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Everything posted by Ohren

  1. Did you add it in the right folder?
  2. UseItemByName("name", "target") Using this in your fight class then adding conditions and turning Is not spell, is LUA (I believe that's what it says) to True. Note: This is going by memory, I can't be 100% sure that's the LUA command.
  3. Attached is a copy of an AWESOME frost (2h weapon) rotation I used in LFR. Even with raid boss HP percent being bugged right now, I was doing 150k DPS single target. And that bug made Soul Reaper waste 15 runes, which could have been another 2.1m damage (approximately 10k added DPS). I use it in WRotation only so it doesn't have any survivability programmed in, or long term cooldowns (Pillar of Frost/Empowered Rune Weapon etc). Feel free to use it as a base for your own grinder profile if you'd like.
  4. It did it to all 4 of the first bosses in Siege of Orgrimmar. http://www.wowhead.com/npc=71543 http://www.wowhead.com/npc=71475 http://www.wowhead.com/npc=71965 http://www.wowhead.com/npc=71734 And I will check on the main window for target info later.
  5. All of my fight classes are set up for L80+. Some are L90. If you want, I can make you a fightclass that is good for your level. Just message what spells you actively use at your current level.
  6. I have a new frost DK rotation I have been working on. It works EXCELLENT for everything but raid bosses (it even works great on adds during a raid boss fight. The issue I am running into is with Soul Reaper. It is set to only activate if the mobs HP is less than 35%. Problem is, on raid bosses it triggers that spell constantly, from 100% all the way down to 0%. I've done some checking around, and it doesn't have issues on dungeon bosses. I've only tested this in LFR style raids, not normal or flex yet.
  7. I am working on my Frost DK Wrotation, and the rune count condition just doesn't work for me... I have managed to get this far.. for i=1,6 do _, _, a = GetRuneCooldown(i);print(a) end It returns true or false for all 6 runes. Now how do I get to count all that into a numerical variable named returnVar so I can actually use it for my fight class? EDIT: j = 0;for i=1,6 do _, _, a = GetRuneCooldown(i); if a == true then j = j + 1; end end if j >= 3 then b = 1; end This seems to work awesome
  8. Hey Darktempler, I have found a better work around. Using LUA just put down... _, _, _, count, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ = UnitAura("player", "Maelstrom Weapon"); In return value research use "5". In return value var user "count". Fires perfectly. I was having issues using the normal Buff => Maelstrom = True
  9. I'll be running them on my toons, so as long as I don't upgrade any gear, it will be the same. If I do upgrade I'll post updated data.
  10. Death Knight Druid Hunter Mage Monk (My monk is currently only L76, so it will be a while before I accept any challenges on him) Paladin Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior Fury 420 iLvl Damage: 5,836,692 over 299.91 seconds (19,461 DPS)
  11. I'm getting back into the fight class game since my divorce is final and I am all moved into my new house. Now that there is more people making fight classes, here is my idea. Goal To get the best fight classes we possibly can for WRobot. Some details Fight classes will be going head to head against my current fight classes in a couple of categories. Categories DPS: On a single target dummy, I'll let it sit there for about 10 minutes and get the results. This is more just to see how well the fight class will do against raid bosses. Survivability: I'll put the bot into a dungeon (Stormstout on normal mode for DPS fight classes, and Stormstout on heroic for tank) and see how far it makes it, using the best result out of 3 attempts (trying not to leave much to chance). Some more details After I get the results of the head to head comparison posted here, you can make changes to your fight class and challenge me again. To challenge me, your profile MUST be posted in the public download section on wrobot.eu. If you happen to best me, I will have one week (from the time the testing is complete) to have a rematch with you. If my fight class package doesn't currently have the spec you want to challenge me on, it may take a bit longer to run that competition. Rewards I am not sure exactly what the rewards will be right now. But it will probably end up being some TCG/rare drop battle pets. Update (9/13): You will also get your fight class added into my fight class package, including your username in the title. That package is the most downloaded file (140,577 total downloads to date) on wrobot.eu so you will have some bragging rights.
  12. I've managed to create one class for dungeon farming.But it's an easy dungeon to do it on (Sethekk Halls since I run it on multiple toons every single day).
  13. There is also an addon that does this for you if you don't want to use a profile. http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/kautoquest
  14. Let's have our own competition Darktempler! I think you're at my level (possibly better even, since you owned my issue on my enhancement shaman xP) at making fight classes. I think having some competition would help make our fight classes even better.
  15. It's a HORRIBLE idea to afk bot in a group with 25 people there to report you. You'd be better off using WRotation and allow it to control your movement, then just go eat some ice cream until boss (or more than likely, you from standing in stuff) dies. At least then they can just be like "Zomgggg u fail hrd nub" and vote to kick you. The later keeps your account un-flaged.
  16. That can be fixed in your fight class. Add the option to only use if the target is attacking you. Or set a manual range to use it if Target Distance > 20 yards.
  17. Yes! I'm surprised I never caught that. All my fight classed should be getting updates before Monday. Dark, any other fight classes you need? I'll spend a bit of extra time on it. XP
  18. I have all but one of the bugs fixed in my enhancement fight class. And that issue is just in casting Lightning Bolt when it hits 5 stacks of Maelstrom.
  19. The fight class I use on my arms is supposed to come with the bot I believe. If not, it's
  20. Frost Strike and Plague Strike uses the same spell ID. So if you use Plague Strike as the spell name, it fires Frost Strike instead. Check it out in my frost DK fight class that came with the bot.
  21. If anyone can fix the issue in my enhancement fight class, I will be so happy. It's confused me for too long. Sometimes Lightning Bolt won't be cast even though the Maelstrom Weapon stack is at 5. I am leveling my enhancement now, and even using Healing Surge with the condition Buff Stack Maelstrom Weapon == 5, it doesn't work.
  22. I had that flying to the top of the map issue earlier, but I just left the fisher bot going on my secondary account, and it filled up my bags while I was at work, no issues.
  23. Alright, I just found out it does it no matter what when Precision Mode is on for me
  24. Alright, I made a quick pool fishing circle near Skettis (Outlands -> Terokkar Forest). Issues It isn't actually catching anything, just casting and sitting there, casting again, then sitting around again. I've completely re-installed WRobot, reset my keybinds, made sure WoW was running 32 bit. Nothing helped. Any odd settings that could trigger this? I'm out of ideas. (The log looks completely normal, moves to the spot, then keeps casting fishing, nothing out of place)
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