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Everything posted by eeny

  1. You dont have to make your own profiles- there are a lot of free and paid ones out there. Quality does vary. However, In my opinion grind profiles are not difficult to make at all, you can make a grinder profile in about 3 minutes. All you need to do is define where the bot can move to, and what NPC's you want it to kill.. load the profile and walk away. it wont be as fancy as a quest profile, but it will get the job done. When i started with Wrobot i would make a grinder profile for an appropriate zone and leave the bot for 2-3 hours while i went to seep. turning the but off with a "shutdown -s -t 15000" from the command prompt. loading up the bot the next day it would be 2-3 lvls higher.. it worked... Pretty much this- a working profile can be made in 2-3 mins. Make gold: farming. i run multiple wow accs all farming on different servers. on avaerage i think most of my bots run at ~3-4K an hour profit (which may seem low but is a realistic figure) some people boast up to 5X that number but wherever. Dungeon grind: low level rinse and repeat dungeon farming- yes. Random dungeon farming via group finder: No. I dont know of any WoW bot at this time which does dungeons smoothly
  2. Ah ok- makes sense. mine has values like this where i was able to weigh armour heavily to stop the random equips.. elseif (spec == "Blood") then weapons = "2h" weighting = {Strength = 1.05, Agility = 0, Stamina = 0.5, Intellect = 0, Spirit = 0, Armor = 1, Dodge = 0.5, Parry = 0.5, Block = 0, SpellPower = 0, SpellPenetration = 0, Haste = 0.8, Mp5 = 0, AttackPower = 1, ArmorPenetration = 0.005, Crit = 1, Hit = 0.15, Expertise = 0.3, Versatility = 0.8, Multistrike = 1, Mastery = 1, ExperienceGained = 100, RedSockets = 0, YellowSockets = 0, BlueSockets = 0, MetaSockets = 0, HealingProc = 0, DamageProc = 0, DamageSpellProc = 0, MeleeProc = 0, RangedProc = 0, DPS = 2}
  3. I haven't had a chance to see this in action yet-however i do have a question: Will the bot be able to equip lower armor types if it deems them as an "upgrade". Aka- will my warrior/DK want to equip cloth if the stats are there to tip the score over the current equipped item? I have a wow addon that achieves a similar outcome to this and found that i needed to scale armour value much higher to avoid my plate wearers just equipping everything they found. I had a rude shock when my blood DK decided to equip some Ilvl 845 BoE epic cloth shoulders he picked up with my addon before i changed the values to stop this happening.. While i can agree you shouldnt be running this type of addon / plugin on a lvl 110 bot in the first place-just thought i would ask. Cheers Eeny.
  4. Sometimes you can get a re-download from sellfy. If you have the receipt it should have the link (assuming the author has put the updated file on sellfy). otherwise contact direct via PM / Fourms is the only option.
  5. Did you change to a c# fight class or modifying the settings on the console got you dps'ing faster??
  6. maybe writing a fight class in c# would do more.... i know that wrobot needs to parse the fighclass.xml file and convert it into c# which apparently can make some overhead... That being said, I have never looked down the 'max dps' path- i only use wrobot for afk gold farming and leveling so for me 60-80% dps with survivability is good enough.
  7. you may see a difference if its lower... I know default is what i consider "human speed". Have you tried the [class\fight class] frame "improve combat rotation speed" turned on?
  8. Have you played around with the latency setting in the wrobot console? try changing that to something a bit lower. i keep mine default however try something like 10 min and 40 max and see what happens. Keep in mind, if you have spell interupts you may be interrupting them in sub 40ms from the start of cast which will certainly raise some eyebrows in PVP. general settings > advanced settings > other options > [min / max latency].
  9. You sir... are the man. Attached for the (other) lazy people is a quest profile that does the same thing...load up easy obliterate and oblivion and make sure easy obliterate has "auto select" enabled. Not the fastest thing... reliable tho. OBLIVION.xml
  10. Want to link that "fightclass"? =)
  11. Not that im aware of...I have been using Auto-IT script to somewhat automate it... i still need to hover around my PC to get it working however so i cant load up a profile, 5000 leather and come back after an hour later to my obliterum just yet. The issue is blizzard has seen us coming on this one and has protected the buttons against scripting. No matter what you do the client needs to be seen to click the button to get it to work....If someone can automate it, il give them a crisp high five.
  12. its an option to make solid reliable gold... get creative
  13. If you have both gathers and crafters with full professionstars for max efficiency you can do the obliterum shuffle. Its a good way to 'hide' your raw material farming as you can consolidate multiple full stacks of raw material into a few obliterum's to sell.. You will need to do a little prequest which may take a few hours. http://www.worldofmoudi.com/guide-obliterum . Once thats done you can destroy crafted gear at the Obliterum Forge for Obliterum Ash. 100 dust is required to make 1 Obliterum. The amount of ash varies and increases based on the ilvl of the crafted item. This includes crafted gear, relics, gems, flasks, and potions. Obliterating ilvl 815 chests and legs are good, alchemist stones appears to be the best return at this time. You can then sell the obliterum on the action house or raise the Ilvl of your gear. AFAIK there isnt a profile to obliterate items yet so it will be quite manual to make and obliterate the items. There are addons to assist with oblierating gear though. all you need to do is weight up if you will make more gold obliterating or selling raw mats. Sidenote- take a look on https://theunderminejournal.com/ and look if your bots make a named appearance on your server for the items you farm.... if they do make an appearance there you should definitely look into the oblit shuffle to hide your tracks a bit and reduce the raw mats your posting on the AH...unless your suicide botting in which case you know what your in for.
  14. If the recipient is on the same account and on the friends list- you shouldn't get a popup... works for my bots.
  15. You can convert Zygor to wrobot profiles using the quest editor. You will need to patch EVERYTHING to get it to work however. it may populate the zone quests, ID's and co-ords.. you will need to figure out all the pulses tho.
  16. Version 1.0.0


    These profiles will need you to modify them to work well for your bot. You need to look at the profile prior to loading it to see what it does. If you want a simple grinder look at my other Beast Grind pack. For the rest... These are profiles that i use to keep my bots truly AFK while farming leather. The profiles are built to allow the user to not have to log into the bots every day to clean them out. Each of these files are actually questers. The profile will get the bot to farm 2500 STONEHIDE leather. After which will use the Dalaran Hearth, use scavenged good(from boon) / scrolls / pages (for artifact power) ect... Then attempt to mail all whites / greens / epics, Vendor all greys then reload the profile to start again. you will need your mail recipient to be on your bots "friends list" to avoid the mailing popup. The bot decides what it does depending on the amounf of stonehide leather it has in its bag. less than 2500 it will farm, More than 2500 it will hearth and to go dalaran. To make the bot vendor i use wrobot run codes to modify the min bag space to go to town. You may need to change this value depending on the bags you have. You may also need to change the stonehide collect value depending on the bags you have! ############################################################################################################### you need to define a mail recipient for these profiles or they wont work!!! < holy shit im not kidding here... ############################################################################################################### I have put the following runcode default for all profiles /console maxfps 20 wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.Selling = true; wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellGray = true; wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellWhite = false; wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellGreen = false; wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellBlue = false; wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellPurple = false; wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.UseMail = true; wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MailGray = false; wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MailWhite = true; wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MailGreen = true; wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MailBlue = true; wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MailPurple = true; wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.FlightMasterTaxiUse = true; ======================================================================================== modify as you see fit. I hope you have a mail recipient that can Disenchant Legion greens... If not set up a CoD deal for legion greens with an enchanter on your server so some easy gold any (smart) enhancement requests welcome as always. Cheers Eeny
  17. 1: General settings > enter advanced options > vendor settings > enable selling whites / greens etc should clean out your bags nicely. 2: your on your own there, i play retail.
  18. how are you unaware that there was a massive change in feral dps 7.1... since bettersister isn't around as much anymore he hasnt updated the profile to reflect the changes... Most people modified his work to play nice with the 7.1 changes... others sat there and complained about it mysteriously not working... Legion Cat Druid.xml
  19. If you are using the bot for the first time in a zone- it will need to download meshes to know where to run in the zone. Depending on how long that takes the bot will stand still while that happens. Most people as far as i know have that profile working pretty well so to determine if its just that herb profile- or every herb profile(your install) can you try with one of the free profiles and see if it works the same. If its bad for all- can you attach some logs from the session. \\WRobot\Logs
  20. I never have a problem mailing... my bank is on friends list and in guild... just watched a bot mail a bunch of stuff with no problems
  21. Version 1.1.0


    Raptor Grinding north Azsuna This is a quester that will grind raptors in north west Aszuna to skin up to 2500 stonehides, hearth to Dalaran, sell then go back to farming TO GET THIS TO WORK YOU NEED TO DEFINE A MAIL RECIPIENT IN WROBOT SETTINGS. Otherwise the bot will fill up on leather and wont work. you can pull up to 10 mobs at once here so make sure youe bot is geared and ready. i would expect half the people here wont ever get this to work- for those who do- enjoy! Attached screen shot from 834 Ilvl Blood DK farm stats ~~ 800 leather / hour
  22. You know they changed out healing touch for regrowth for feral druid dps with the drop of 7.1 right? All my rotations i have just swapped healing touch for regrowth- the behaviour is the same, just the spell is different.
  23. Probably your fight class... Healing touch should be written no-where unless your resto.
  24. Anyone noticed this is fixed in 7.1?
  25. Is your druid special in some way outside of the 200 other people reporting the exact same thing on the forums before you?
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