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Everything posted by Ordush

  1. Okay, so the server thinks that you are using PQR. That means, they don't know you are using a bot. But somehow they know that your rotation is automated, because that is what PQR does. How they are detecting that, is hard to tell. I would try and make a fightclass that only has like one ability or something, to see if it's the unlocking Lua itself that does it.
  2. When you get banned, does the server say that they banned you for using PQR?
  3. I am working on a secret project, and it works. Give me some time to finish my other stuff and i will make a release. (Yes i made a dungeon bot)
  4. I think you should see canons as vehicles. ? edit: Probably wanna use ClickOnTerrain
  5. Version 1.2.5


    This is my In-game Settings plugin for WRobot. It's an advanced plugin that gives you an in-game interface where you can change many aspects of wrobot. For support and suggestions please use: https://wrobot.eu/forums/forum/90-in-game-settings-plugin/ Purchase Links https://sellfy.com/p/I2ve/ Features The plugin adds an in-game interface where you can change WRobot settings while playing, instead of having to Alt+Tab out and find the right wrobot window. It is made so other plugin/fightclass/profile creators can integrate into it adding their stuff to it. Below there is an example of my hunter fightclass integrating into it. The plugin has a minimap button that you can use to toggle the settings window on/off. It can be moved and resized. It will obviously save the minimap button settings between sessions. Information This tab has some general info about my products, as well as info about the current integrated plugins/fightclasses. The dream is that every plugin out there will integrate into it. General Settings This tab shows the General Settings tab from WRobot. Here you can change all the settings in-game and they will even update in the wrobot window., so if you are playing and suddently want to turn on Selling Items, you can do it without even stopping the bot. Extra Settings - Autoloot BoP Items <- If On, Bind on Pikcup items will automatically be looted. Minimap Button Here you can make the changes to the minimap button. - Minimap Button <- Hides/Unhides the minimap button. (If you use my fightclasses or want to use commands, you can hide it.) - Lock Minimap Button <- Locks/Unlocks the minimap button, if it's locked it won't be movable. - Minimap Button Size <- This slider decides the size of the minimap button. it has a set minimum size, and set maximum size. (Let me know if you think the min/max should be changed. If you are using one of my fightclasses, the "settings" button on the status frame will toggle the same window (no need for minimap button) Commands /wr or /wrobot <- Shows available commands (You can use /wr or /wrobot for all commands) /wrobot settings <- Shows the in-game settings frame /wrobot IGS version <- Shows the version of in-game settings /reload or /reloadui <- You can now reload ui with /reload or /reloadui instead of having to /run ReloadUI() Coming Soon - WRobot Advanced Settings Tab <- I am going to add all the advanced settings tabs to the plugin, i just need to decide if i'm going to use the same design or another. - Custom In-game Settings toggles. <- This plugin is not limited to other plugins/fightclases or wrobot settings. I will add some usefull toggles, like Auto Loot BOP items etc. - Stuff that i feel WRobot misses. - Upgrade to Expansions TBC, WOTLK, Cata, etc. (Works with Vanlla atm, but might work withe other expansions) Versions: In-game Interface Integration with one of my fightclasses
  6. It's HMP and it does nothing. There many addons out there, like bugsack that will catch those errors and remove them from your screen. ?
  7. @food4me New version released with pet food database (Like the one FNV did, just with more foods and you can now add them in-game, by name instead of ID). ?
  8. As you can see by the FAQ, it IS a coincidence, that error is coming all the time, it's technically coming if you use any spell. Anyway the next update, i have rewritten cooldown check, so wrobot doesn't cry about it. ?
  9. and you pressed "Enter" and not ESC? Disable feed pet and install the plugin - Until i release my update. ?
  10. First change your combat range to 35 then back to 25. It's a bug SOME people get, i fixed it in the next release. You need to tell it what food to eat, under the settings. If it doesn't eat the food you entered, then you either did not press enter or spelled the food name wrong. Next update i am adding auto feeding.
  11. You can even edit this so it works with cata. Should be quite simple. ?
  12. Traps does not really work very well in Vanilla, as soon as you enter combat they disappear.
  13. Yep! That solved the problem! ? UserControlTabGeneralSettings.RealoadGeneralSettings(); Still does not work though. There is a spelling error: RealoadGeneralSettings(); Is supposed to be ReloadGeneralSettings(); However, that definition does not exists either yet. Is it me being completely retarded? ?
  14. Many times, I have had this issue for months. It's on ALL my pc's that run windows 10, even my work computer. ? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2859790/the-request-was-aborted-could-not-create-ssl-tls-secure-channel Apparently it's an issue that's also discussed on stackoverflow
  15. @Droidz Did you ever get this update out Droidz? (Vanilla) Also btw. ever since I've upgraded to win 10 i get this error: 21:04:52 - Error during download, please verif link. 21:04:50 - error: System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel. at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName) at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(String address, String fileName) at UpdateManager.UpdateManager.() I've turned off firewall, anit-virus etc. It does however update when there are updates, so not sure why it's even saying it lol
  16. Your memory? You do not want to clear your memory. :) However, when you close wrobot, it's removed from memory almost right away. If you want to be sure; Open task manager with CTRL + SHIFT + ESC Then make sure wrobot is not in your process list (Win 10 click "more details")
  17. Ah, not sure how i did not see that. I added the method, and the remaining references (PresentationCore, PresentationFramework and WindowsBase). And it doesn't give any errors, however. When i run foreach (var instancesOfImplementingType in GetInstancesOfImplementingTypes<UserControlTabGeneralSettings>()) { instancesOfImplementingType.LoadGeneralSettings(); } nothing happens for some reason. ?
  18. @Droidz What reference do i need for this to work? I guess that i need using wManager.Wow.Forms; for the UserControlTabGeneralSettings However it says GetInstancesOfImplementingTypes doesn't exist in that context.
  19. Haven't tried it yet, but seems like it's exactly what I need! Cheers!
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