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Everything posted by colderpotato

  1. I decided to let bot farm leather shocked to find it wont skin because it tries to loot fast 3 times not giving it enough time to skin and then shortly after mounts and flys off in northend.
  2. For what ever reason software thought i'd like for recording was bit eh video I feel lags when was norm fps during record, but does this help more than screen shots?
  3. Think got paths figured localhost not much left in way of making a grinder to 60 just need sort these paths out.
  4. Yes I plan to do all way to go to 80 but would love to not req addons to help on turnins making video once software is downloaded. Also as it gets higher will be more spacing in it if proves to hard to be 100% auto might split it up. Atm with the throttle bs going on because data limit hard to comment fast should be np in a week. Sigh what get from family being over near new years wasted the limit as guests -_-.
  5. I'm having trouble my net is being throttled hard over data limit assume reason for even issues in pm and comment. Also i had meant to capture video,but need download/ install a program to record my screen with this issue. Also tried PulseAllinOne to no avail only way been working is using an addon called quest-o-matic but stucks some too near level 7 + wont take quest reward, but atm turnins all want to make work better. I'll make a video with me maybe talking or at least showing it as it goes.
  6. Due to how lordearon works there is no fleeing shown in combat log like other realms so wont stun, but dalaran and few other works fine on stun.
  7. pretty sure should do fine it's just making sure area were in a 2 level range and main goal was getting paths done.
  8. Version 1.0.1


    I know says grinder but need put it in quest folder and run it from there. Was tested to see that paths work on localhost and not really tested on grinding. Features: Finds a path from town in loch modon to grind path. grinds each area then moves on to next one following a path.
  9. I haven't see to many issues on pick ups, main issue is it has problems with some tunins and addon using atm is 100% fix for issue
  10. Felt need to inform you guys a rework to all those blacklist is under way again didn't see when combining profiles I lost ones from 10 - 15. Also minor bug forgot to note at top is it will go back to path finding 1 semi gave up on removing it for now since only problem if stop the bot
  11. Is there something special about this one? Because one got off curse is evil wont keep setting set for gear, but auto puts it on which is ok.
  12. Hate to post another thing but it seems wont grab the flight path in loch modon even beefed up range 200 walks right by it nothing. It'd be cool because I 'm thinking of linking profiles once get closer to 60 np and having set to fly to Iron Forge for training if can.
  13. Update to come in bit added few more quests corrected some path finding things I did. Working out blacklist for a few packed spots shouldn't be much longer.
  14. It didn't train at all could that be a minor bug just wondering and at same time is it something I'm doing on profile causing problems for few turnins or a bug? Because Quest-oMatic fixes some of it but can still get stuck even with setting found to work around stuck prior to its us, but what found is tries to take all the quest at an npc and O-matic will try turn in a quest that's not on the profile with no progress stucking it. Which happens only after finishes a kill quest so far comes back tries to turn in one it finished but add-on will go for the extra quest in the log causing that.
  15. Version 1.0.2


    This will go off from where the 1 to 10 leaves off atm it has been started and it will find path out of towers only goes to about 11. Because no longer going off of zygor since don't wan deal with flight paths to much yet, but I am looking into ok quests to do atm. As it sits atm level to 11 and half way to 12 going to be adding filler next update + few quest just ran out of time for it now.
  16. Ok so I added in npc set em as the proper class trainer in wotlk,and in settings made sure box to train. What I 'm getting at is that thee right in doing this? So far it hasn't trained on my 1 to 10 profile since added little while ago.
  17. Should be update tomorrow for 10 to 15 an maybe even to 20. After that plans is to release em in 10 level profile chunks and not going be to fast higher get, but whole goal is 100% afk here maybe merging to 1- 60 then 60 -70 ect. edit: Currently found new bug running two bots last night and well for some reason it love to pick up The Perfect Stout and get stuck atm changed addon setting to just turnin with skip greetings off now. seemed to still have problem for second then went on ok.
  18. Version 1.0.0


    It's a basic rotation I made while working on questing profiles for dwarf.
  19. Something went wrong with last night so checking npc info and quests then updating once happy also the pathing is nice now wont die on long trips to quests. Oh also on side not if use quest addon check skip greetings found works better now like that.
  20. figured it out have yet to look at profiles but need make the simple delivery talk quets like that use a follow path then have a turn in with pulse before it. Just follows point record for it makign easier to not get stuck or die on a route.
  21. adding a goto path so stops running by mobs with chance of death on few parts of testing it now then moving to next zone. Oh so the path option would need be attached to a simple just turn in quest i assum and hope i'm right tired of seeing run by same mobs to die on way to town after start sometimes. Also learned a lesson in using the sell feature of bot today xD.
  22. I found a better addon then my zygor was following making profiles Called Quest-omatic makes life faster on it and doesn't care if it's not on guide
  23. I have the zygor addon it does have turn in issues running 2nd time didn't first time, but with that addon turned on auto accept and turn in on seems to be trooping on.
  24. Version 1.0.9


    Works on Warmane Lordearon and dalaran wow Goes up to about 15 and is for most part afk now. If you have MS issues and changing settings do not work grab the addon turnin set pick up quests and turn in quest that are complete. So work will continue when I have time ran test with it both toons made about 13 or 14 last night, but tweeks need be made in loch modon. Also rumbleshot has issues for some reason no longer picks it up so have to skip that quest by changing it bit. New Updates might be in works,but don't hold breath semi lost interest in it! Set sell feature on buy bags training should work next bot version, but as of 1.5.6 need stop it to train.
  25. There is a video Droidz made on youtube I watched it simply follow steps get all info u need to set it up going release Gnome and Dwarf 1 to 5 but need some love on last 4 quests. I mean it worked just unhappy with it.
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