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Everything posted by colderpotato

  1. ok used error found was wrong, but problem having is class specific quest pick up ok but turn gets funky and adding class trainer edit: So I dunno fit is i a bug but it'll go to turn in and gets to complete screen exit then talks agains its there as of late nearing end of dwarf zone on dalaran wow. Coul di tbe diff from warmane lordearon where had np making quest profiles this morning?
  2. I dunno if this right area to post but stumped for word on that quest it has 2 parts standard delivery quests, but can't get part 2 to go ok since share same name. Can anyone help me figure it out on 3.3.5a testing warmane/ dalaran wow.
  3. Got say yes because only bought it for 3.3.5a and already started making quest profiles / classes for it. Also wont be problem to sort out profiles, classes, and plugins download section is separated for them. ooops see helps if read post dates better and is there a way to make quest profiles from a 3.3.5a zygor addon seem to do nothing really
  4. Well seems to get stuck my end to no matter what oh well guess move on to other start zones
  5. Well that's nice wish new before worked out up to 5 on human start have yet to try 3905 I'll share it if works out
  6. Version 1.0.1


    Changed a good few thing should be working much better I hope. Will try tweak it more on my main pally on rag, but as sits trying to do some quest files, grinders to 70 and best stab at dk zone.
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Since I could only get questing to do one quest gave up and did this works well lordearon 1x warmane. I also included a go to path from Goldshire to Sentinel Hill have fun!
  8. Version 1.0.0


    I'm probably going to be adding bunch of low level mining paths to this post or making more in future please give me feed back so can make them better!
  9. Version 1.0.0


    This is prob first path I've ever released for bot so let me know what u guys think and what might need be done to it. Because it's sorta of a really huge path since couldn't find huge ares full of ore also tweaked blacklist on caves some.(Made this because it refused to convert HB profiles i have and lazybot)
  10. Version 1.0.0


    I simply edited the unholy replaced it with a blood rotation does an ok job in pve didn't test pvp yet
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