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Everything posted by BetterSister

  1. looks like i was just blind...
  2. Nope
  3. It would be cool if users (atleast these with alot of post counts like 200+) have access to making polls
  4. or you can delete wowerror.exe so there won't be wowerror
  5. Not a way to force the bot to use it but some kindof workaround because there isn't buff that we could track and use when buff is there and "spell is usable" doesn't work for checking if it's usable for some reason
  6. Beautiful. Could you please post a photo of your talent build for lvling?
  7. If anyone got more of these what you'd like to get added post here We need a way to: 1: Tell bot to use nearest flight master and fly to specified place (Example: ObjectManager.Me.FlyTo(Orgrimmar);) (add it to creators too) 2: Tell the bot to use nearest class or profession trainer (example: ObjectManager.Me.GoToTrainer(class); (add it to creators too) These 2 would help alot at developing questers or grinders
  8. Droidz has converted some KICKZ grinding profilesto wrobot but everyone use them making the areas really high risk even if there currently is no one. Using 1-max is impossible right now because you can't go between kalimbor and eastern kingdom (same for outland and northrend too) that's why people do like 10 lvls at once then you must switch place and profile. Wrobot released the wotlk bot just couple months ago but we're working hard to get the wotlk profiles out
  9. i wrote a quick plugin to see if checking the buffs work. For me it does now detect them properly using robotManager.Helpful; using robotManager.Products; using System; using System.Threading; using wManager.Plugin; using wManager.Wow.Helpers; using wManager.Wow.ObjectManager; using Timer = robotManager.Helpful.Timer; public class Main : IPlugin { private bool _isLaunched; public void Dispose() { _isLaunched = false; Logging.Write("Drink and eat debuger by betterSister disabled"); } public void Initialize() { _isLaunched = true; Logging.Write("Drink and eat debuger by betterSister enabled"); var timer = new Timer(5 * 1000); while (_isLaunched && Products.IsStarted) { try { if (timer.IsReady && Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndProductStartedNotInPause) { if (ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Food")) { Logging.WriteDebug("We have Food buff"); } if (ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Drink")) { Logging.WriteDebug("We have Drink buff"); } if (!ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Drink") && !ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Food")) { Logging.WriteDebug("We don't have Drink or Food buffs"); } } } catch (Exception e) { Logging.WriteDebug("ERROR ON DRINK EAT DEBUGER: " + e); } Thread.Sleep(150); } } public void Settings() { Logging.WriteDebug("We don't have settings"); } }
  10. Private server or retail? If it's for private server I could make one for 5k g on Warmane Lordaeron. I'll do it using c# and free updates ofcourse i can't do for retail tho
  11. Np I'll look at it
  12. If you're at computer could you write the script before i get home?
  13. Last time i tried it didn't detect the buff. I will be home in 9 hours then i can try to debug it more
  14. Yes case sensitive and yes it uses after few seconds from using last one
  15. It floods the item untill it reaches around 90% mana or hp and sometimes doesn't continue from there. Happent most of the time while using my 1-13 quester and mage food (muffins and what the drink item name is.. I'll check them when i get home)
  16. I did get a crash this morning with relogger. It couldnt restart because WRobot couldnt use dx. Is there a way to make relogger use no dx version cuz it worked fine for me before?
  17. there is alot to fix today
  18. same issue if it fails DX hooktest
  19. i'm running 6 accounts now so if i set all accounts to minimum settings and small windows i can run upto 30 accounts.
  20. Not wrobot fault but i just had to order a 500GB SSD and 32GB DDR3 1600MHz since 12GB 1333MHz isn't enough... RIP 400eur
  21. My RAM is at its limit and my HDD clearly isn't capable of running 6 WoWs at once causing restarts to take upto 5 minutes. Could you make it so it waits upto 5 minutes on after character screen for world to open up before it restarts the client?
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