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Everything posted by BetterSister

  1. i have never tried making custom BG profiles so i can't really help here
  2. Try ItemsManager.HasItemById(38607); instead it atleast works for me. I'll check if count by id works to make it "don't have item by id" add ! before the line
  3. Seems like Droidz has fixed it in the latest update that came this morning
  4. Hmm strange. Sounds like a bug ... I had similar issue with death knight starting zone
  5. Then the object id is wrong
  6. You can just make a quester kill and loot profile and go to wowhead and look for world rare mobs then just add all the IDs in with coordinates example: http://www.wowhead.com/zone=6723/tanaan-jungle#npcs:0-2+1 sort by level
  7. I don't remember in which thread we were talking about bot attacking "dead NPCs" I found the reason for this: Example: at grizzly hills Venture bay there is dead NPCs. They are identified by bot as Alive with full health and stunned. The reason for this is the NPCs have hidden buff called Permanent Feign Death ID 29266 stack 0 timeleft 0 There is millions of IDs with this same name so you can't just go and tell the bot to completely ignore attacking these. What you can do is tell the bot ignore target that has buff named Permanent Feign Death http://www.wowhead.com/spell=29266/permanent-feign-death memory info from this: ================================== TARGET INFO: ================================== GetUnitDynamicFlags = SpecialInfo WowClass = Paladin IsLocalPlayer = False Position = 2771,754 ; -1873,138 ; 5,567168 ; "None" PositionWithoutType = 2771,754 ; -1873,138 ; 5,567168 ; "None" PositionRelativeWithoutType = 2771,754 ; -1873,138 ; 5,567168 ; "None" Health = 4886 MaxHealth = 4886 MyCharacterInFrontHim = False HealthPercent = 100 HealthRatio = 1 IsGoodInteractDistance = False InteractDistance = 4,5 CombatReach = 1,5 IsSwimming = False IsFlying = False IsMovingForward = False IsMovingBackwards = False IsStrafingLeft = False IsStrafingRight = False IsTurningLeft = False IsTurningRight = False IsStunned = True IsFalling = False IsFallingFar = False AggroDistance = 0 Rotation = 2,007129 CreatureTypeTarget = Humanoid FactionTemplate = wManager.Wow.Helpers.WoWFactionTemplate Mana = 3387 MaxMana = 3387 ManaPercentage = 100 Rage = 0 MaxRage = 0 RagePercentage = 0 Fury = 0 MaxFury = 0 FuryPercentage = 0 Pain = 0 MaxPain = 0 PainPercentage = 0 Focus = 0 MaxFocus = 0 FocusPercentage = 0 Energy = 0 MaxEnergy = 0 EnergyPercentage = 0 Chi = 0 MaxChi = 0 ChiPercentage = 0 Runes = 0 MaxRunes = 6 RunesPercentage = 0 RunicPower = 0 MaxRunicPower = 0 RunicPowerPercentage = 0 SoulShards = 0 MaxSoulShards = 0 SoulShardsPercentage = 0 AstralPower = 0 MaxAstralPower = 0 AstralPowerPercentage = 0 UnitClassification = normal IsElite = False IsWorldBoss = False HolyPower = 0 MaxHolyPower = 0 HolyPowerPercentage = 0 Alternate = 0 MaxAlternate = 5 AlternatePercentage = 0 Maelstrom = 0 MaxMaelstrom = 0 MaelstromPercentage = 0 Insanity = 0 MaxInsanity = 0 InsanityPercentage = 0 ArcaneCharges = 0 MaxArcaneCharges = 0 ArcaneChargesPercentage = 0 Faction = 2143 DisplayId = 24672 GetMove = False SpeedMoving = 0 GetDistance = 14,07801 GetDistance2D = 14,04358 GetDistanceZ = 0,9840899 IsAlive = True IsDead = False IsLootable = False IsMyPet = False HasTarget = False IsTargetingMe = False IsTargetingMyPet = False IsTargetingPartyMember = False IsTargetingMeOrMyPet = False IsTargetingMeOrMyPetOrPartyMember = False IsMyTarget = True IsMyPetTarget = False IsPartyMemberTarget = False IsMeOrMyPetTarget = True IsMeOrMyPetOrPartyMemberTarget = True Target = 00000000000000000000000000000000 TargetObject = (Object) : 0x00000000 : 00000000000000000000000000000000 : Null-0-0-0-0-0-0000000000 Level = 73 EffectiveLevel = 0 IsBoss = False PetNumber = 0 Name = Westfall Brigade Marine DBCacheRow = 1243581236 UnitFlags = NotAttackable, Stunned, Dazed UnitNPCFlags = None Skinnable = False IsNpcSpiritHealer = False IsNpcRepair = False IsNpcVendor = False IsFlightMaster = False IsNpcInnkeeper = False IsNpcVendorFood = False IsAuctioneer = False IsNpcTrainer = False IsNpcWildPets = False Summon = 00000000000000000000000000000000 CreatedBy = 00000000000000000000000000000000 CreatedBySpell = 0 SummonedBy = 00000000000000000000000000000000 IsPet = False PetOwnerGuid = 00000000000000000000000000000000 InCombat = False InCombatFlagOnly = False InCombatWithMe = False CastingSpellId = 0 CastingSpell = (Id found: 0, Name found: , NameInGame found: , Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False) CastingTimeLeft = 0 IsCast = False CanInterruptCasting = False IsMounted = False MountDisplayId = 0 TransportGuid = 00000000000000000000000000000000 InTransport = False Reaction = Hostile IsTracked = False IsOnTaxi = False NotSelectable = False IsAttackable = False PlayerControlled = False Silenced = False Rooted = False Root = True Influenced = False Confused = False Pacified = False Fleeing = False Possessed = False NpcMarkerId = 0 NpcMarker = None IsOutdoors = True IsIndoors = False IsPartyMember = False IsPartyLeader = False GetBaseAddress = 1758166220 IsValid = True GetDescriptorStartAddress = 1758173004 Guid = 0027110007AD739E20309847601ADB40 Guid128 = Creature-0-3110-571-10001-27501-0007AD739E Type = Unit GetDynamicFlags = 32 IsInvisible = False Entry = 27501 Scale = 1 BuffStack("Ghost") = 0 HaveBuff("Ghost") = False BuffCastedBy("Ghost") = 00000000000000000000000000000000 Auras: - Permanent Feign Death: ID=29266, Stack=0, TimeLeft=0 ms, Owner=0027110007AD739E20309847601ADB40, Flag=Passive, PlayerCasted, Harmful, Duration, Negative, CasterLevel=73, Mask=50331688
  8. this system is there to avoid walking to target in long distance. I personally think 30 sec ignore is too long. More like 10s would do it. Currently it isn't configurable but it should be so we who create dungeon farming profiles won't have issues with it
  9. i did some research This should be doable using Gatherer like this: same system works on jadefire braziers quest by adding the object ID and few hotspots and large search distance
  10. I don't have legion yet so can't try it :/
  11. How big loop it moves?
  12. As Droidz said first help us help you fix these problems and if it still after getting it to work isn't what you are looking for then let's talk about refunds it sure is possible but these problems are easy to fix
  13. try changing DX version from WoW and retry. Remember to restart WoW
  14. wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(new Vector3(38.23928f, 10.52102f, -4.297345f), NPCID, 1, false); edit the coords and change npcid
  15. it should repeat it forever?
  16. doesn't work like that. Bot tries to take a specific quest with specific ID if it won't receive the quest it's stuck
  17. okay i found first problem. The daily has different quest ID for everyday. I'm looking for a way to counter this.... http://www.wowhead.com/quest=13673/a-blade-fit-for-a-champion
  18. I'll answer this when i wake up in 9 hours . Im off to sleep now. This is possible but i need access to my pc first
  19. Hard to tell what is the problem... Could you paste logs?
  20. It isn't automatic renewal. Everytime it is about to run out you'll get notify to renew it
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