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Posts posted by Runaro

  1. 6 minutes ago, Rajivomar said:

    i bought a Licence of WRobot for private server, and i was used it for a while, now i recently bought a VPS and i want bot in this PC, I know i just can use WRobot in one PC, and i want know if i can use the VPS even if i used WRobot on my main PC before?

    Yes you can, but WRobot can only get used from one IP Address at the same time, so if your WRobot runs currently on your PC, it won't work on your VPS, same way the opposite.

    Ps. WoW ain't gonna work properly, without a inbuilt gpu. ( 99% of the VPS and Dedicated server don't have a gpu )


  2. 2 minutes ago, lucky1273 said:

    ... hab leider nur eine Partition :blink:

    Wenn du möchtest, kann ich mir das ganze mal via Teamviewer ansehen und eventuell finde ich eine Lösung.

    Bei Interesse, schicke mir einfach deine Teamviewer Details via PM.

  3. 47 minutes ago, thejm said:

    spells that are aoe and cast with the cursor don't work with wrobot.


    It casts it in the correct location, but doesn't commit (cast). I always have to do it myself or it works 4 times in =(

    They do work, but you have to define into your FIghtClass, that it's a AOE Spell.

    Then it works without any problems.



  4. 5 hours ago, GellhausBerlin said:

    Hi zusammen,


    ich suche für diesen einen spot ein profil,wo er die grollhufe killt,lootet und kürschnert.

    Meistens liegen da nur tote Mobs die ich mit dem bot einfach gekürschnert haben will.

    Kann mir bitte jemand so ein profil herstellen.

    Ich bin die unbegabteste bot profil macherin glaube ich :)


    Hier ein video+ein bild vom dem besagten spot.




    Kostet dich 4 Minuten deines Lebens und dann kannst du ohne Probleme ein "simples" Kürschner Profile erstellen. :wink:


  5. 3 minutes ago, Droidz said:

    I know that lua command already and that's not how we want it..

    Because it "taps" all the time just backwards and not "walking" backwards. ( you'll get spotted and banned for sure, if you use that function like that )

  6. 10 minutes ago, KevinVapes said:

    Hey guys,

    i think this question was already asked a lot but i will still go for it.

    Is there any possible chance for WRobot while using a Rangeclass/Casterclass etc, to hold a specific range to a mob, or else walk backwards when you have frozen your target for example. I know that if you cant stun or hold the mob in position, the bot will try to walk backwards in a endless loop unable to cast again. But still it would definately look more humanlike.

    How you guys handle this?

    I feel you.. even pirox pvptool had this kind of feature for casters and the bot was pretty basic.

    But we have to live with it how it is right now... for hunters you could use disengage and for mages blink.

  7. 35 minutes ago, Drwolftech said:

    Droidz is the only developer or there is a group behind the bot? Because the main reason Rebot stopped working was a fight between developers.

    Droidz is the only developer working directly on the bot.


    35 minutes ago, Drwolftech said:

    Leveling profiles is basic and could be released to public. But most of my profiles i dont release here because i dont want a crownd on my farming spots =P.

    Most people think like you ( including me ), i've created complex FightClasses, Profiles etc.. but if i would share them to the public, then much non "experienced" botter gonna use them and expose my stuff, so everyone know it's a bot behind it, or even gonna steal my farming spots. :biggrin:

    Btw. Questing Profiles ( 1-max level ) are never gonna get released to public for free, cuz it takes a lot of time to create them. ( weeks - months )

  8. 2 minutes ago, Lord said:

    Thanks alot for those informations ( i could just google them, so thanks :) )


    A last question, do we know if Blizzard ban WoW account or Bnet account ? 

    Blizzard bans only World of Warcraft accounts and not Bnet accounts. ( at least if you're just a botter and not harming the company in any kind of way )

  9. 1 minute ago, Lord said:

    Thanks for that answer :)

    So there is 2 ways if i understand : 

    1. Taking the risk to bot on a main account to enjoy full benefit of it
    2. Having an alt account to bot & earn golds / craft mats 

    And about leveling, i need a 2nd account with the same name ? About heirblooms, i'll need to find a guild to buy them, am i right ? 

    Thanks :D

    I think only for the cloak and head you need to be in a guild? Not sure.. haven't played retail in months.

    Everything else you can buy from a vendor, with gold.

  10. 15 minutes ago, Lord said:

    Hey fellows

    I'am asking a question to myself since a pretty long time : How do you manage to earn the benefit of the bot on your main account ? ( I don't speak about golds, but more about leveling / reputations / monture etc .. )

    The point is i know there is a way to transfer a character between 2 account who DONT have the same name, but its tricky, & cost around 60€ ( + 20€ / characters ). I already did it once on my main, but for his security, i don't want to repeat the operation, wich ask the help of a gamemaster 

    Any tricks to enjoy the benefits of my farms ? ( Once again, i don't speak about stealth gold sending, but about the account linked items / montures / titles )

    Thanks :)

    You only need the same last name on a account, to transfer characters between the accounts.

    Mounts, achievements etc. are bnet account bound and can't get transferred to a different bnet account. ( i've already called blizzard about that, no way.. )

  11. Just now, deregise said:

    So i was going to try Wrobot because it looked nice and the price was interesting but you have to get a admin to approve your account which took 3 days for me, I went and bought Honorbuddy instead because i dont have to wait 3 days.

    You just lost a customer because of this, change this stupid system or its going to happen more.

    Have fun with your Banned World of Warcraft account. #Detected  :biggrin:

  12. 23 hours ago, zyklon said:

    "quester and grinder bot". Taken straight from the website:

    With WRobot you can gather mining and herbing nodes, do quests, battlegrounds, ...

    It is no more rational to think that this script could do quests just as it can do battlegrounds based on that description. The developers provided the battleground ability just as marketed but not quests. 

    WRobot can do that all, you just need profiles for it and btw. i can't read anywhere that WRobot promotes things like: "1-max level profiles, 100000k gold per hour profiles included1!!11!"

  13. 29 minutes ago, zyklon said:


    I'm not going to waste my time making a quest script when I could just do the quest. The main purpose i bought this bot is because I wanted to level up my character, after seeing that this bot had a "quester and grinder bot", I assumed that there would be completed profiles. In terms of leveling up characters, the only thing available are grinder profiles and needless to say grinding to level in WoW is ineffective. Perhaps before i bought the bot, there should've been a caveat saying that virtually all but a few starting zones are publicly released and the burden is on you to make the script. This bot is marketed to be a bot for casual botters, but after seeing the product clearly the only people who use it are those with financial motives(gold farming). Being "lazy" is not why I bot WoW, I bot WoW because my personal life is far to busy and I simply don't have enough time to pursue my endeavors in WoW. 


    Of course there's no public 1-max level questing profile for free, why should there be one? :rolleyes:

    Before buying the bot, you have the permission to look into the profile section, looks like you haven't done that before buying the bot.

    Ps. People like you, is one of the reasons why i've stopped giving support in this forum.

  14. 1 minute ago, bigworm79 said:

    k cool, ya i have been messing with it and saw to use tool helper and been seeing if i can fix things manual but seems like it owuld just be easier for me to create my own 1-20 questing ect.  either way thanks for the reply.

    Ye, not worth spending the time converting / editing a Questing Profile from a different bot.

    Quicker and easier is it, to create one from scratch. ( my opinion )

  15. 25 minutes ago, bigworm79 said:

    Hey just wanted to say bot seems pretty good so far, i have not used a bot for wow since pirox and was bored and thought i would jump into it again.  I like your set up so far, i have been looking at your tutorials section and so far i am able to understand them and been having some fun learning the tools.  I had only one question and that is for the Convert profiles option.  lol i guess im curious how good are they and would i have to do a ton of patch work to the profiles manually to get them workign after?

    The converter is only good for getting the coordinates formatted for WRobot, everything else is not getting converted properly.

  16. 7 minutes ago, Shadowkilla said:

    There prob a million tread like this but i tired farming with no fight class on my prot warr.

    Can someone PLS explain step by step by step how i instal it in WRobot. And provide a link to fight class. I just use 2 spell when i fight world trash.

    How do i do it. Im soory but im so nobbish i know ;) So here we go. Use this tread to all new commers and pls expalin like i was 5yo :P

    Thx in advance.

    I have no idea, how i should explain a 5 year old how to setup WRobot properly, but i can explain it to a grown person.

    Profiles, FightClasses and Plugins you can get from here: http://wrobot.eu/files/

    For all the other things, like creating your own Profiles, FightClasses and Plugins, you should start reading the threads in here: http://wrobot.eu/forums/forum/7-tutorials-wrobot/

    There's nothing much more to explain, once you've read all the tutorials, you gonna understand that WRobot is pretty simple to setup.

  17. 1 hour ago, [email protected] said:

    I was using a Feral Druid fighting routine downloaded from here, before Pre-Patch came. It worked very good. After Prepatch, it keeps failing and casting healing touch etc.

    Why is it not working anymore ?

    (The core function of using "Healing Touch" with buff "Predatory Swiftness" has not changed, but it just doesnt work after prepatch)


    Also i tried looking at the druid fight class section again, and found out that there's a Guardian profile there as a .dll file? (instead of XML which was the file format before prepatch?)

    Idk, looks like something has changed, ask the FightClass creator, or edit it by urself.

    Doesn't matter if it's a .dll, .xml or .css., because at the end, the bot converts it to a c# code.


    Ps. I decompiled the LegionGuardian.dll and got the source, it's safe and there's no malicious code inside.


  18. 4 hours ago, d.large said:

    I find it very unfortunate that now is possibility sell profiles and Fight Classes. this will bring more attention to this bot and thus be unsafe.

    So, you don't want 1-max level questing profiles? ( trainer, schedule, auto equip included )

    With the possibility to sell profiles for WRobot, it's a good way to make this bot and community better.

    4 hours ago, Dreamful said:

    Maybe we can first set the Download Section on paid User only?
    Thats the Reason i dont even Upload my stuff here, cracked user can download my stuff just easily.

    I have this discussion with Droidz and BetterSister since a long time and i don't think, this is going to change soon.

  19. 3 minutes ago, eeny said:

    Fresh install of wrobot on the new SSD (G:/Wrobot).. all working fine at this time.... shrugs 


    Same OS, same profiles no crash.  The old install has been running pretty hard for a few months.. maybe something just got messed up

    Let me guess, windows 10? :biggrin:

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