

    Think about that, before you offer such services to a business, which doesn't need people like you.

  13. 12 hours ago, syx80 said:

    :s ?? with your wow exe


    Just quit Firestorm, such a shitty server. :biggrin:

    They use modified clients and force you to use them, so that most of the bots and cheats doesn't recognize the Wow.exe.

    Only Droidz can do something about it, but i think that's not a high priority at the moment.



  14. 22 minutes ago, eyeownedu said:

    Well to start off i am a long time honorbuddy user.. so i decided this was a bit cheaper and i would give it a try...Started out on my level 1 night elf leveling a new character.. Within the first 20 minutes it was already running into walls.. Had to pause the bot and get it where it needed to go then start it back up.. Finally after doing that a good 10-15 times it finally got me level 10.. Then i decided to do the battleground version of it. Once again running into walls and swimming in the water area of the areana lmao.. Any help would be appreciative i still have 2 more days to bot. any profiles to fix anything?

    It's since years a high risk to use any kind of Bot in PvP, better avoid it if you like your account. :biggrin:

    Simply create your own profiles for leveling and don't use not correctly working profiles.

  15. 8 minutes ago, syx80 said:

    i just need nice version for wow mop firestorme :/ if you find nice version i go test with trial version and if is work i go buy it np ! :) 

    Put this Wow.exe into your World of Warcraft MOP folder: Wow.exe

    And start directly the Wow.exe, don't use this stupid firestorm launcher!

  16. 17 minutes ago, KevinVapes said:

    I know what you mean, i watched my bot doing the same kind of yesterday. In Stranglethorn-Valley he mounted up, ran past 3 or 4 trolls to get to the 5th one, which he targeted, mounted off and had to deal with 5 mobs then, this is just one example. He picks his targets very random sometimes, even though other mobs are much nearer, he sometimes takes the one thats more far away. Unfortunately i dont have a solution for this, but im sure BetterSister or Droidz will post here soon to clarifiy. Maybe it has something to do with the Search-Radius, but mine is very low, so i cant really tell.

    It's a problem with the target prioritization and already a known bug since months.


  17. 5 hours ago, didinos89 said:


    j'ai besoin d'aide en urgence je ne sais pas ce qui m'arrive je joue sur firestrom serveur privée wow et sur M.O.P mais le wow robot ne parvient pas a reconnaître wow :( donc je sais pas j'hesite pour acheté la licence je sais pas si ça marche ou pas AIDEZ moi svp bonne soirée. 


    You've installed WRobot for the offical server ( 6.2.4 ), but you need the WRobot version for MOP ( 5.4.8 ).

    Just open the "Update.exe" and choose "Wrobot for Wow Mists of Pandaria ( )"


  18. 3 minutes ago, SnowDragon said:

    "use pf third party programs" is what blizzard cited



    Hi, I appreciate you contacting us. I do understand that the game can be difficult to play with disabilities. However, we are not able to allow the use of unauthorized third party programs for any players. If you decide to continue to play WOW once the suspension is over, I would suggest looking into new ways to play the game with new keyboard setups and such. The forums can be helpful for finding out more about that. Thank you for understanding.

    Have to ask again.. :biggrin:

    Did you ever used a different bot? ( can be some months ago )

    Did you ever used WRotation for PvP?

    Blizzard doesn't ban you after just some hours you've used the Bot.

    You must have done something else before, or got reported from a bunch of people.

  19. 2 minutes ago, SnowDragon said:

    used the product in general; was in lfr giving a live run to the rogue script i was working on (testing against a dummy is one thing against real bosses another)  run went semi smooth, logged for the afternoon went back in to do my normal raid runs on my main and saw the "this account has been suspended" notice on the login screen

    Did you only use WRotation, or other products of the bot?

    And ofc, did you ever used Rebot or Honorbuddy with this account? ( time doesn't matter )

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