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Everything posted by colderpotato

  1. Dunno but feels like this bugged as talked about in earlier post because as said there can't seem to get anything, bot WOD HB profiles to convert. Also turned a WOD wotlk quest file into either a grinder or gather profile I assume shouldn't do that.
  2. Yah no feed back equals no issue fixing past what I can find running multi bots. Which gets old fast I'm all for offering a 1 to 80 but at rate get no feed back dunno if it really is working for everyone. Because i use the addon turnin with the feature auto accept and turnin complete quests check due to issues of ms setting and satellite internet.
  3. As better said can make your own profiles I'm only going share quester as time allows me to work on that up to a certain point will share it and maybe share what ever grind path I can convert ok.
  4. Was my best try early in morning ok well that helps and yes I've moved on to northend profiles work then probably going to back track. just wasn't sure what i needed to put in there.
  5. Here is what I have tried to no luck and the useitem on skips right past pulse to turnin could that be a bug? I stopped my dk zone work because noticed did same thing.
  6. I'd love to know if someone can provide info on how to go about doing this does it have to by an interact with target? If so how would i set up a macro in it to use the item?
  7. Works fine so far only issue did not see all the people flocking to quest this area when tweaked it from convert on Gamer's District. Still grind fine set keep frostweave cloth can't say it enough aswell as I might release some more grind ups here of my own using quest bot with paths.
  8. Version 1.0.0


    This isn't my own work however I did find wod HB files that did convert down points proper from grind files. So here are my results I added neutral NPCs and mailbox so this can be used on both faction I do recommend finding diff spot if see one going. P.s I just like Muradin!
  9. sorry about that kinda of pissed at that fellow i can edit it to be more proper in min.
  10. Go to https://www.codedeception.com/ipb/index.php?/topic/7471-kicks-level-1-100-and-more/&page=1 It has all the current profiles from hb Kicks with info on how to download them shouldn't be a problem content hasn't changed tbc or wotlk much. Sad part is a tried to convert these and got some kinda of funky grind profile in the end it is safe to say converter needs to be looked over by Droidz is my best guess.
  11. Well zygor 3.3.5a has like no data included with it like the newer ones even then does nothing past importing Id from new one, but the older for sure lacks that info in it. A HB quest profile from 3.3.5 converted to a gather dunno maybe could be a issue happened to all profiles i had I might try it with a cata, mop or wod profile for outland or northend before just rule it bugged. Because i gave up on using that feature since never does anything no matter what profile try listed from 3.3.5a Pirox, and glider are some other i tried to no luck.
  12. It not to big a deal if can fly to set paths up in air for it to follow for gather just more bother-sum when you get into using the quester.
  13. Yah I found that but problem is then need do pathing for quest in outland because it hovers so low to ground when swaps grinds or quests.
  14. Atm i have problems getting use item quest to work i get item id set targets should use a net on and all that. When i run it though the bot skips pulse and goes right to turnin over use item to bring flying mobs down to kill. Also how would one go about setting bot to use boats and portals on the quester?
  15. well private people go oh another boxer on private server that allow and noticed problems with healer so far on it. Yah i for saw that same problem and figured that to work better. Also I set up what i thought was proper healer fight class and does nothing but stand there and watch my tank die, but that's off topic.
  16. So my question is can I group to characters up with refer a friend on a server i know and run the quest bot with em ok? Would it cause problems on gathers and kill/ loot item X number of times? Just wondering it'd help me speed up making profiles because atm I don't even have time like did past week for about next 2 weeks.
  17. yup grinder using the quester so when hit a level moves on up and might add this update on vendors pre-set in it. OH well when originally posted thought put it in grinder section because to be clear does no quests just grinds from 58 to 67 some spots near ally towns, but take it as it is.
  18. I'll get back to working on my quester once this pally is 80.
  19. Version 1.0.0


    I made this earlier today it goes to 67 from 58 and mainly grinds near alliance towns. Can use it horde if want also recommend having bags, flying mount and decent gear. The toon i did these with 1x lordearon was fully 60 twink pvp geared may not be super auto for everyone if gear lacks. Also use quester with this one should go fine its one of those grinders.
  20. Version 1.0.0


    I made this over night and little this morning it works ok for a level 10 so far. Casts Entangling Roots. Wrath Moonfire Mark of the Wild Thorns Rejuvenation below about 60% hp Healing touch below about 45% hp
  21. so i may have found nice fix since can't get it to act right on my home satellite network, turnin the addon let me add npcs minus what i want as rewards sadly. It seems to work better then quest-o-matic let me pick quest what to do so wont get stuck shame for some reason ms setting do nothing for me past working proper on a mobile hotspot/ better internet.
  22. so i've gone as far as to set 2k to 3k ms to no luck it worked for bit earlier at 300 to 569 ms on satellite also, but then haven't gotten up again to finish starting to feel defeated here.
  23. Worked set at 300 ms to 560 on a mobile hotspot, but might need just wait for the grace period tonight on satellite in week and then for data reset but worked. Update: figured it out for satellite I think got it to do turn ins pick items I want so far ok took alot of playing with it and can i use the newer plugins in 3.3.5a bot? Sorry for any problems may of caused just was so upset over turn ins and issue had with ms adjusting.
  24. set the min / max to range my ms is in and well still no turnins
  25. ah i see how can be problem for ping on satellite just started to get super bothered by having to set it every time do new toon. Is any chance that can save that setting in general because i made alot of these when was out sitting on campus then tested them at home to find issues due to diff internet services.
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