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Everything posted by Brian

  1. going to bed right now
  2. Just make a quick script to display all buff IDs , find drink id and use it could be differnt the wowhead one or something maybe? So find it manually
  3. Can you do ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff(DrinkID);
  4. Use the relogger (in beta) so far so good though!
  5. After the most recent update, my default license always resets to trial. Does this happen to anyone else?
  6. Are they downloaded plugins or custom? If custom, they could have bugs
  7. Lots of crashes with Automation as well
  8. already in wrobot bin folder
  9. You can level 1-60 with grinding with wrobot
  10. Yes, you can quest with honorbuddy 1-100 easy
  11. I botted 14hours a day with one of the most public script with honorbuddy (most public/wellknown bot) and still don't have a ban to this day.
  12. I actually requested a bot functionality change that would solve your problem, (changing blacklist from static on load to dynamic). I could make my own blacklist class, however I am hoping droidz will update the bot to allow for blacklists to be dynamic. I'll look into more when I get home, if wRobot allows for mob skipping based on memory location, and has a move on function(I may write this myself, since it will be very useful in general) I could easily write a temp blacklist class that would solve your problem. May be more work than it's worth since droidz will hopefully update the current blacklist class to allow for dynamic additions. However, I will look into it and get back to you.
  13. Taking requests from developers who want certain API functions that aren't currently implemented. Trying to make a public API library that adds onto the wrobot base API. Don't request wrappers for other profiles
  14. Still crashing. However now, instead of a crash report, WoW just stops responding after 2-3 hours. This is with automation. 2 updates ~ ago it worked fine, had 24hour bot runtime
  15. If you really wanted to get it to work, I'm sure you could "hard code" it. Though it would be a significant amount of work
  16. I saw this issue today for the first time, It isn't an everytime occurrence for me, was just when a certain set of parameters were met, I just restarted bot and it worked fine.(I can't remember the parameters, I can test more if needed) note this was not with a custom regen class like I am assuming he is using.
  17. Confirmed crashed as well today. first one in 3 days of non stop botting
  18. Was requesting an addon for it, not fixing a bot function
  19. Debug all your buffs to the logger to see if it's just called something else in wrobot(though I don't see why it would) or you can use buff ID (if that's implemented in wrobot)
  20. Debug buffs through wrobot to see if the problem is with "Drink"
  21. Disabled bit defender / make an exception then redownload
  22. Someone should make a plugin that relogs on Lord after a crash. I know the bot has a relogger, but it will only work with a non-server crash related relog being needed.
  23. Not sharing for a while? Need that leech ??... Would pay bank for a questing 1-60
  24. Via this thread, just making an official report.
  25. When adding a NPC to blacklist, it requires a restart of wRobot to take effect. Is there anyway to change this? I am assume it's impossible from my end (requires update to wRobot), because there are many bugged mobs around warmane so I plan on making an addon add a target to blacklist if it evades x times, or if a timer gets to large when trying to interact with a unit, but without npc blacklist refreshing without a wRobot restart, I wouldn't bother because it would be useless. Also, I think npc blacklisting is a bit bugged, I added a npc that is below the ground to the blacklist, restart wrobot/wow, and the bot still tried to attack it. (I confirmed the mob was in the blacklist database) Same issues applies to zone blacklist, I would like to be able to dynamically change zone blacklists without restarting wRobot. Also, would like fixed, this is a major bug and effects my profiles many times an hour and causes deaths which shouldn't happen.
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