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Posts posted by eeny

  1. On 24/11/2017 at 1:48 AM, Seminko said:

    I do use it in a plugin.

      Hide contents
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using robotManager.Helpful;
    using robotManager.Products;
    using wManager.Plugin;
    using wManager.Wow.Helpers;
    using wManager.Wow.ObjectManager;
    public class Main : IPlugin
        private bool isLaunched;
        public void Initialize()
            isLaunched = true;
            while (isLaunched && Products.IsStarted)
                    foreach (WoWItem item in Bag.GetBagItem())
    					if (item.GetItemInfo.ItemName == "Big-mouth Clam")
    						robotManager.Helpful.Keyboard.DownKey(wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.Memory.WindowHandle, System.Windows.Forms.Keys.ShiftKey);
    						Thread.Sleep(robotManager.Helpful.Others.Random(50, 150));
    						Thread.Sleep(robotManager.Helpful.Others.Random(50, 150));
    						robotManager.Helpful.Keyboard.UpKey(wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.Memory.WindowHandle, System.Windows.Forms.Keys.ShiftKey);
    						Thread.Sleep(robotManager.Helpful.Others.Random(50, 150));
    					else if (item.GetItemInfo.ItemName == "Sealed Crate")
    						robotManager.Helpful.Keyboard.DownKey(wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.Memory.WindowHandle, System.Windows.Forms.Keys.ShiftKey);
    						Thread.Sleep(robotManager.Helpful.Others.Random(50, 150));
    						Thread.Sleep(robotManager.Helpful.Others.Random(50, 150));
    						robotManager.Helpful.Keyboard.UpKey(wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.Memory.WindowHandle, System.Windows.Forms.Keys.ShiftKey);
    						Thread.Sleep(robotManager.Helpful.Others.Random(50, 150));
                catch { }
                Thread.Sleep(1000 * 3); // Wait 3 sec
        public void Dispose()
            isLaunched = false;
        public void Settings()
            MessageBox.Show("No settings for this plugin.");



    Absolute champion!

    Compile it and put it in the plugin section!

  2. 4 hours ago, wookie_cookie said:


    New member here! I recently purchased eeny 1-60 horde grinding profile and ihunter for the  fightclass. I'm currently lvl 34 and i started the bot when i was lvl 30. Everytime i leave the bot on for 3-4 hours i notice that the bot autoquits because i cant run back to my body or it runs back to my body but doesn't rez. Does anyone know how to fix this?




    1....3-4 hours afk on Elysium is a long session.  Bugs like this may be he least of your worries soon.



  3. Im trying to make FC's for vanilla and ship them as .cs files.


    For the life of me i cant get a "hostile unit near=x" condition to work like it does in the xml FC editor.  I cant find any Working examples i can copy the structure from either.


    Attached is what i currently have- trying to get it to work for Thunderclap... once i have something working i can go apply it to other classes.

    Anyone got a file i can look at to see how it should work?


  4. 14 minutes ago, becorath said:


    It has been awhile since I have looked at any code and I have decided to create a couple plugins. I looked through the api and found most of what I wanted to do, but 2 things have eluded me, so I ask your assistance

    If anyone has code snippets for these two things, I would appreciate it very much.

    1) I want to look through bags for gear and get the stats of each piece

    2) I want to check player's class and spec 


    And If anyone has any helpful snippets of code that they would like to share to more quickly familiarize myself with the wRobot api, I would greatly appreciate it. 

    Thank you very much. 


    FYI, these projects will be free when completed. 

    Big question not in your description: what Expac are you looking at?

  5. Get rid of the pulse of 'GakinsSummon" IMO...

    Its a simple " to talk to xyz quest" so all you need to do is pick up from giver and turn in.

    **IF** you need to follow a path - "      <NotRequiredInQuestLog>false</NotRequiredInQuestLog>"

    Set that to true.   you may want to add some "ifhasquest" pulses before so each time you start the bot it doesn't loop back and run the path EVERY time.

  6. Golden rule of botting- If you care about an account, dont bot on it.

    Also, your going to be hard pressed to find someone who says botting while you sleep (6-10 hours) straight is smart.  IMO roll a few new accounts and start levelling- the more accounts the better and schedule them with relogger.

    Funds transfer is always a bitch... best option i know of is to make a lowbie bank char on your main account.  start a guild with name like "super fun leveling pals" and invite all your bots.  F2F is still the best option for transfer, not massive amounts though.  If you get pulled up on the f2F trade you can appeal saying that you know eachother IRL (you are in the same super fun lvling guild) and were simply transfering gold between friends as a loan.  If the Gm brings up botting, your screwed anyway =).

    Mail money/itmes/flasks/ farms from bank to main.


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