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Everything posted by Ordush

  1. Try reinstalling wrobot to a new folder.
  2. aaah i understand what you mean now. There are proxy plugins for most browsers. You can even set up most browsers to use a proxy, without any plugins. Personally for firefox i use foxy proxy. ?
  3. Yeah, probably about time that the TBC FC gets some love. I am currently working on a few projects, but i promise i will get around to the tbc hunter too! ?
  4. I am not totally sure that i understand your question. Can you rephrase? ?
  5. Yeah i understand, and that is what i do if i'm doing plugins/fc's etc. But there is a bug with the quester. So you can't just return CODE You have to return true/false. At least it was there when i did RFC. ?
  6. Haha Yeah, that would work in a plugin or if you made your quester using c#. But if you use the quest editor and you don't have "return false" it will spit out errors. ? At least, that is my experience! ?
  7. if (ObjectManager.Pet.Name == "Wolf") return true; else return false;
  8. Ah. You can just check your pet name. ? If your pet name is wolf. then complete the step.
  9. You just check the quest if it's completed. If the quest tells you to tame a pet, then you check if that quest is complete.
  10. It seems that some of the software used for running wrobot https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1381-repairinstall-wrobot/ Edit: I'd like to reference to question nr 3 in https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/9189-faq/
  11. Hey mate! In your wrobot folder you need to make a folder called: FightClass You put the fightclass in this folder. It can be used with any product. Fightclasses controls the combat part of the bot. Tells it what spells to use etc. It controls spells. It does not control movement. ? For movement (i.e. something telling it where to grind mobs etc.) You need to get a grinding profile. There are plenty both paid and free ones on the forum. Those goes into folder: Profiles In here you have 4 folders: Battlegrounder (here goes BG profiles) Gatherer (here goes gathering profiles) <- Don't confuse these with gathering questing profiles! Grinder (here goes grinding profiles) <- Don't confuse these with grinding questing profiles! Quester (here goes questing profiles) <- Many grinders/gatheres are controlled by questing profiles, and it will most likely be stated in the profiles page where it has to go. ? Hope this helps. If not, do not hesitate to write
  12. Are you by any chance targeting a taget that is sheeped, frozen or anything else, that you are not supposed to break? Because that will pause the bot as well, to make sure the bot doesn't attack the target
  13. If you pause the fightclass in-game. It pauses wrobot. if you do not pause it in-game it will not pause wrobot.
  14. That is because in Vanilla, you can not check if auto shoot is active without having the skill on the actionbar. So the fightclass puts the skill on the actionbar in order to check if autoshoot is active, it has to keep doing that incase people remove the spell (believe it or not some people do). This is quite normal and most fightclasses does this. (most good ones). You can just remove your sound, that's the only work around, since you can't turn off sound with lua in vanilla either. This has nothing to do with your skinning problem at all. You need to increase the wrobot latency.
  15. I am not gonna share what i am doing. I am obviously on the newest version of wrobot. (I always am lol) Took me a few days. It was running 24/7 for 4-5 days.
  16. ? If there is a way to disable multi-shot? ? Well... ? You could turn it OFF in the in-game interface? ?
  17. The TBC server i am playing on is Warmane =P I am mainly playing Vanilla. He is right about some of the points: IF wrobot was detected, and auto ban was a thing: Insta ban when attaching wrobot. IF wrobot was detected, and auto ban was NOT a thing: The GM's would get a report, JUST like if you use speedhack/teleport hack. (Try making your own vanilla server, and use speedhack on it, and you will know what i am talking about): GM's may check you out over a period of time: HOWEVER it's much more likely that the same message they get when someone is using speed hack, comes was a warning when a DB query flags your account. Example: I used to host a minecraft server, where i recorded every block a player mined. I could then compare the amount of blocks mined to the amount of diamond blocks people mined. This way i could very easily see if people used "xray" to see where diamond blocks were. However if instead of going directly for the diamond blocks, they would mine a shit ton of stone, just for lols. I would have a harder time catching them. Then i'd compare amount of diamond to the time spent on the server, or diamond compared to other materials etc. Same goes for private servers. They monitor and save everything you do to their DB. If they wanted to, they'd probably even be able to tell you how many yards your player had traveled Now the same way that i could see inconsistencies with my players using xray. They do the same to the way that your char behaves. That doesn't mean you are a botter, but it does mean that they have a reason to look at your player. If they decide to do that, it's easy for them to see that you are indeed a player.
  18. Again, i can't say anything about wotlk. Because i have no clue (never used wrobot for it). However, my TBC accounts should all have been banned many times over by now. ? Anyway, i don't understand how any of this comes as a surprise to most of you? It seems that you have never botted before. ? Everybody KNOWS that it's always a risk using a bot. Hell there were TONS of guides to "safely" bot with HB, back then. Even following these guides, some people still got busted. There is no doubt that the private servers has upped their game. But it should be obvious, now that so much has been developed with wrobot. Means a lot more people botting: This also results in private server owners looking way more into botters. ?
  19. Keyword "detected the moment you login." That is exactly what makes the difference between being detected or not. If wrobot was detected, it would be the moment you log in. ?
  20. It's so easy to find out if it's detected.. Start wow, begin playing using wrotation, nothing else. If you get banned while using wrotation and wrotation only, then it's a completely different matter. I don't know about wotlk, i never tested there. But i leveled a mage to 70 without getting banned. That was done only using wrotation using an exploit that i am obviously not gonna share. Fact just is: I did all the leveling using wrotation.
  21. It's set to 8 yards if i recall. I am working on it atm. ?
  22. It's for the proxy you have bought. ?
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