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Everything posted by Ordush

  1. To everybody who is not bothering to read any posts before their own. I'll just add this again. Me and my brother is going to rewrite everything i've done. As soon as the auth system is complete. (It'll be done very soon). I will start with bringing the hunter quality up to the same standard my vanilla one has. ?
  2. NONE of these things above are actually valid bugs with my FC. Aspect of the Hawk works perfectly fine so does, racials Rapid Fire etc. As late as yesterday i helped a user fix some issues with feeding pet. He was playing on netherwing wtihout any of those issues. Please check the FAQ, do what it says. If that doesn't fix your issues, try running wow + wrobot as admin. If that does help, add me on Discord, and we'll get these issues solved. ?
  3. Does RobotAlert have a lua function, where you can send lua code to the client? Or is it able to use macros? I made commands that you can just add to a macro for it. Currently i'm working with my brother on an auth system. We're not developing anything until this auth system is done and working. However when it's done (soon) we'll begin rewriting everything I've made, as well as releasing new content. Can you add these things to "suggetions" please? Then i won't forget. ? The FD, it should start autoshooting. I will revise my code and see if it's me who made a mistake, but afaik it should be working fine. ? (I have not gotten any other reports about this issue). I am at work atm. So i can't check my code, but i'm 99.9999% sure that it is working. So maybe something is interfering for you? An addon perhaps? Maybe a plugin? Hard to tell. Try a fresh wrobot install in another folder to and add ONLY my fightclass, and run as wrotation to see if it's happening then. If it isn't then it's something else interfering. Links to suggestions:
  4. None of us really approve of using fightclass for PVP. - My TBC stuff doesn't have auto-update yet no. ?
  5. That is not gonna happen though. I am making the code right now To qoute myself agian
  6. Okay all. I've found out that netherwing is as badly scripted when it comes to pet handles as K3 is. Here is a short qoute that i wrote to another player on the issue: So in short, wait for an update! ?
  7. Add me on discord, we'll take a look at it. ? I'm Ordush in the wrobot discord.
  8. Try reinstalling wrobot into a new folder. (however this issue also existed on K3 which was really badly written, perhaps your server is also really badly written?)
  9. Please make sure that you have stuff disabled that your char doesn't know. That seems to have been an issue earlier. The hunter does backtrack when mobs are too close. If this doesn't work try reinstalling wrobot, and make sure you are running no wow addons. - As you can read above i will be rewriting the hunter soon.
  10. Well it does work lol. You just have some issues. If it didn't work this forum would be spammed ? And you have no addons? - contact me Ordush on the discord channel. We'll see if i can help you out better. ?
  11. And you are running wow and wrobot as admin? AND you are doing changes WHILE the bot is running?
  12. Yeah, sorry for me being harsh. I need to be a better supporter, like i used to. But when you begin getting 10-20 support pm's etc. a day and most of them are stuff that is already in the FAQ OR doesn't even have anything to do with my stuff. You automatically begin dismissing most stuff as fast as you can. I've also had a lot of issues with stress the last 3 months, which doesn't help much on the temper. However none of what i wrote above was meant to be hard or anything. Just not full of smileys =P - But don't worry my brother has joined my team, and we're coming with a LOT of new stuff that you can look forward to soon! I'm sure he'll figure out how to permanently fix the action bar stuff in a way that i hadn't thought of. ?
  13. Because if you are botting, there is no reason to have sound on? The whole reason you play with sound is to enjoy the sounds coming while playing, but when you are botting. I can't imagine you are sitting in front of your screen 24/7. Unless ofc. you only use it for rotation. If that is the case, then i'm afraid i currently don't have a fix for vanilla. since mute sound as cvar wasn't added until TBC.
  14. You shouldn't bot with sound on. It's because in vanilla there are some functions you can't use, without holding a spell in the curser as minimum. So what you are hearing is the spell being picked up checked, then put down again. One of these spell being "Auto Shoot". There is no way to check if the hunter is auto shooting without either having auto shoot on the actionbar or having it on the curser. Yes i could put the spell on the action bar (I am actually doing this) but unfortunately that gave me a LOT of pm's from people that couldn't get auto-shoot to work. Because guess what? They removed the spell from the action bar. ?
  15. I moved your post to the right forum, in the right topic. Try reading the FAQ first, if that doesn't help get back here. ?
  16. The TBC version of the fightclass, has some issues with melee fighting. I am going to rewrite it soon. I am working with my brother now, so it's not just me but also csMax who is deveolping on my stuff. He is a longtime programmer, and is way more skilled than I am. So you can await some new powerful features etc. We are currently working on an auth system. When that is done, we'll begin rewriting and releasing new stuff. ?
  17. Hey mate Me and csMax are gonna make an auth system first, when that is done. We'll begin optimizing everything I've made. (i will finish the warlock FC on the sideline). We just don't want to release a lot of new work before we're done with the auth. ?
  18. Sounds like you don't have permissions to save your settings. Try running wrobot as admin same with wow. Remember that any setting you change while wrobot not running will reset.
  19. I've heard others have issues with this. But i can't fix this issue, because it's not my fightclass that does it. It's the combination of my fightclass and something else, i don't even know the code to set click to move. I could find out what it is, but there is no reason at all for me to force click to move on. In short, there is nowhere in my code i enable click to move. IF you read the above comment, you could see that i am going to rewrite it soon. Hopefully it will fix the incompatibility with whatever is causing this issue,.
  20. Yes ofc. It's a dll file that is encrypted. I am glad that you read the FAQ! ? Everything is set in-game!
  21. Sorry you can't change range. I thought you were on vanilla, my bad! Arcane shot requires you to have aspect of the hawk on.
  22. Hey mate. No i don't do discounts sorry. The amount of hours put into both vanilla and tbc fightclasses are not even close to what i earn from selling them. Contrary to popular belief it's not just copy paste lol. ?
  23. You can change the range in the in-game interface. Try turning arcane shot off and then on. If this does not work, then it's probably because it doesn't have permissions to write in the settings file. (Remember that the bot HAS to run when you make changes, otherwise it will just overwrite the changes when you start it. Make sure you run wow AND wrobot as admin.
  24. @Omon I have sent you new download links for everything you have bought. Thanks for buying my stuff! ? If you register to sellfy using the same mail that you pm'ed me, then you will be able to see what you have bought and download it. ?
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