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File Comments posted by eeny

  1. 1 hour ago, Faffywaffy said:

    Hey Eeny, Just about to ding 50 grinding in hinterlands with hinterlandsend on the 25-60, and It's in the cave grinding the Ooze's, I noticed that It will run up the ramp, attack the mob and jump off (taking some falling damage) and subsequently pulling more mobs down below if they've re spawned. It will continue to run up the ramp and jump off over and over (for hunter at least) and actually results In quite a few deaths, I've been baby sitting it and just pulling my pet back down so It'll stop getting stuck in a loop like that. I'm sure It's a problem with pathfinding more than the profile but I think the waypoint's could be slightly improved.

    Thanks, il take a look at it, may blacklist that cave entirely. You could look at the alt files azshara/ tanaris to lvl up. 

    Lvl 50 on north dale may also be time to start lvling by hand to eliminate bans. Areas are getting busy with 60s above that point 

  2. 1 minute ago, AmberLaHotee said:

    Both. 27 atm

    Its written in the file.  no addons / pluings stopping the heal?

        public Spell HealingWave = new Spell("Healing Wave");
        public Spell LesserHeal = new Spell("Lesser Healing Wave");

            if (ObjectManager.Me.HealthPercent <= 40 && ObjectManager.Me.ManaPercentage > 15)
            if (!LesserHeal.KnownSpell && ObjectManager.Me.HealthPercent <= 40  && ObjectManager.Me.ManaPercentage > 15)

  3. 6 minutes ago, AmberLaHotee said:

    Having the issue that it doenst use heals (same issue with other shaman FCs). shaman.cs is in the fight class folder with Shaman_Enh_lvling.xml.

    Everything else works. Other classes dont have that problem, f.e. druid.

    English client, Lights hope.



    Are you referring to healing in or out of combat- also what lvl

  4. 1 hour ago, pepzlesy said:

    Its valley of the kings, it gets stuck. cant use the bot anymore. any fix?

    I know the gate you  are talking about, usually when the bot is stuck there its trying to go back to human lands and (for whatever reason) failed the manual flight i put into the file, so it makes a path and tries to run from Loch modan to Stormwind.  Look at the "ingame tab" bot state / last log.  If he bots trying to pick up  a quest in the Human zone just hearth back to goldshire and restart the bot.

  5. 2 hours ago, pepzlesy said:

    Just bought it, im a lvl 7 now but it keeps walking to Dane Winslow in Northshire Valley. Its stuck there for almost a hour now, any fix?

    This can't be using the 6-45 file? 

    If it's the 1-6 file you likely manually completed a quest and now the bot is trying to complete it again. GOTO quest options / enable disable steps and untick the quest it's trying to pick up. 

    Or just load the 6-45 file. If it's still stuck send me a log and il check where it's hung up

  6. On 7/11/2018 at 1:02 PM, mattyg1491 said:

    is there a way to make it go to certain vendors instead of running so far away from grind spot


    Unfortunately no, I have defined vendors in the profile that are close to each gind spot... however i also opened it up to use the wrobot NPC DB as well a.  Wrobot picks the sell location.  After repeated use you may have auto - blacklisted multiple vendors. to fix this stop the bot, on the client go tools > clear session blacklist and see if it goes someway back to normal.

  7. 1 hour ago, tsm1196 said:

    I have been using this profile for a few days now. Inside of my WRobot settings, I have vendoring Green quality items turned off...I was wondering if it was this profile that was vendoring the green items?

    Yes.  In some of the older versions i ran runcode at the beginning of the file to enable selling greens at the profile level, because thats how i like to bot.  If you pull down a new version (V9) from sellfy you will see that has been changed (due to reports like this).  Alternatively open the file in notepad / an IDE and look for "wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellGreen = true;" Chnage true to false and it will stop it.


  8. 21 minutes ago, mattyg1491 said:


    one more thing how do I get it to always look I feel sometimes it loots and sometimes just doesn't 


    The file doesn't change the looting behaviour of the bot, if you have add-ons or plugins try disabling them. Otherwise try incrementing the latency on the advanced options to see if it stables out. 

  9. 35 minutes ago, mattyg1491 said:

    Any way to stop the stutter step?


    If it's when your fighting, it's the fight class. If it's all the time change the click to move or lua to move settings in the advanced options. I can't tell you what one works best,  installs on different computers will behave differently. 

  10. 11 hours ago, mattyg1491 said:

    is this still good to use? also if so is there a way if im starting it at 12 for it to start at 12 or will it auto do that


    Yes- still works.  Because its a grinder you can start at any level and the bot should move to the spots and begin.  Once you reach the max level for a zone it should move on.

  11. 2 hours ago, Torug said:

    @Duskwood why not still farming Ogres all the time? Easy to kill, good respawn - no fucking person there. Instead he is farming some Wolves 7 level below me. 
    Any way to "force" to use ogre Path?

    I dont like to leave the bot in 1 spot for too long- while the Ogres are great farming if you spend 4 lvls there people will notice.  If you want it to stick around a while longer there- edit the fiile with a notepad (make a copy first) and search for  line      


    and change 30 to 31 or 32 as you see fit.

    Alternatively, use the quest file editor

  12. Version 1.3

    uploaded a stealth FC that utilises prowl!

    Has a function from the 'stopbot' plugin that will only engage prowl when a player is within 125 yards from the bot, otherwise the bot will just free-run without stealth.  WILL NEED PROWL ON THE SKILL BAR!

  13. 30 minutes ago, doped0c said:

    Another one, bot seems to have trouble deciding wether to attack a mob or not. Sometimes when someone gets tag just before me, i throw a frostbolt, then it goes back to not targeting him. Then it starts spam targeting it, casting 0,1sec of frostbolt and start moving, cast 0,1sec of frostbolt and start moving. Looks shady as f. Solution to this?

    The profile does not tell the bot how to fight, just what to fight.  The fightclass your using will manage how the bot engages mobs- you probably need to put a "target distance" condition on the frost-bolt spell so it doesnt try use it till its in range.

  14. 1 hour ago, excell003 said:


    the profile is great really however i noticed when he encounters the pet of a friendly hunter (and i dont know what happens if its an enemy pet) he targets it and follows it for a while, then at some point blacklist it and goes on with his life. It makes quite obvious we are botting. Do you think you can do something ? (i even saw other bot doing this lol ... )

    Only option here is to turn on " ignore pets" in the advanced options.  the profile doesnt have many pulses for mobs with pets so its fairly safe to do.

  15. 6 hours ago, Potten said:

    my bot wont go to vendor to sell/repair/mail when bags are full? Been a while since Ive used wrobot. thoughts? 

    I put runcode to automatically enable all that stuff at the beginning of the profile.  you could try disabling all that stuff by going to product settings tab > enable / disable steps > untick the first step and load the file.  Otherwise i may need a log file to see if anything is in there that can explain it.  Certainly no on purpose from the profile.

  16. 22 minutes ago, doped0c said:

    Idk why but when i start the 12-60 v9 it keeps running out in fatigue in the water to the little "bay" area and keeps getting killed by lvl 30 mobs... Did i config something wrong am i using the wrong profile? ?

    What continent are you starting this on?  Always start on Kamildor unless your using a file from the test / demo section which may be eastern kingdoms.

  17. 5 minutes ago, imradlol said:

    Hello! Sorry for the noob question, im brand new to wrobot and just bought your profile. I'm choosing to level a warlock and using a fightclass, my problem is everytime the bot runs up and melees the enemy before starting casting, is there anyway to prevent this since im a ranged class and instead of meleeing to have it just start the fightclass?

    You prob need a FightClass ( or a better FightClass) that your currently using.  The profile tells the bot where to go and what to do.... the Fight class will tell the bot how to fight.

    Take a look at the 5 min tutorial vid and maybe have a go at my lock FC.




  18. 14 minutes ago, dono2jean1 said:

    please someone advise me ive got my key just want to know how to run on 3.3.5 private server says game incorrect

    prob best to make a thread for it.

    1- Make sure you have purchased a private server key

    2- when you install wrobot you need to specify the wow release.  in this case 3.3.5

    3- if your wow release is not there- PM droidz with a screenshot of the client login page- it will often provide the client version and droidz will figure something out.

  19. 3 hours ago, deka880 said:

    void walker is pulling mobs with in a radius even before you can loot and pulls you into combat again which is causing the warlock to spaz out, you can target one mob but the fightclasses is making the voidwalker attack some think completely diffrent

    You sound like you have your pet on aggressive... 

  20. 7 hours ago, miltonbrad said:

    hey i pmed u about a question and hoping u can do something about it. Im just wondering if u could change the grinding zones from ashenvale to stonetalon? ashenvale is heavy in alliance so u just end up dying a bunch before leveling. i plan on buying the grinding pack but i just have this question about ur grinding profile pack.

    There are a bunch of other profiles in the random folder in the  pack so you have 2-4 zone options at any level. 

    STM is rough because every mob there is for a quest and people always want to group up. 

    The mobs in ashenvale(there are a few locations there) are not quest mobs so it's a bit more quit. STM has less alliance.... But more horse who are equally likely to report. 

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