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Everything posted by Marsbar

  1. Another example (the further away the mob is, the more incorrect the draw vector is):
  2. Not sure if you can do anything about this but the Draw3D stuff doesn't actually display where the mob/gameobject is correctly on your screen, it seems to be offset. The below is using target position to draw the circle however it seems to be below/behind the mob.
  3. Fight.StopFight(); It's not a condition but a c# function you need to call. If using the xml fight class editor instead of a spell you can add c# code (need to set the option to true where its c#, not a spell). There you'd add something like; Fight.StopFight(); SpellManager.CastSpellByNameLUA("Vanish"); Thread.Sleep(500);
  4. I'll see if I have some time to amend it in the coming week, I'll let you know if I do.
  5. You could probably adapt my plugin to do this: https://wrobot.eu/files/file/1583-aggromonitor/
  6. Did you create the .cs file yourself? If not, which file are you trying to use?
  7. Probably the questing profile you're using. A few questing profiles set their "optimal" settings when you run them. Have a look at the quest steps, there are likely some RunCode ones at the start that do this, you could probably uncheck them.
  8. Hi, When running the WRotation product you are able to double click on the map(in the wrobot interface) to send a GoTo task to the bot, is this a state or manually built into WRotation? I wish to allow this to be used in a product I'm working on. Cheers, Mars
  9. Np, it may have been that the pathfinding server was down, there were some issues lately. I believe they're fixed now though. Also, since you're new make sure to look into the Advanced settings (button bottom right in general settings screen) I've seen quite a few ppl miss that early on.
  10. What kind of a profile was it? Are you sure you weren't using the Automation product (doesn't require a profile and will just hunt things in the area)?
  11. As long as you know which slot the quiver/ammo bag is in, its quite simple to fix. Works in my hunter fc ? Free slots in quiver + current min free bag slots, update it on a timer.
  12. It does work. Change the lower end latency to something like 500-600 and then higher end 700-800.
  13. top left https://gyazo.com/4e17c88232d98ab1c32069d8986e1bfb
  14. What fightclass are you using? It seems the range is set incorrectly, it needs to be lower for your char to get into melee range.
  15. Version 1.0.0


    MoneyMailer - This little plugin will attempt to send any money over your threshold to the char you specified in your wrobot mailing settings. The threshold can be changed in the settings, it's in silver and the default is 100 (so 1g). Be aware that it's hooked up to the MAIL_SHOW lua event, this means that even if you have the bot paused and you open a mailbox it will attempt to send any money above the threshold. If you do not want it to do the mailing, stop the bot. The file is in .cs format so you can open it in a text editor and have a look at the source if you wish.
  16. Searched the forums? this has been brought up a huge amount of times. It's because your addons are taking a high amount of addon memory and WRobot forces reloads because it has a max amount of addon memory that it allows. You have 2 options, disable your addons OR change the amount of addon memory the bot allows. Changing the amount of addon memory it allows can be done by going into the settings folder and editing WRobotGlobalSettings file and changing the MaxLuaMemoryUsage.
  17. SpellManager.GetSpellSlotId is off by 1 slot. it starts with slot 0 (actionbar 1 actionbutton 1) when it should be 1. Logging.Write(SpellManager.GetSpellSlotId(new Spell("Attack").Ids).ToString());
  18. No simple way that I can think of ? You'd probably want a small plugin that checks how far your other char is and if the distance gets too high, stop any fight with the current target (or finish it first) and run to your party member. The problem is you're likely wanting to do this on northdale with the unit view distance being quite low (probably for performance reasons) so you'd have to make the range quite low.
  19. I think the problem isn't having too much water, i assume hes asking how to stop the bot from moving so that it can cast Conjure Food/Water. @fihuvwix is your fightclass in c# or fightclass editor? (if it's not your own, you may want to contact the author of the fightclass).
  20. There's a property that changes the spell to be Lua, so you just add your lua code as a spell name and set that property to true.
  21. In the picture of your screen (lol) it looks like you have RunMacroText("/cast! Heroic Strike") instead you should have RunMacroText("/cast !Heroic Strike") like Ordush posted above.
  22. Have a look at this comment, works very well:
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